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Results 26511-26540 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Because your sister has the talent of growing more amiable every day, or because I am a fanatic in love, or both—or if you prefer another interpretation, because I have address enough to be a good dissembler, she fancies herself the happiest woman in the world, and would need persuade all her friends to embark with her in the matrimonial voyage. But I pray you do not let her advice have so...
[ New Windsor, New York, January 21, 1781. On February 5, 1781, Schuyler wrote to Hamilton : “Your favors of the 21st & 30th ult: I had the pleasure to receive a few days ago.” Letter of January 21 not found. ]
New Windsor [ New York ] January 21, 1781 . Sends information concerning Captain William Gifford. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Barber was a lieutenant colonel of the First New Jersey Regiment and H’s former teacher in Elizabethtown, New Jersey.
New Windsor [ New York ] January 21, 1781 . Asks Clinton to investigate the Chevalier Destouches’s complaint concerning the seizure of wheat and flour intended for the French navy. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Charles René Dominique Sochet, Chevalier Destouches, was placed in command of the French navy in America after the death of the Chevalier de...
New Windsor [ New York ] January 21, 1781 . Is sending troops from West Point to quell the mutiny in New Jersey. Entreats Frelinghuysen to help in restoring order. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Frelinghuysen was a colonel in the New Jersey Militia.
New Windsor [ New York ] January 21, 1781 . Sends instructions concerning the mutiny of Shreve’s troops. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. On January 20, 1781, Shreve wrote Washington, “It is with pain I inform your Excellency, that the troops at this place [Pompton, New Jersey] revolted this evening and marched towards Trenton. Their behaviour and demands...
New Windsor [ New York ] January 21, 1781 . Has sent troops to quell the mutiny in New Jersey. Urges that no terms may be made with the mutineers. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
West Point, January 22, 1781. Places Howe in command of detachment ordered to attempt to quell mutiny in New Jersey. Sends general instructions. Df , in writings of George Washington and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
New Windsor [ New York ] January 22, 1781 . Sends news of the Pennsylvania and New Jersey mutinies. Asks for provisions from these states. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
New Windsor [ New York ] January 23, 1781 . Sends news of the New Jersey mutiny and details of what has been done to quell it. Is of the opinion that unless funds are found “our opposition must very soon cease.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
New Windsor [ New York ] January 24, 1781 . Encloses letters which will explain the flour situation. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
New Windsor [ New York ] January 24, 1781 . Sends news of the New Jersey mutiny. States that Count de Custine and the Marquis de Laval will tell Rochambeau of Benedict Arnold’s “descent in Virginia.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Adam Philippe, Comte de Custine-Sarrek, was a brigadier general in the French army in America. Anne Alexandre Marie Sulpice...
Yesterday I received your favor of the 16th. Instant. It affords me pleasure to learn that the Pensylvania line is reduced to order, but we in this quarter are on the point of experiencing a similar commotion. Two regiments threaten to march to Head quarters unless some money is paid them, the certificates for the depreciation expedited, and in future better supplied with provisions. Yesterday...
New Windsor [ New York ] January 25, 1781 . Has “always considered Col Hay as a capable useful diligent active and upright servant of the public.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. These men were members of a committee appointed at a town meeting of Poughkeepsie to write to Washington concerning Lieutenant Colonel Udny Hay. Lewis Duboys’s name is frequently...
New Windsor [ New York ] January 25, 1781 . Is now empowered to exchange Convention officers for American officers. Proposes John Franklin as the American agent to reside in New York. Asks Clinton to investigate complaints of naval prisoners. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
New Windsor [ New York ] January 25, 1781 . States that it has been frequently reported that the treatment of naval prisoners is deplorable. Suggests “permitting an officer of confidence on both sides to visit the prisoners in their respective confinements, and examine into their true condition.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Ringwood, New Jersey, January 26, 1781. “I accompanied the General to this place on the business of the Jersey revolt. Tomorrow morning it will be brought to a decision.” Letter not found. ] ALS , sold by C. F. Libbie and Company, November 15, 1889, Lot 343. Bland, who had been a colonel First Continental Dragoons, resigned from the service on December 10, 1779. On June 21, 1780, he was...
Ringwood [ New Jersey ] January 27, 1781 . Informs Livingston that the mutiny has been completely suppressed. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Ringwood [ New Jersey ] January 27, 1781 . Sends instructions for dealing with the “Commissioners for Redressing the Grievances of the New Jersey Line.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Ringwood [ New Jersey ] January 27, 1781 . Describes measures that have been taken to suppress the mutiny. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Ringwood [ New Jersey ] January 27, 1781 . Discusses Pennsylvania and New Jersey mutinies. Discusses rank of “Capt Lieutenants.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
New Windsor [ New York ] January 29, 1781 . Sends instructions to have loyal troops remain near the New Jersey line. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
New Windsor [ New York ] January 29, 1781 . Reports that the mutiny has been suppressed. Commends troops sent to quell uprising. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
New Windsor [ New York ] January 29, 1781 . Reports that mutiny has been suppressed. Describes successful American enterprise at “West Chester,” New York. Tells of Benedict Arnold’s raid in Virginia. Reports British and American movements in the Carolinas. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ New Windsor, New York, January 30, 1781. On February 5, 1781, Schuyler wrote to Hamilton : “Your favors of the 21st & 30th ult: I had the pleasure to receive a few days ago.” Letter of January 30 not found. ]
New Windsor [ New York ] January 31, 1781 . Encloses reports of the New Jersey mutiny and the “West Chester” enterprise. Commends troops in both operations. LS , in writing of H, Papers of the Continental Congress, National Archives.
New Windsor [ New York ] January 31, 1781 . Sends instructions for sending Convention troop officers from Virginia to Elizabethtown so that they can be exchanged. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
There is a man of your regiment with Mr. Garanger. The embarrassment of his circumstances induces me to request you will oblige him with permitting the soldier to continue with him ’till his fate is decided which will be in a few weeks. Yrs. with great regard ALS , New-York Historical Society, New York City. Lamb was a colonel, Continental Artillery. Captain Lewis Garanger, Continental Artillery.
Newburgh [ New York ] February 2, 1781 . Requests permission to issue rations to the families of Moses Dean and Hezekiah Gibson, both of whom belong to Colonel Jeduthan Baldwin’s Artificer Regiment. LC , RG 93, Letters of Col. T. Pickering, National Archives.
New Windsor [ New York ] February 2, 1781 . Commends Wayne for conduct during mutiny. Excuses Wayne from recruiting. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Wayne had been in command of the Pennsylvania troops that had mutinied.