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Results 26521-26550 of 184,431 sorted by author
Permitt me to ask You to run Your Eye over the enclosed; and to tell me if the Post mention’d therein is likely to be Establishd. Tho’ the present are not the times for me, or a person of my political sentiments, to be under personal Obligations, Yet it is a duty I owe to the State I represent not to let the Applications of any of it’s Citizens sink with me. I shall make them known, whenever...
I am solicited by Mrs. Mead, a realy amiable, good Lady, to bring to Your view, the only Son She has left, Mr Richard Meade , whose character is unexceptionably good—I will in as few words as possible state to You his Situation—By prudence and industry he acquired a considerable property in the West Indies, with which he returnd to his own Country to alleviate the sufferings of his...
Letter not found: Richard Butler to GW, 13 Mar. 1788. On 3 April GW wrote Butler : “I have received your letter of the 13th ulto.”
Agreeable to your Excellency’s directions on my Arival at this post I endeavourd to get a return distinguishing the remains of old corps recruits &c., these destinations not being made in the returns from the different posts to the commanding officer at the General Rendezvous find it impossible in any other way than by Colo. Humpton who receives them regularly, such as I could get I have...
I with much pleasure congratulate your Excellency on the happy conclusion of the War the Advantages to this country are Amazing & the Teritory great. Should any Garisons be kept in the Frontier & any regular peace Establishment in this state a recommendation from your Excellency I am confident, aded to the good Opinion the State have of me would be sufficd to Establish me in command, how far...
I have the honor to inform Your Excellency of Rect of your favr dated at Verplanks point the 26th Septr with the death warrants for the execution of Casner & Johnston Inclosd both of which I judgd it my duty from the necessity of the case & good of the service to carry into Execution which was done with proper solemnity on 19th of Octr & think it has had its effect. Am now at lancaster with...
To know at any time that it is your Excellencys wish that any thing within my power should be done, will always be a Sufficient motive with me to do it. But when you were pleased to inform me that it had been required by the August Empress Sovereign of all the Russias, Through the medium of that Excellent Character the Right Honorable Major General The Marquis de La Fayette, it was an...
Extract of a Letter from General Butler to General Washington (accompanying this Vocabulary). The little which I have been able to collect of the history of the Shawanoes from oral tradition & their old men, with some observations of my own may not be unacceptable, & may probably assist, or open a door to more able Inquirers. They say they were originally from an Island, and that they came to...
Letter not found : from Richard Butler, 1 Sept. 1779. On 2 Sept., GW wrote Butler: “I have recd yours of yesterday.”
Genl Wayne being Indisposd, desires that I inform your Excellency that I Remaind to See the whole of the Troops off the ground & just as the last Party movd A Canonade from the Enemys Ships began to Cover their landing, at 5 OClock—they took Imediate Possesion of the Point & Dismantled works, Confining themselves within the morass that incircles the Point, on which they placd guards & Confind...
In consiquence of your Excellency’s Order dated 31st July 1782 I ordered a General court martial to sit for the trial of the prisoners at this post & Sincerely regret the too great occasion for Assembling Such Tribunals. I do myself the honour to inclose your Excellency the Proceedings of the court on the cases directed in that order having decided on, & executed all others they not being...
In Compliance with your Excellency’s Orders I have been Endeavouring to Obtain the Supplies Required in the County of Hunterdon, & am happy to find the Magistrates & Inhabitants Apparantly Disposed to do Ev[e]ry thing in their power, but the Inclemency of the weather is Such that I fear their promises Cannot be performd in the time Specified but I Still hint the Necessity of my laying hand too...
I am honourd with Your Excellencys letter of the 18th wherein you Are pleasd to order one thousand bushels of wheat to be Sent to Morristown; in Obedience to which, I have Sleds Engaged & Shall Send of[f] from this Place about 500 bushels on monday, & I hope to Send About 1000 bushels from Amwell in the Same Week, I have A Right to Expect 1000 bushels more in Pittstown—Cols. Beavers & Taylors...
It is with the utmost concern I take the liberty to trouble your Excellency with this Epistle and nothing but the slender state of my fortune could induce me to do it. Last Spring I had the Ration account of my Regiment settled by Lieutenant Knox, then Qr Master, which amounted to 3136 Dollars for which your Excellency was pleased to grant a Warrant —and as the pay Master General had not money...
Inclosd is the Resignation of Lieut. Douglass of my Regt who has been prisoner with the Enemy Since the Affair of Bound-brook, the 13th April 1777 —his health & Constitution is much Impaird by his Captivity, And Although he has not the most flattering prospect by going into Civil life, it Seems to be A punctilio with him to leave the Service as he finds he is not Able to go through the...
I was hond with your Excellencys of the 10th June inclosing the papers relative to A certain Thos Glenn condemnd to death , As your Excellency directed I calld the principle officers of the post together and took their opinion on the case—The same humane motives which induced your Excellency to direct the measure had weight with them & his pardon was recommended, which (after going through the...
I with pain trouble your Excellency with the proceedings of a second sitting of the general courtmartial of which I am president by order of Brigadier General Irvine the 18th march last by Adjournments. Your Excellency will find by the proceedings, the case of Captn William McCurdy, 1st Pennsa Regt (Arrested by Brigadr Genl Hazen on complaint of Captn Charles Asgill 1st Regt Footguards a...
Letter not found : from Col. Richard Butler, 20 June 1779. GW wrote Butler on 21 June: “I have received your letter of yesterday.”
When I left Camp I had no Idea that my little buisiness would have given me So much trouble else I would have requested more time of your Excellency to do it in, but, as there is A good field Officer with my Regt, I hope the Service will be at no loss & that your Excellency will Excuse my Stay untill I get it done which I hope will be in A few days—& I think it will be better to have my...
Your own anxiety & distress of mind, is the best Criterion to judge of ours by—the Inclosed copy of Orders, propositions, Interogatories & Answers, will Inform you of our prospects & Situation. If with the assistance of the Governor & Council, or a Committee from that body, this unhappy business can not be settled, your presence & Influence will be more proper in an Other Quarter than with us....
I have the honour to inclose your Excellency the proceedings of the general court-martial held at this post from the 19 Inst. (by adjournments) to the 25th Inclusive, by which your Excellency will observe that only three prisoners Viz. John Harling, William Compton and Hugh Smith have had trial—the prisoner John Harling is capitally convicted on his own confession—indeed it would not have been...
Letter not found : from Col. Richard Butler, 22 June 1779. GW wrote Butler on 24 June: “I have received your two favours of the 22d and 23d.”
The following Seven pages to the word Ten markd thus #, are the words which were sent me to be translated, The Shawano I have done myself which are Spelled as nearly as possible to the real Sound of the Indian word. The Lenoppea, or Delaware, was done by a Young man Called John Killbuck, an Indian of that nation who has been Educated at Princetown College at the Expence of the U.S. & patronage...
Letter not found : from Col. Richard Butler, 23 June 1779. GW wrote Butler on 24 June: “I have received your two favours of the 22d and 23d.”
I take the liberty to inform you that I wrote under date of the 23d. of August last Jointly with capt. Joseph Hudson to Albert Gallatin Esqr. Secretary of the Treasury on the subject of the condemnation of the Schooner Eliza capt. Johnson for a breach of the laws of the United states, and having received no answer as yet, I am apprehensive the subject might appear too trifeling to claim his...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Having been sent for this Port (in the Privat Armed Ship Wolf with a Cargo of Tobacco) by a Number of the principal Merchants of Virginia and North Carolina, with a design to know if the Price offered here would encourage them to Send their Ships to this Market Ladened with that Article, I have taken the Liberty to acquaint your Excellency of the...
On the rec t of your very polite and friendly favor of 7 h Sep t I had a serch made into my last years books and old letters—and have the mortification to state, that you made a remittance, as you mention, in march last of Ten dollars which through hurry of business had been neglectted to be passed to your credit, and which with the Five in your last letter pays your subscription up to...
Your favor of 9 th Ins t is at Hand covering five dollars for your subscription to the Weekly Register for the current year—inclosed you have a rec t for the same. and please receive thanks for your polite attention and punctuality.    S. Butler in behalf of Hez. Niles  who at present is out of Town— RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “ Tho s Jefferson Esq
Haveing obtained Majr. Genl. Pinckneys permission to visit Pennsylvania, permit me to inform you that I purpose leaveing this City on Wednesday next, in order to resume my command in Tennessee, I conceive it proper to inform you that my rout will be through Carlisle, and from thence to Genl. Pinckneys Head quarters at Harpers fery. The Honble. the Secretary of War has been pleased to inform...
South West Point, Tennessee, August 20, 1799. “Permit me to inform you, that Capn. Jonathan Taylor of my Regt. has been recruiting in the town of Lexington (State of Kentucky) for some time past, his last return dated the 26th July ulto. reported forty Six Recruits, all destitute of Cloathing, Capn. Taylor observes, that if he had a supply of Cloathing, he could soon compleat his company.… I...