George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Colonel Richard Butler, 21 January 1780

From Colonel Richard Butler

Pennington [N.J.] Jany 21st 1780


I am honourd with Your Excellencys letter of the 18th wherein you Are pleasd to order one thousand bushels of wheat to be Sent to Morristown; in Obedience to which, I have Sleds Engaged & Shall Send of[f] from this Place about 500 bushels on monday, & I hope to Send About 1000 bushels from Amwell in the Same Week, I have A Right to Expect 1000 bushels more in Pittstown—Cols. Beavers & Taylors Districts, which if possible I will have Ground & forwarded (if not Already done) I might have Collected a great deal of Corn had I Consented to take it in lieu of wheat, but thinking it would Ansr our purpose better pressd for the latter, I Am Sorry to Inform your Excellency that I am much Disappointed in the Cattle though I have got Some very good, yet the Generality are Small & thin, & I Am doubtfull will fall Some Short of the quota of this County without I deprive the Inhabitants of working Oxen that Really is not fit for killing.1 & though your Excellencys Orders to me is Very full & Particular, I Apprehend your Excellency did not intend that I Should take Cattle that Can only be A burthen to us through the winter I have Sent 108 head Including what goes today, & Am using Evry Endeavour to Stimulate the Magistrates to make up the Numbers they Respectively Engagd which they Really are Endeavouring to do, for which Reason Shall Remain here till monday2 & then move toward Camp by the way of Ringoes— Pitts town, & White house, where I have directed any Collection (Exclusive of what I have got) to be Deliverd. I Am Certain the wheat will over-run the Requisition Considerably—I have been Obligd to Sieze About 300 bushels of wheat & Some Corn the Property of Lieut. Col. Chamberlain who I find has been Engrossing & Encouraging the Inhabitants to with hold the Supplies, & Am not Clear that I Shall not Send him Prisoner to Camp, the Particulars more fully Shall Inform your Excellency when I have the honr of Seeing you—I find much hurt doing by Some of the purchasers, (or men who Call themselves Such) Since I have been here the[y] have Raisd the wheat from 50 to 55 dolls. pr Bushell which Renders Mr Dunhams pa⟨rt⟩ of this Duty Very Dificult, I Am Really Sorry to Trouble your Excellency with things of this kind but my wish to the Publick good I hope will be An Appology. I Am Sir with the Greatest Respect your Excellencys most Obedt Hbl. st

Richd Butler Col. 9th P. Reg.

P.S. I find Traveling Expences Exceed all Idea.

The mills of this Country are Chiefly all Froze & ⟨no⟩ grinding Can be Done—I Recieve much Assistance from one Mr Ansley at this Place.3


1GW had assigned Butler to supervise the collection of provisions in Hunterdon County, N.J. (see GW to William De Hart, 8 Jan., a version of which was sent to Butler; see also Circular to the New Jersey Magistrates, 7 Jan.).

2The next Monday was 24 January.

3Butler probably is referring to Joseph Inslee, a merchant in Pennington, N.J., and a sheriff of Hunterdon County.

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