Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to William & Reuben Mitchell, 6 October 1811

To William & Reuben Mitchell

Monticello Oct. 6. 11.

Messrs Wm & Reuben Mitchell

Your letter of Sep. 25. was brought me by our last post I was certainly not aware that any question could arise on the terms of our agreement. mr Griffin had brought me your first proposition of 2/6 less than the Richmond price, which I declined, but told him that if you would give within 2/ of the Richmond price, the best which should be given within a reasonable number of days, you should have the wheat. when he returned he informed me he had sold to you on those terms allowing a space of 40. days, and within 2/ of the best price within them, and handed me your paper. I barely read it, and considered it’s import to be as he explained it: and on a careful revisal of it now, it clearly bears that construction. however, no difficulty can occur where neither party desires no more than what is right.1 be so good as to give your note paiable in Richmond on the 5th of the next month, for the sum you consider as due, without prejudice to my ulterior right, and when I come up, which will be towards the middle or last of the ensuing month, if we cannot bring our minds to the same understanding of the agreement, let honest and disinterested men decide for us what it really was. I have desired mr Griffin to transmit your note to messrs Gibson & Jefferson of Richmond who will recieve it’s contents, & apply them agreeably to engagements I had entered into for the 5th of Nov. in expectation of recieving this money then. Accept the assurances of my respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); endorsed by TJ.

Letters from Burgess Griffin to TJ of 25 Sept. and 20 Oct. 1811, not found, are recorded in SJL as received from Poplar Forest on 2 Oct. and 7 Nov. 1811. SJL also records a missing letter from TJ to Griffin of 8 Oct. 1811.

1Thus in manuscript.

Index Entries

  • Gibson & Jefferson (Richmond firm); and wheat sold by TJ search
  • Griffin, Burgess; letters from accounted for search
  • Griffin, Burgess; letters to accounted for search
  • Griffin, Burgess; Poplar Forest overseer search
  • Mitchell, William & Reuben (Lynchburg firm); letters to search
  • Mitchell, William & Reuben (Lynchburg firm); TJ’s transactions with search
  • overseers; make contracts for sale of wheat search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); Overseers at; make contracts for sale of wheat search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); wheat grown at search
  • Richmond, Va.; wheat prices in search
  • wheat; at Poplar Forest search
  • wheat; price of in Richmond search
  • wheat; TJ’s income from search