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Results 2651-2700 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
1. Favor to England. Smith . 1798. Oct. 18. pa. 1. Answer to Grand jury of Ulster county N.Y. ‘if by a coalition—of aiding each other.’ 26. lines. Folsome . pa. 51. to Inhabitants of Concord in Massachus. ‘as I have ever wished—useful to remember it.’ 25. lines Fenno . 1798. July. 6. pa. 2. to Officers & souldiers of Morris county N.J. ‘had not the measures—& perhaps better founded. 30. lines....
I am now in Port au Prince , employed by the Government . Deign to excuse me for the coar se ness of this paper! I am destined to work on the rules of Howard , of Lancaster , and on your own. I Shall be ever happy to hear from your most Venerable mind. I will take the liberty to Write to you, often. I have a great deal to mention to you. fernagus De Gelone .  at The Lyceum .
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have to Inform you the Printing Press I have sent to M. le Chevr Holker should have sent it sooner but could nod get a ship before this, which is the Adventure John Damon Master the Custom Huse expences &c are 7 s. which you are Indepted to your Most Humbl servant Addressed: Monsieur Franklin / Ministre Plenipotentiaire / des Etats-Unis de l’Amerique /...
Mr. Madison . I take the liberty Mr. Chairman, at this early stage of the business to introduce to the committee a subject, which appears to me, to be of the greatest magnitude; a subject, Sir, that requires our first attention, and our united exertions. No gentleman here can be unacquainted with the numerous claims upon our justice; nor with the impotency which prevented the late Congress of...
In your favour of the 12th. you Say that you had believed, “that during the War of the Revolution, many Acts of the British had been exaggerated.” This may have happened; but I know not in what instances, on the contrary I know that one half their Cruelties and brutalities had not been told, or if told has not been believed. If you Suppose, that the British were influenced, by “any Motives of...
The Accounts I receive of your Indisposition, excite much Grief. Your Father by Precept and Example will recommend Exercise, and he will be right: but ask him, if he has not been Sometimes intemperate, even in the Use of this Salutary Remedy. Moderation in all Things is indispensable. Riding is excellent; Walking more so; a Mixture of both is better than either. Renouce your Flute. If you must...
FC ( NA : PCC , Marine Committee Letter Book, fol. 288). The Board are favoured with your letter of the 3d instant acknowledging the receipt of theirs of the 17th ultimo, wherein the[y] expressly directed you to proceed with the Trumbull on A short Cruize so as to return to the Delaware by the latter end of June in Order to join the Confederacy Saratoga & Deane for the execution of a...
I have been long waiting in the hope of picking up a 5.D. bill of the US. bank to remit you according to the account transmitted to you me thro’ mr Patterson : but in vain. our inland & uncommercial situation offers nothing but the paper of our state banks: to prevent further delay therefore I inclose you a Richmond 5.D. note and as the banks of every state are at discount in all others, I add...
Mr. Duer my assistant goes to Philadelphia to transact some business with the bank there in which your co-operation will probably be wanted. He will give you the necessary explanations; and I doubt not will have your acquiescence in whatever may be requisite to complete his arrangments. The other principal Officers of the Department not being on the spot some informality may be unavoidable....
We the subscribers being the superintendant Constructer and Clerk of the Navy Yard, during the building of the Frigate Constitution feel ourselves Constrained by the Principles of Justice to say That Genl. Henry Jackson the Naval Agent has on all Occasions from the Commencement of building the Frigate manifested unremitting Zeal and exertion by Personal attention to obtain in the most...
ADS : American Philosophical Society Benjamin Franklen to Benja. Humphreys Dr. £ s d To Two steel spendels For the Harmonica 4: 0: 0 Humphreys was almost certainly a Philadelphia artisan, but nothing more is known about him. See Above, p. 426.
2662[Diary entry: 22 January 1768] (Washington Papers)
22. Fox hunting with Captn. Posey, started but catchd nothing.
DS : Morris Duane, Philadelphia, on deposit in Historical Society of Pennsylvania (1957) This Indenture made the Eleventh day of April in the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c Annoque Domini One thousand Seven hundred and Thirty Four Between Benjamin Franklyn of the City of...
I find you, & I must agree , NOT to disagree , or we must cease to discuss political questions. I could as soon believe that the British parliament, never had once a right to tax America, as believe that a fourth major part of the citizens of New york were federal , or that many of the federal minority were so, from proper motives.— I know from good authority that some of the leading...
I have now before me your letter of the 4th Instt inclosing the report against ordering out any more of the militia from the counties of Orange, Dutchess, West Chester or Ulster—The reasons alledged by the Commee, to whom this matter was referred, are entirely satisfactory to me, and therefore I do not expect a compliance with that part of my letter which respects this matter. I have the honor...
I beleive it will be necessary for us to begin to register our people in captivity with the enemy, in order that we may be enabled on all exchanges to give preference according to turn : which is certainly just whether a person be exchanged as a souldier, a sailor, or a citizen. I therefore have recommended to the bearer John Wood to enter his name with you, time of captivity, denomination...
12 July 1804, Glasgow. “I have now the honor to transmit you a Report of the Trade of the United States ⟨wi⟩thin my district commencing 1 Jany & ending 30 June last. “Not having had the honor of an answer from you to my letter of the 22 June 1803 and those of subsequent dates I am at a loss to know in what light Government views the property of the Vessels that I have at different times...
2668[Diary entry: 17 November 1768] (Washington Papers)
17. Went up to a Race by Mr. Beckwiths & lodgd at Mr. Edwd. Paynes. Mr. Beckwith is possibly the Marmaduke Beckwith who appears on the tax lists of Fairfax County for 1782 and 1785 ( heads of families Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790: Virginia; Records of the State Enumerations, 1782 to 1785 . 1908. Reprint. Baltimore, 1970. , 18, 85).
I address you upon a subject, which I claim no right to, except that of humanity and of the public benefice. As our Country is now involved in War and the mite of every one is highly requisite to extirpate that foe who has thought proper to excite our indignation, I think that every means within our limits, to strengthen our Armies; ought to be resorted to. In the US. Army, there are many...
Can a gunboat be spared from Charleston? DLC : Harwood Family Papers.
I have for some time past had it in contemplation to take my pen & devote its impressions to your service, but that noted thief, Procrastination must answer for my negligence, & supply an excuse where I have not the hardiness to offer one. It often happens that the best friendships have the fewest documents to prove their existence; as a well-kindled fire, such an one as now warms your...
You will percieve by mr Garret’s note that your signature is required to the inclosed copy of Kosciuzko’s will which accordingly I request; and it may be necessary to express a doubt whether a scroll instead of a real seal will be recieved out of this state. it will be safest to add a seal of wax or wafer. The literary board has decided that the monies allowed to the different counties for the...
I am out of health and am advised to take a sea voyage. Capt. Lee informs me that Govt. will send dispatches to France and England probably every few weeks in the approaching summer. If I could be imployed as the bearer of dispatches and thereby avoid expence and regain my health I should be very thankful. You are sensible that republicans have every difficulty to encounter here, and no member...
I have received your letter of the fifth instant, and approve the intention which it expresses of coming to this place relative to your journey. You will be pleased to signify to Captain Littlefield that his request of a furlough is granted— With Gr— ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
I am happy to find by a New York paper, that the Result of the late Inquiry into your official Conduct is perfectly consistant with the Expectations of your Friends. It is there represented as being voluminous, and in a variety of Respects interesting. Be so good as to send me a copy. I wrote to you lately a confidential Letter, under Cover to the President. My Dispatches to Mr Randolph were...
LS : Yale University Library; copy: Library of Congress I have lately received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 7th of May last, relating to the Loss of the Brigantine, Fair Play . I had before made the Application desired, and obtained an Order to the Governor of Guadaloupe for making the Compensation. I hope therefore that the Business is effected; but if any...
2677June 25. 1770. Boston. (Adams Papers)
Blowers . In the Reign of Richard the 2d. or Henry 6th. you may find Precedents for any Thing. This Observation was echoed from some Tory, who applyed it to a late Quotation of the House of Representatives. It is true, Richard 2d. and H. 6. were weak and worthless Princes, and their Parliaments were bold and resolute, but weak Princes may arise hereafter, and then there will be need of daring...
[ Penobscot, District of Maine, September 20, 1790. On November 13, 1790, Hamilton wrote to David Sewall : “The day before yesterday a letter from the Collector of Penobscot of the 20th. of September … came to hand.” Letter not found. ] Sewall was judge for the District of Maine.
I arrived here the last Night & this morning had the honor of congratulating Monsr le Compte de rochambeau, and monsieur le chevalier de Terney on their Safe arrival in this harbour. The Fleet consists of Seven sail of the line—the duke de Burgogne of 80 Guns. le Neptune and le Conquerant of 74—le Jazon L’Eville—L’Ardent and Le Provence of 64—le Fantasque Hospital Ship of 64—mounts 40 Guns—two...
I have the honor of enclosing to you the Prospectus of a Work which I am publishing On Artillery, before it is circulated and inserted in the News Papers. Should the Contents answer the purpose which I contemplated, when it was begun, which is to be useful to the United States, my Satisfaction will be compleat. To have your name at the head of my Subscribers will be a propitious omen, which...
James Leander Cathcart prests his respectful compliments to Mr Jefferson & returns him the Arabic manuscript with a literal translation: it is not dated at any particular place, but the Tunisian Ambassador supposes it to have been wrote at Derna & refers you to Mr Eaton for a further elucidation of the facts therein contain’d. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I have been favoured with your Letter of the 15 Inst. by Monsr Segond. I think it will be proper for you to join the Army with your Corps, as there yet remain more than Two months in which the Enemy may operate in the Field; However, you are not to proceed with it till you receive orders from Congress or the Board of War for the purpose. If Congress or the Board of War direct you to join the...
The certificate in the case of Daniel Cutter, is similar to what has usually been prepared when the expense is to be paid out of the contingent fund. The only form required is that you should annex the word “Approved” to the certificate & return it with your signature to this office— Respectfully Your obedt. Servt. RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “The President.” Recorded in SJL as received from...
Letter not found: to James Mercer, 9 Aug. 1773. On 11 Aug. Mercer wrote : “Your favour of the 9th Instant was received late last night.”
This moment Dodd the Express from the State of Massachusetts, who Took your Dispatches to Congress on Saturday last, Arriv’d at my house, and informs me that this Day about 12 oClock he put up at one Bissinett’s a publick house in Bristol, where he open’d his Bundle to deliver a Letter to be forwarded over the Ferry to Mrs Reed, & leaving his Bundle in the Barr Room while he Stept out, on his...
Among the papers accompanying the list of military appointments was the resignation of an Officer by the name of Bullet, if I mistake not. It was sent for your acceptance. He is waiting, & would be obliged by your decision as soon as convenient. I have the honor to be / with perfect respect / Your faithful servt. MHi : Adams Papers.
Letter not found: to unknown recipient, 27 Sept. 1792. Sold by Leavitt, Strebeigh & Co., New York, item 501, 15–17 Mar. 1869. Listed as “A.L.S, ‘G. W——n,’ 1 p. 4to, Mount Vernon.”
I beg your acceptance of one of these volumes & that you would give the other to the President with the most respectful Compliments of the author Yr most obedt Servt MHi : Adams Papers.
2689[Diary entry: 28 December 1774] (Washington Papers)
28. They went away again after Dinner and Mr. Robt. Graham came and stayed all Night. This was probably Robert Graham (1751–1821), son of John Graham of Graham Park near Dumfries, Prince William County. Robert succeeded his father as Prince William County clerk in 1777 ( HAYDEN Horace Edwin Hayden. Virginia Genealogies. A Genealogy of the Glassell Family of Scotland and Virginia, also of the...
J’ay fait part de la letter que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’ecrire a la derniere assemblée de la Société Royale de Medecine, qui m’a chargé de Vous en faire Ses remerciemens. Nous Sommes très flattés, Monsieur, de la correspondance, que Messieurs du College de Medecine de Boston Veulent bien etablir avec nous, correspondance qui ne peut être que très avantageuse aux progrès de l’art, et...
AL (draft): University of Pennsylvania Library I received my dear Friend’s kind Present of the Scissors, which are exactly what I wanted, & besides their Usefulness to me have a great additional Value by the Hand from which they came. It is true that I can now neither walk abroad nor write at home without having something that may remind me of your Goodness towards me; you might have added,...
Since my Last to you of the 19th instant, I had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 15th it gives me vast Satisfaction to find you are makeing Such preparations as will prevent the enemy from makeing any Lodgment there the reinforcement gon to you from this Camp will put you on So respectable a footing; that I have no doubt, but you will be able to Strengthen your works, in Such a manner...
If my waggone Comes to this Place Next Friday—or before, as I have directed—I Shall waite on you For Colo. Fairfaxes Desk and Papers—I have no order for them—the Executors said it was not Necessary—as my Power of attorney was Sufficient To Call for them —If you think it Necessary To List the Papers I Shall be Glad it Could be done before I Come down—Should any accident Prevent my going To...
20 April 1803, Department of State. “There does not appear to be any charge of an improper nature in Mr. Young’s account as Consul. For his contingencies as Secretary of Mr. Humphreys, the rule is that allowance is to be made for translating and printing papers, postage and couriers. For necessary aids to seamen, with the sanction of Colo. Humphreys, and the charge he makes for entering an...
I have the honor to present you, Memoirs of the American Revolution, lately written and published by me here: hoping they may bring to your notice, some events, which have not been publickly known of a Revolution, in which you bore so honorable a part. Hoping that you may live many years, to enjoy the honors you have received, and the good wishes of your fellow Citizens, I am Sir With...
Letter not found. 1 June 1810. Calendared as a one-page letter in the lists probably made by Peter Force (DLC, series 7, container 2).
The resignation of Lieut Spring is accepted, and will be considered as taking effect on the 31st of this month. The following is from a letter of the S of War—“Doctor Barron is to be considered as temporary Surgeon’s mate from the time he commenced to render service in the fourteenth regiment. Col. Rice’s letter does not give the date of the commencement of his doing duty. When informed...
2698[Diary entry: 7 July 1769] (Washington Papers)
7. The above Company going away after Breakfast I went over into the Neck & returnd to Dinner.
In the instant of the departure of the post Genl. Dearborne calls on me to know the name of a person for whom I applied to be made a Cadet; and I have forgotten the name, & cannot find it on a review of your letters, altho’ I know it was through you that the application came. pray let me know it by return of post; and I will keep the place open a few days. Genl. Dearborne leaves us in a few...
Yours of the 6 th is rec e ived. I set out the day after tomorrow for Poplar Forest , and shall be there till the 1 st of May . you say you will be at home the 25 th . I really think Francis had better come on diret direct