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Results 26551-26560 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
D : American Philosophical Society La Douairiere du Duc de Deux ponts demande à Monsieur le docteur franclin son appui pour faire passer un de ses neveux en Amérique et lui obtenir un poste militaire dans l’armée de la République. Ce jeune homme nommé M. de fontevieux a une vocation décidée pour les armes et surtout pour le service des vaillants Americains. Parfaitement bien né du côté du...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Tournus in Burgundy, December 18, 1777, in French: I beg you to forward a letter to my son in New England. I have received two of his, and he is extremely uneasy at having heard nothing from me and my family. He is one of the engineers that the government selected to send to America. I am a mother who has lost her companion in joy and sorrow; the only...
26553General Orders, 18 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Persons having any passes from Major John Clarke are to pass all guards. The Commander in Chief approves, the following sentences of a General Court Martial, the 22nd November last, whereof Major North was president. Adjutant Ralston of the 1st Pennsylvania Brigade, charged with “Making a false return, and signing it; with ungentlemanly behaviour—disobedience of orders, and leaving his...
I wrote you sometime since, concerning some Provision I had sent by a Spy, taken by Warners Militia, & deposited in the hands of Col. Rankin—Your Excellency was kind enough to request me to give General Potter, a state of the matter, & let him know, “’twas your desire, that it shou’d be delivered to the guard,” all this has been done by me, Mr Trumbal waited on him Yesterday, but to no...
Apprehending that the Business of War by no Means excludes the Feelings of Humanity, and relying on that Candor and Liberality of Sentiment which those who are best acquainted with your Excellency agree you possess, I have presumed to request the Favor of your permitting Mrs Galloway with her Household Furniture and Effects to remove from my Seat in the Country to Philadelphia. Coud I imagine...
I beg leave to Troble your Excellency with those few lines by way of Informing in what Manner I claim Rank of Colo. Stone on Ower first astablishment & Raising Troops in the State of Maryland, I was appointed Second Capt. of an Independant Company, Colo. Stone was appointed first Capt. in Colol Smallwoods Regiment that then was, & by a resolve of that State at the time we took owr Commissions...
Letterbook summary: Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague Repondu à la Lettre de Mr. A. Lee, du 8. Extrait de la Lettre de Mr. Stey[?] du 17. et de LLF [La Lande et Fynje] du 15. Messagers d’Etat envoyés dans les provinces et generalité &c. We have expanded his abbreviations. The names in the second sentence are virtually illegible. The States General, he wrote the committee for foreign affairs on...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library I this instant received the inclosed, and as I do not fully Understand the meaning of it I judged it Necessary to go immediately and see Mr. Gerard. I will be back by about Eight o’Clock. I think that it is designed that Our Letter should be sent by the Minister’s Messenger, it is perhaps the most proper. If so it must be Compleated this Evening, as well...
ALS : American Philosophical Society At my return here the day before yesterday, I found the chief Gentlemen of this house assembled, who are all wellwishers to your cause, and great admirers of your exalted and respectable character. They were highly pleased with the confirmation and detail of the good news I gave them. Prince De Montbarrey, who was not yet gone away, said that it was lucky,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Villeneuve d’Avignon, December 19, in French: My congratulations on the glory that the brave Americans have deserved. I am myself American, though French, and would have wished with all my heart to share that glory on the famous day of General Burgoyne’s capture. May the Howe brothers have the same fate.>