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Results 26521-26550 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
8 October 1811, Plymouth. Encloses a memorial for JM’s consideration. Mentions that the orders in council are still in force and that “Vessels and Goods belonging to Citizens of the United States; comeing from or bound to France are often sent in here & are Condemned.” RC and enclosure, two copies ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under “Hawker”). RC 1 p. Enclosure (6 pp.) is a memorial by...
Since my Letter to you of the fifteenth in answer to yours of the fi f th of September, We have received undoubted intelligence, that my Son has declined his appointment as Judge, and that he will not return to America this year, You may therefore write with confidence that if your Letters reach St Petersburg, they will there find him. The condition of his family rendered it impossible to...
What Sufficient thanks Shall I return to the distinguished favours, with which your kind frendship continues to honour me in Such an eminent degree! much in truth I am indebted to your partiality towards me, but I Should lessen its real value, if I did not presume that I did not merite it in part. I will however endeavor to exert my utmost Strenght to deserve it further. The Honor of being jo...
It has been suggested that the provisions of the non-intercourse Act which forbid the importation of articles of British growth, produce or manufacture are violated by certain coasting vessels, in the following manner. Masters of vessels bound from a port of the United States, to another port of the United States enter on their manifest, certified by the Collector of the port of departure, a...
Last night I received your favour of the first of this month., from the hand of Dr Solomon Drowne. As I was absent when he first called at my house I lost the Pleasure of several Hours Conversation With him. This Gentleman’s Deportments and Conversation so well supported the handsome Character you gave him; that I regret very much that I am not to have more of his society. While I recollect...
We were considering the Bible in its historical character, and as the history of a Family—From the moment when the universal History finishes, that of Abraham begins, and thenceforward it is the history of a family of which Abraham is the first and Jesus Christ the last person. And from the first appearance of Abraham, the whole history appears to have been ordered from age to age expressly to...
A letter just recd. by Mr[s.] M. from Mrs. C. informs us that you had set out on a trip for Boston. This will probably find you returned, and I hope without any such accident as befel your former one. Mr. J. Q. Adams declines his Judiciary appt. Another is of course to be made as soon as the Senate are in session. Be so good as to give me without delay, information of the state of Mr....
Your letters of Aug. 13. and Sep. 10. were each of them 23. days getting to this place. the former came while I was in Bedford during an absence of between 2. & 3. weeks. I did not write an immediate answer because a very little delay, added to what had preceded would enable me to do it with effect. within the course of 3. weeks I am to recieve a quarter’s rent of my mill (now in more punctual...
I Received yours of the twenty six of last month and am extremly sorry to hear of my sisters death and would of bin over but it was not raly in my power but it is what we may all expect to come to either later or sooner I Got mr pryor to call and leave this letter for me as he was Going to albemarle court and recomended it to him to make montocello his first days stage I intend coming over...
Your letter of Sep. 25. was brought me by our last post I was certainly not aware that any question could arise on the terms of our agreement. mr Griffin had brought me your first proposition of 2/6 less than the Richmond price, which I declined, but told him that if you would give within 2/ of the Richmond price, the best which should be given within a reasonable number of days, you should...
5 October 1811, Cambridge, South Carolina. The subscribers, citizens of Cambridge and vicinity, “have long since associated ourselves … under the name of the Cambridge Light Dragoons” in order to “aid in protecting, the Honor, independence, and safety of these United States from foreign invasion or internal commotion.” They have been watching “with vigilance, and attention the situation of our...
About two years ago, I requested you to procure for me, by means of Gen. Armstrong, or Mr Warden, some books on Chemistry and Mineralogy, which the irregularity of intercourse between this Country and France, prevented me from obtaining. You were so kind as to write on the subject to Paris and directed the amount of what the books might cost, to be paid by one or other of those Gentlemen on...
2 canteens of French brandy RC ( NN : Liebmann Collection); dateline beneath signature; written on a small scrap; at foot of text: “M r Leitch.” Not recorded in SJL . This is one of a series of terse notes with which TJ ordered goods from Charlottesville merchant James Leitch.
Since writing my last letter to you , I have visited a small farm in my neigbourhood, belonging to Doct r Beneville , the culture of which, has pleased me much. part of the land had been swampy, so much so, as to mire his Cattle, and often times put them into to the trouble of draging them out—it is a flat rich bottom of a good many acres extent. The Doct r has now reclaimed it, or rather has...
The pleasure which I feel, in addressing one of the first sages and patriots of my country, is sensibly repressed by the consciousness of the trouble the intrusion may produce. I could wish to strew the evening walk of the man I address with roses, and not to embarrass it with litigious interrogatories; because I have witnessed his noble independence and patriotism, have experienced his...
Your favour of 21. June, without a number, was forwarded to me from Copenhagen by Mr. Erving, who recovered it from the Radius, which on her passage to this place, was taken by a french privateer, and is still detained in Denmark—Like almost all the letters which we have received this year it brought tidings of sickness and affliction among our friends—In the sorrow which they have so often...
I am honored by the receipt of your letter of the 28 th ult. I have not seen M r Harris , who left his letters at my office while I was absent from it, but I have not hesitated to make out his appointment, and when he calls I shall with particular satisfaction deliver him his papers. It is very pleasing to observe young men of his respectability offering themselves to the public service, and...
I expect this Letter will be delivered to you, by my worthy and respectable Friend and next Door Neighbour, Doctor Solomon Drown of this Town, who has had a liberal Education—has travelled in Europe, and is a Fellow and Professor of Brown University in this State.— He is about to travel with his Lady through the Town of Braintree, on a Visit to some of her Relations, being herself related to...
Your favor of Sep. 11 has been duly recieved, but I am sorry it is in my power to give no information on the subject of your enquiries. 30. years of general absence from the state, an entire occupation in other scenes of business, to which must be added the effect of years, have erased from my mind nearly all particular knolege of the affairs of the state. no times time , nor circumstances...
Your favor of Aug. 14. was recieved after an unusual delay of the post. I formerly believed it was best for every country to make what it could make to best advantage, and to exchange it with others for those articles which it could not so well make. I did not then suppose that a whole quarter of the globe could within the short space of a dozen years, from being the most civilized, become the...
[ Ed. Note : In SJL on 6 Oct. 1811 TJ recorded receipt of a letter written five days earlier in Baltimore by “R. Niles.” TJ’s reply to Niles of 14 Oct. 1811 is also recorded in SJL . While neither of these letters has come to light, their contents can be conjectured. On 29 Oct. 1813 TJ sent Hezekiah Niles, the editor of the Baltimore Weekly Register , $15 for a “3. years subscription” to his...
in replie to your inquiries I answer mrs Adams had a very bad night. at 2 oclock Nancy came to my Room to request that I would send for the doctor. he got here before day light and bled her, since which she has had some rest, altho much opprest & at times almost exhausted. discharges continue black, but the Soarness abated, and the dr says the pulse better—Mrs Smith by the use of the Mayweed...
I have received your favor of with the pleasure I could not but feel in learning that the accident to your shoulder was so far advanced towards a cure. It is with a very different feeling I am given to understand that any doubt exists as to your coming to Washington this winter, where besides considerations of a public nature, the social ones would be so interesting to us. I shall not give up...
Your favor of Sep. 16. has been duly recieved, and I pray you to accept my thanks for the trouble you have been so kind as to taking take in fulfilling my request to mr Warden . I had been impressed with the value of the fiorin grass described in the papers of the Belfast Agricultural society , and hoped it might answer good purposes here. I have ever considered the addition of an useful plant...
I thank you for the communication of the papers respecting the Union canal company of Pensylvania . no one is more anxious to see enterprises of that nature carried into execution, and especially to see them formed into a general system, and the public contributions, which other nations employ in war, applied by us to the improvement of our country. retired now from all intermedling with...
I have duly recieved your letter of Aug. 29. with the copy of mr Markley ’s oration which it covered. I am very sensible of the attentions with which the Seventy six association have has honored me in directing the transmission of this pamphlet and equally thankful to yourselves for your care in the execution of their desire. sentiments so truly patriotic, & so eloquently expressed by the...
The second general point of view, in which I propose to you to consider the Bible, to the great end that it may “thoroughly furnish you unto all good works,” is in its historical character. To a man of liberal education the study of History is not only useful and important, but altogether indispensable; and with regard to the History contained in the Bible, the observation which Cicero makes...
The inclosed letter came under cover to me without any indication from what quarter it came. Our last latest arrival brings information of the death of the king of England . it’s coming from Ireland & not direct from England would make it little worthy of notice, were not the event so probable. on the 26 th of July the English papers say he was expected hourly to expire. this vessel sailed from
Your recommendation would at all times be a sufficient inducement to me to patronize any one who was favord with it; and the extension of your good opinion to Joseph Dougherty has secured mine. It will add much to my gratification to be in any manner instrumental in the promotion of any wish of yours whether public or private. The times are inauspicious, not only to the nation, but to some...
28 September 1811, Palma, Majorca. Requests the collector at the port of discharge to receive articles from Jesse Y. Hinks, captain of the schooner Ruthy of Boston, for delivery to JM. Lists the articles in a postscript: “One Qr. Cask 7. Years old Granache White Wine / One Bag Soft Shelled Almonds. / Three Boxes Capers. / Three Boxes Olives.” RC ( DLC ). 2 pp. Docketed by JM.