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Results 26521-26550 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I beg leave to inform you Excellency that I left White marsh the day after the Army moved, in...
I was last Evening favd with your two Letters of the 28th Ulto and 2nd Inst: with a Remonstrance...
I am set down to inform of the Enemy’s manœuvre, on the night of the 14th inst., not having it in...
Whereas it hath been represented to this present general assembly, that by the death and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I never expected such ingratitude for my past time and...
Williamsburg, Va., 17 December 1777. RC ( Adams Papers ); printed : Jefferson, Papers The Papers...
Decr. 2d. Resolved that a Commission be made out for Mr. J. Adams similar to that heretofore...
ALS : Library of Congress We received your several Letters from Nantes and Portsmouth. We shall...
AL : American Philosophical Society I arrived here yesterday, and delivered this morning all the...
AL : Dartmouth College Library Mr. John James Doerner who sets off for Bordeaux to Morrow in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, December 17, 1777, in French: I render you homage as...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Turgot accepte avec grand plaisir la proposition que lui...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the liberty in the Name of my Mother (who is at...
26534General Orders, 17 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief with the highest satisfaction expresses his thanks to the officers and...
The Smallnes of my Fortune, and the confused Situation of my affairs, obliges me to offer you my...
I was, a few days ago, honored with yours of the 25th Novemr. The packets for Sr William Howe and...
In Consequence of your Recommendation ⅌ Col: Worthington, we have done every thing in our Power...
I am favoured with Yours of the 23d & 27th of November. If the Recruits intended for Lees and...
General Burgoyne recd the information of the Resolve of Congress of the 1st Decemr (restricting...
I had this Morning the honour of receiving Your Excellency’s dispatch dated 14th & 15th Currt...
Gulph Mills, Pa., 17 Dec. 1777 . GW “presents his Comps. to Major Genl Philips and begs leave to...
Hitherto hath the Lord helped us, is an acknowledgment as honorable as it is ancient, but never...
Congress will receive by this post our approbation of the Confederation . It passed the house of...
Mr. Heman Allen of Salisbury has transmitted to me the inclosed Copy of a letter from Mr....
LS : National Archives; attested copy: National Archives; copy: Harvard University Library; copy...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We Recd: yours giving an Acct. of the Arrival of the Goods...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous renvoier, Monsieur, la Gazette de...
ALS : Bibliothèque municipale de Mantes I return the Letters, having in one mark’d with Crayon...
LS : American Philosophical Society De jour en jour nous nous sommes flattés de recevoir reponce...
AL : American Philosophical Society Doerner Jur. presents his most respectfull Compliments to...