Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Joseph Moore, 24 December 1784

From Joseph Moore

ALS: American Philosophical Society

London Decr 24. 1784


I have to Inform you the Printing Press I have sent to M. le Chevr Holker should have sent it sooner but could nod get a ship before this, which is the Adventure John Damon Master2 the Custom Huse expences &c are 7 s. which you are Indepted to your Most Humbl servant

Josh Moore

No 43 Drury Lane

Addressed: Monsieur Franklin / Ministre Plenipotentiaire / des Etats-Unis de l’Amerique / Pres S M Tres Chretienne / a passy pres / Paris—

Notation: J. Moore Decr. 24 1784.—

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2The Adventure did not sail until Jan. 16, 1785, and, after landing at Le Havre, arrived in Rouen in March: Lloyd’s List for 1785, nos. 1639 (Jan. 18, 1785), 1647 (Feb. 15, 1785); John Holker to WTF, March 14, 1785, APS. On the same day as the present letter, Moore notified Holker that, by WTF’s order, the printing press consigned to him was to be sent to BF (APS). This was the press destined for Anisson fils and the Imprimerie royale.

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