Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Alexander Donald, 11 April 1790

To Alexander Donald

New York Apr. 11. 1790.

Dear Sir

In my letter by last post I forgot to inclose you the bill of exchange for £50. sterl. which you were so kind as to furnish me with, and for which I had no occasion. I now inclose it having first torn off the signature. Having been deprived by the snow of the use of my own carriage, which I left at Alexandria, obliged to come on in the stage, and still to have my horses brought on and a servant extraordinary to do it, I so overwent my calculation of probable expences as to change my last guinea at Elizabeth town point. An Irishman would say ’twas well I had a last one. Adieu Your friend and servt

Th: Jefferson

RC (PHi); addressed and franked; postmarked: “New-York ap[ri]l 12” and “free” endorsed. PrC (DLC). Enclosure not found, but its nature and purpose are indicated in the following note in TJ’s Account Book for 11 Apr. 1790: “Returned to A. Donald James Brown’s bill of exchange on Donald & Burton for £50. sterl. which he had furnished me with at Richmond in case I should have occasion for it on the road.”

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