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Results 26551-26560 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated New York 2d of May ulto., inclosing the copy of a letter from the Honble. the Secretary of War, announcing that the Honble. Arthur St. Clair, was ex officio Superintendant of indian affairs in the North–Western Territory, and directs all Military officers serving in that district to respect him as such, and to Issue such...
Before entering on a subject, to the merits of which I must beg leave to solicit your Excellency’s attention; it will be necessary to state, as a data, that on the 4th. inst., the Honble the Secretary of war, honored me with a conversation in his office respecting my late trial .—After his having expressed much surprise why the commanding general had so long withheld the promulgation of the...
Coln Lehre Commissiary general of the miltia of this State, is on a tower to the northward with his family for the benefit of their health—I have Known him for many years, haveing Served with him in the Legiselature of this State, he is a gentleman of the Strictest integrety and honor, In the many public Stations he has from time to time filled, he has all ways discharged the duties of them in...
I wrote you a few days ago from Albany of my intentions to send a party to attack the enemy at Unadilla, last night I sent off my advanced party & am just marching the body consisting of above 200 men—I take the command of the party myself, & hope on my return to be able to give your Excellency a satisfactory account of the expedition. This will be delivered your Excellency by Capt. Long, an...
Letter not found : from Lt. Col. William Butler, 13 Aug. 1778. On 24 Aug., GW wrote Butler : “I recd yours of the 13th instant dated at Schohary.” Butler wrote New York governor George Clinton on 13 Aug.: “I have wrote to his Excellency Genl. Washington informing him of my situation &c. of the same date” (Hastings, Clinton Papers , 3:632).
Letter not found: from Lt. Col. William Butler, 28 Oct. 1778. GW wrote Butler on 12 Nov. : “your letter of the 28th Ulto was duly communicated by Doctor Jones.”
Letter not found: from William Butler, 9 Dec. 1778. On 16 Dec., GW wrote Butler : “I have received your Letter of the 9th Instant.”
Your letter of the 13th Instant I received Yesterday, my most Grateful Acknowledgment is due your Excellency for the good Opinion you are pleased to mention of me & it shall ever be my Study to Merit the Honor your Excellency has done me. Matters is Quiet here at present—Since my last I have had three Scouts out consisting of about 150 Men they continued out six days & have been on the Heads...
Your letter of the 11th Instant came to hand the 20th; the Contents of which I shall punctually observe. Inclosed I send your Excellency Copies of some depositions concerning one of my parties under the Command of Major Posey Killing one Demon who Attempted making his escape after the party had made him Prisoner of which I wrote your Excellency in my last —Complaint having been made to Govr...
I beg leave to trouble your Excellency upon a subject that greatly concerns me: from the honor done me in commands, very respectable and somewhat singular from any Officer of my Rank in the Army, and having sufficient reason to believe that every part of my conduct, whilst then acting met with your excellency’s approbation, I am induced at this time to inform you a true state of my feelings....