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Results 26511-26520 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Before my return hither I recd. yours of the 8th. inst: and have since recd. those of the 11th. 13. 17. & 20: The order relating to a discharge of Militia from Norfolk referred to in the first was not inclosed in it, and has not come otherwise to hand. There can be no question, under existing circumstances, but as to the degree in which the force at that place, may be prudently reduced. The...
I designed to have called and taken leave of you before my departure from Washington but a press of Company at my Office prevented till after your usual hours for morning Visits and I was unwilling to disturb the moments of conviviality in the Evening. I tarried two days in Baltimore and also in Philadelphia in both of which places I am fully convinced the Embargo is approved of by the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Votre excellence verra que L’ouvrage Cy joint â été imprimé par ordre du Bureau d’administration du College de Louis Legrand; C’est à Ce titre que Je prends La Liberté de vous L’adresser pour La societé de Philadelphie, persuadé de son utilité pour L’education publique dans Les etats Americains Comme dans La france; dumoins M. Le President Rolland, autheur...
Some time ago I give Mr James Leitch a draft on you, for $200 without mentioning the thing to you, before, which I ought to have done, therefore I will thank you to pay it when you find it convenient. We are at this time ingage on the other wing we got it to the Serface of the ground, and will use Every Exersion to finish it with Speed the other wing I will finish against you come hare, I am...
I returned from Bedford a week ago, after an absence of 6. weeks, and found here the Palladio, with your two favors of Nov. 29. & Dec. 1 & with 3. from Dr. Cooper, written before he had received one from me of Nov. 25. from Poplar Forest. It was agreed, you know, that we should make a report of our proceedings & prospects to the Govr. as our patron to be laid before the legislature. Being...
I can not express you—how warmlÿ I am obliged to you for your your last kind favour of May 20th. It Saÿs—nothing that it pleased and instructed—no—it did much more—It relieved mÿ drooping Spirits it dissipated in part the deep gloom, which has latelÿ taken possession of me—listen—mÿ Dear! I have one friend yet left—he would Soothe mÿ Sorrows—was he in the neighbourhood, altho he participated...
Albany, March 21, 1801. Repeats earlier requests to Hamilton. States: “I wrote you twice from the City of Washington but mist you going to Alby. & yesterday I came down to this City on purpose But you had Saild. about 2-Hours.” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Glen to H, January 27, 1801 . The other letter from Glen has not been found. H had been in Albany attending the New York...
I have the honor of enclosing for your Signature a warrant for $10,000; the balance in my hands, towit about $1000 of the $20,000 heretofore drawn being insufficient to meet the Expenses of the present month which will be demanded in a few days.— I also enclose Sketches of the Expenditures since the Account last rendered , which was up to the first of July.— The Expenses on the Streets will I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): National Archives; copy: United States Naval Academy Museum Since my last the Irish Brigantine the Three Friends from Bordeaux taken by the Alliance has sunk at her Anchors in this Road. This unfortunate Accident happened about Eleven in the fore noon the Day before yesterday, and the Prize Master and People declare that the Vessel made no...
Your favor of May 20. has been recieved some time since: but the increasing inertness of age renders me slow in obeying the calls of the writing table, and less equal than I have been to it’s labors. My opinion on the right of Expatriation has been so long ago as the year 1776. consigned to record in the Act of the Virginia code, drawn by myself recognising the right expressly, & prescribing...