Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Donath, 16 September 1795

To Joseph Donath

Monticello Sep. 16. 95.


I have this day recieved your favor of Aug. 27. Having imagined that you always had a stock of glass on hand of assorted sizes, so that I might at any time make up a deficiency, I sent you but a rough guess of the quantity I should want. Finding now that it is necessary to be more exact, I have estimated my wants with more care, and find they will be the quantity stated below, which therefore I must ask you to bring for me to Philadelphia where I shall have my sashes made. You will of course consider this order as instead of the former one and not additional to it. I am Sir Your humble servt

Th: Jefferson

350. panes of Bohemian1 glass 18. inches square.

25. panes of do. 18. by 24. inches. to be of 1½ thickness.

RC (Robert G. Hopkins, Cincinnati, 1946); at foot of text: “Mr. Josiah Donath. No. 28. South Front street. Philadelphia.”

Donath’s favor of 27 Aug. 1795, recorded in SJL as received 16 Sep. 1795, has not been found. SJL also records a letter from TJ to Donath of 20 Oct. 1795 and one from Donath to TJ of 31 Oct. 1795, received from Philadelphia on 10 Nov. 1795, neither of which has been found.

1Word interlined.

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