Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Donath, 4 December 1796

To Joseph Donath

Monticello Dec. 4. 1796.


I have recieved your favor of Oct. 19. and become sensible of the error in calculating the 180. panes as so many feet. It makes a difference, as I state it, of 20.D. 25c. which sum or whatever it may be Mr. Barnes will pay you on application in consequence of a letter I write him this day. With respect to the glass 14. by 12. instead of 12 I. square, I believe I must decline taking it, on account of the size, and it’s not being 1 1/2 thick, as in the high situation of my house, the winds make a very stout quality of glass necessary. As we have failed to finish our walls this season and consequently cannot cover in, we have time till the spring or summer before this glass will be wanting, by which time you may perhaps be able to furnish me of the size and quality necessary. I am Sir Your very humble servt

Th: Jefferson

180. panes = 270. feet @ .225 = 60.75
remitted before 40.5
balance short—remitted 20.25

PrC (ViU: McGregor Library); at foot of text: “Mr. Jos. Donath.” Enclosed in TJ to John Barnes, 4 Dec. 1796.

No favor from Donath of Oct. 19. has been found, but a missing letter from Donath to TJ of 14 Oct. is recorded in SJL as received 21 Oct. 1796.

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