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Results 26551-26560 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
28 September 1811. Lists charges for enlarging and furnishing at Montpelier the drawing room, passage, dining room, large bedroom, kitchen, and “S. W. Wing.” Also included are charges for the construction of the temple and labor for the period 30 Sept. 1810 to 28 Sept. 1811. The total amount of the charges is £1,088 8 s . 7½ d ., with a balance due of £378 10 s . 7½ d . as of 28 Sept. Ms ( ViU...
M r William Jordan Harris , a young gentleman of a neighboring county, being desirous of entering into the navy of the US. as a Midshipman, has requested me to be the channel of conveyance for his application. an antient connection with his family, and an intimate knolege of it’s great worth & respectability, make it a duty in me to decline no opportunity of doing what is their desire. with...
I yesterday received your Letter, and at the Same time, the President received the one inclosed from dr Rush which I think it my duty, altho a distressing and painfull one, to me, to communicate the contents to you by the earliest opportnty you will See by the Letter, that Mrs Smith wrote her case to dr Rush, which her Father inclosed with a request that he would give his candid opinion. Mrs...
I am honored with your letter of 19 t P. Mark 23 d Ins t , recommending J. Dougherty as Door Keeper to the Senate . I remember him and have no doubt but he is every way qualified—he will have many Competitors. Some of them very respectable—I observe that his political principles are Sound. they however will not long be thought an important recommendation Accept assurances of my high respect &...
I have rec d . ^by the last Mail^ your Letter of the 18 Inst— It certainly is important that the Facts asserted by you, and denied by Doct r . Hobart should not be left doubtful, if they can be rendered clear. How long it may be advise-able to delay the Reply, they who are on the sport and know exactly all the Circumstances which have relation to it, can best decide. If the indirect...
The event which my letter of the 14th June last was designed to anticipate, you will have communicated from the proper source: Whilst my additional appeal to your private or Official character, as your regard to a due consistencey of conduct shall determine, is, for the sole purpose of referring you to my friend John Marshall of Richmond, and such other persons as may be deemed equal to any...
26 September 1811, London. Observes that the death of General Lyman on 22 Sept. has created a vacancy in the London consulate. Offers himself as a candidate for the position. Although “not authorised from a personal acquaintance” to solicit JM’s friendship, he feels sure the “late Ministers at this Court,” with whom he is well acquainted, will vouch for his character. Describes himself as a...
The flood of our letters from America, as well as of vessels arriving from the United States has almost entirely subsided. From the last week in May to the first in August we received nearly thirty letters from Quincy, so that I began to think I had entered rather rashly into the engagement, among others of answering separately every individual letter—Nor have I yet since that time completely...
Your Letter of the 21st instant was received yesterday. By the mail of the same day an order issued to General Hampton directing the attendance of all the officers named in the request of the Court Martial. A duplicate of the order was also confided to Lt Colo. Backus, a member of the court objected to by Genl. Wilkinson and discharged, who is ordered to the Southward to supply the place of...
M r Griffin call’d on us yesterday for a settlement of the Crop of Wheat purchased of you, and we lament to find our understanding upon the subject at variance. we thought we had been expressive, and that M r Griffin had understood our bargain; to give a specific price and the rise for forty days was what we never thought of or intended. Our offer, and what we supposed to have been accepted by...