Benjamin Franklin Papers

John Thornton to the American Commissioners, [17] December 1777

John Thornton to the American Commissioners

AL: American Philosophical Society

London Decr: [177] 1777


I arrived here yesterday, and delivered this morning all the letters, except those of Lord North8 and Sir Gray Cooper; what ever advices I shall receive from Mr. H[artley] shall be punctually follow’d. I have the honor to be Gentlemen Your most Obedient Servant:

My letters, if you should send any direct No. 57 Newman Street Oxford Road.

Notation: Thornton Lond.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

7Thornton arrived on Dec. 16: Stevens, Facsimiles, III, no. 327, p. 11.

8North saw him on the 19th, and received the commissioners’ letter of the 12th: ibid.

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