Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Charles G. Paleske, 30 September 1811

To Charles G. Paleske

Monticello Sep. 30. 11.


I thank you for the communication of the papers respecting the Union canal company of Pensylvania. no one is more anxious to see enterprises of that nature carried into execution, and especially to see them formed into a general system, and the public contributions, which other nations employ in war, applied by us to the improvement of our country. retired now from all intermedling with public things, I can only contribute my good wishes to the success of the company adding for yourself the assurance of my great esteem & respect

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); at foot of text: “Charles G. Paleske esq.”; endorsed by TJ.

Index Entries

  • canals; Union Canal Company of Pa. search
  • Paleske, Charles Gottfried; and Union Canal Company of Pa. search
  • Paleske, Charles Gottfried; letters to search
  • Pennsylvania; canals in search
  • Union Canal Company of Pennsylvania search