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Results 26521-26550 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I beg leave to inform you Excellency that I left White marsh the day after the Army moved, in order to get some necessaries which my family stand in need of removed from this place to Lancaster, & have had the misfortune of being confined by sickness ever since I came here occasioned by a severe cold caught either at or on my journey to Camp. I am sorry to acquaint your Excellency that I find...
I was last Evening favd with your two Letters of the 28th Ulto and 2nd Inst: with a Remonstrance from Mr Drake inclosd that peice I do aver is made up of Falcity and Misrepresentation, at least what has ever come to my knowledge. I have ever Acted as near your Excellency’s Orders of last Winter as was in my power—nor has any property been disposd of for the Benefit of the Captors, unless such...
I am set down to inform of the Enemy’s manœuvre, on the night of the 14th inst., not having it in my power to make my report with any Degree of accuracy before. Having recd intelligence by one of my Dragoons, that a Party of the Enemy’s horse were on the opposite Side of the Schuylkill, I conjectured that they might have a Design to cross at some of the upper fords, & come down upon our rear....
Whereas it hath been represented to this present general assembly, that by the death and resignation of sundry members of the vestries of Meherrin parish, in the county of Brunswick, and of the parish of St. Anne, in the county of Albemarle , there is not a sufficient number of members to hold a vestry in either of the said parishes , by which means the business of the same hath been for a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I never expected such ingratitude for my past time and services as I have met with, which I am pretty sure you are unacquainted with. I should not have remained in Dunkirk after you had been so kind as to send me remittance had not Mr. Coffin told me that he had some orders from Mr. Carmichael to make me stay there untill there should be something...
Williamsburg, Va., 17 December 1777. RC ( Adams Papers ); printed : Jefferson, Papers The Papers of Thomas Jefferson , ed. Julian P. Boyd and others, Princeton, 1950-. , 2:120–121. Noting that Virginia had ratified the Articles of Confederation, Jefferson described the concern among some in the state over Art. 9, which gave power to the congress to enter into treaties of commerce. Opponents...
Decr. 2d. Resolved that a Commission be made out for Mr. J. Adams similar to that heretofore granted to the Commissioners at the Court of France. The date of the Commissions upon the 27th. was an error of the Secretary. But He as well as the president and others think it of no consequence. In Congress Decr. 17th. 1777 Resolved that Genl. Washington be directed to inform Genl. Burgoyne the...
ALS : Library of Congress We received your several Letters from Nantes and Portsmouth. We shall be glad to see you here, as soon as is consistent with your Affairs, in order to consult with you on the Matters mention’d in your Instructions from the Congress, &c. We are, with Esteem Sir, Your most obedient and most humble Servants Addressed: To / John Paul Jones Esqr / Nantes Endorsed: Paris...
AL : American Philosophical Society I arrived here yesterday, and delivered this morning all the letters, except those of Lord North and Sir Gray Cooper; what ever advices I shall receive from Mr. H[artley] shall be punctually follow’d. I have the honor to be Gentlemen Your most Obedient Servant: My letters, if you should send any direct No. 57 Newman Street Oxford Road. Notation: Thornton...
AL : Dartmouth College Library Mr. John James Doerner who sets off for Bordeaux to Morrow in Company of Mr. Märck to establish a House of Commerce at Charles-town North-America. If Doctor Francklin is so obliging and favour Messrs. Doerner and Marck with Letters of introduction for the honorable Congress and Gentlemen at Charles-Town, for some places in the Province of Virginia &ca.; Doerner...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, December 17, 1777, in French: I render you homage as the man whom the public credits with authorship of the Pennsylvania constitutions. Articles 1, 2, 9, and 15 of Chapter I rouse my keenest admiration. Article 2 proves that I am not alone in considering intolerance the most destructive force in any society. Article 9 is the work of that rarity, a...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Turgot accepte avec grand plaisir la proposition que lui a fait faire Mr. Franklin par Mr. Quesnai de St. Germain de le dedommager Samedi du plaisir dont les engagemens de Mr. Franklin le privent pour Vendredi. Toutes les occasions de voir Mr. Franklin luy sont precieuses, et il est impatient de temoigner aux amis de la liberté sa joye de leurs succès....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the liberty in the Name of my Mother (who is at present from Home) to return you my most gratefull thanks for your kind Letter in behalf of Mr. P——— which I have just Receivd with the highest Pleasure, in hearing from you Sir, and Gratitude for Him, as it is a Suply I am sensible will be Doubly Wellcome to him at this Time. My Mother is now at Bath...
26534General Orders, 17 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief with the highest satisfaction expresses his thanks to the officers and soldiers for the fortitude and patience with which they have sustained the fatigues of the Campaign—Altho’ in some instances we unfortunately failed, yet upon the whole Heaven hath smiled on our Arms and crowned them with signal success; and we may upon the best grounds conclude, that by a spirited...
The Smallnes of my Fortune, and the confused Situation of my affairs, obliges me to offer you my comision, could my family Subsist without me, I would by no means think of parting with the honour of holding a comision in so very desirable a Service. I am with the greatest esteem your Excelency’s Most Obdt Huml. Servt ALS , DNA : RG 93, Commissions, 1775-1778. GW’s secretary Robert Hanson...
I was, a few days ago, honored with yours of the 25th Novemr. The packets for Sr William Howe and the letters for Gentlemen in his Army were immediately forwarded to Philada. As I did not conceive myself at liberty to answer either of your requests without first consulting Congress, I have transmitted a Copy of your letter to them and have desired their determination as speedily as possible....
In Consequence of your Recommendation ⅌ Col: Worthington, we have done every thing in our Power to forward the Work in Hand. I have the Pleasure of assuring you that every thing goes on with Secrecy & Dispatch, to the Satisfaction of the Artist. We expect he will be enabled in a Day or two to try the important Experiment. We have the Honour to be with all Esteem & Respect Your Excellency’s...
I am favoured with Yours of the 23d & 27th of November. If the Recruits intended for Lees and Jackson’s Regiments have not had the small pox, and are not marched when this reaches you, I desire they may be inoculated before they join the Army. After the repeated directions, which I had given to have All the Recruits who had not had that disorder innoculated the moment they were inlisted, I was...
General Burgoyne recd the information of the Resolve of Congress of the 1st Decemr (restricting the embarkation of his Troops to the port stipulated by the Convention of Saratoga and no other) with no small disopointment. I had before given him my opinion that an alteration would never be allowed; but he flattered himself otherwise. He is now anxiously waiting an answer to his Letter some time...
I had this Morning the honour of receiving Your Excellency’s dispatch dated 14th & 15th Currt inclosing Copy of a Letter from Lt Genl Burgoyne, which, without reading them through, I sent directly to Congress, from whence I am this moment charged with a Resolve, formed, I presume, as the present necessary direction for a reply to the British General’s application to your Excellency. The...
Gulph Mills, Pa., 17 Dec. 1777 . GW “presents his Comps. to Major Genl Philips and begs leave to inform him that his letters were forwarded to Philada immediately upon the receipt of them.” Df , in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW ; Varick transcript , DLC:GW . Tilghman drafted this letter beneath the draft of GW’s letter to John Burgoyne of this date . William Phillips (1731–1781), a British...
Hitherto hath the Lord helped us, is an acknowledgment as honorable as it is ancient, but never more properly adapted to the situation of any people then it is at present to the inhabitants of this Continent, for never where a people more remarkable blessed with signal interpositions of divine favour; how suddenly, have we beheld our most gloomy prospects to brighten? And how conspicuous has...
Congress will receive by this post our approbation of the Confederation . It passed the house of Delegates on Monday and the Senate on Tuesday last. Tho’ our house of delegates is almost wholly of those who are truly zealous, yet there have ever been a few who have endeavored to throw obstructions in our way. Objections to this important instrument came therefore not unexpectedly. The most...
Mr. Heman Allen of Salisbury has transmitted to me the inclosed Copy of a letter from Mr. Bowdinot Commissary General of Prisoners for the American Army; wherein he is pleased to signify that he is willing to accede to my being immediately exchanged for Colol. Ethen Allen, incase the matter could be accomplished by my writing to Newyork. The experience I have already had of the inefficacy of...
LS : National Archives; attested copy: National Archives; copy: Harvard University Library; copy and transcript: National Archives Since our last of Nov. 30, a Copy of which is herewith sent you, we received your Dispatches of Oct. 6. from York Town. They came to us by a Packet from Boston, which brought the great News of Burgoynes Defeat and Surrender, News that apparently occasion’d as much...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We Recd: yours giving an Acct. of the Arrival of the Goods on which we had not made any Insurance. From the Situation of your Affairs when you wrote Us last, we presume that Your Ship, Capt. Green is ready for sailing. Capt. Nicholson will also be ready in a few Days, We have therefore to propose to you that They go in Company as Capt. Nicholson will be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous renvoier, Monsieur, la Gazette de Boston; j’en ai traduit la lettre de M. Washington qui m’a paru bonne à publier pour opposer aux détails anglois qui vont sans doute paroître; j’ai retraduit aussi suivant la liberté que vous m’en avez laissée la capitulation de Burgoyne; il me paroîtroit actuellement nécessaire de joindre à ces deux...
ALS : Bibliothèque municipale de Mantes I return the Letters, having in one mark’d with Crayon the Parts I think of most Importance; and in the other with Ink the Parts that ought not to be translated. Perhaps Abridgements would be better than Translations. I leave them to your Judgement. I am with the greatest Respect your Grace’s most obedient humble Servant See the first note on the...
LS : American Philosophical Society De jour en jour nous nous sommes flattés de recevoir reponce à la notre du 20 Novembre dernier, et nous ne savons à quoi attribuer ce Silence. Apres votre lettre satisfaisante nous n’avons pas hesités un seul moment de confier nos interets dans vos mains. Nous vous avons parlés sans le moindre deguisement, et nous vous repetons sur tout ce qu’il y a de plus...
AL : American Philosophical Society Doerner Jur. presents his most respectfull Compliments to Doctor Francklin, and in complyance of his kind promise to supply him with Letters of introduction to the honourable Congress of the united States of North-America, to Gentlemen of consequence at Charles-town, and to others in the provinces of Maryland and Virginia; takes the liberty to send for the...