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Results 2651-2700 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have been long in debt to your politeness for the copy of your “Elements of phrenology” put...
Inferring from the silence of the Newspapers, since they announced your appointment as a visitor...
Your letter of Aug. 30. has been longer unanswered than I could have wished: but the delay has...
The letter & blank form enclosd were sent to me here by the Register of the Treasury, I now...
It is proper to apprize persons attending the Sale, that there is some uncertainty with regard...
Account of the Sale of Real Estate belonging to the Heirs of the Hon John Adams as sold at Public...
I have nothing to add to what I wrote you yesterday on that subject. I saw Col: Perkins, who said...
I left Rye yesterday— Mary then intended to pay you a visit today, but I suppose the bad weather...
Yrs of the 130. has just been recd. I sincerely regret the occasion for it, & that I can not...
Sales of Stocks, by Order of the Executors, on the Estate of John Adams late of Quincy decd. 13....
Minute for Deacon Adams—18. Septr. 1826. Salt-Marsh as Returned by the Inventory— Acres— Qurs:...
I saw Col: Perkins, yesterday at Brookline, who did not seem prepared to answer my question, as...
I hereby authorise John Adams in my name and behalf to make proposals for renewing the Insurance,...
I have recd. your favor of the 16th. What relates to the University will be subjects for our...
By the Will of my deceased Father, all that part of his Real Estate, lying on both sides of the...
Our friend Mr Terrell is now among us, on a farewell visit, preparatory to his removal to New...
I have received your Letter of the 9th. instt. and now enclose a Check on the Branch Bank for 500...
You did me the favour some time since to address a letter to the secretary of War in behalf of my...
I send you the inclosed just as I have received it— I wish to be considered as taking no part in...
I pray you to accept my thanks for your obliging Note of the 25 ulto. and for the copy of your...
Your Note and packet came safely to me a few days since and I write a few lines merely to say...
I have recd. Sir, your letter of Aug. 31st. with the 2 Copies of your “Elements of Analytic...
I wrote you a very few lines yesterday my dear Charles, with a promise to write to you again...
I have recd from Mr Hassler the accompanying copy of a work he has just published on “analytic...
The Committee to whom was referred such matters of a general nature as it would be proper to...
Upon the decease of my late honoured Father, I have considered it a duty devolving upon me to...
I have received, my dear friend, with great pleasure your letter of the 1st. instant, so full of...
Your letter of the 31. Ulto was forwarded to, & rec’d by me here yesterday, there seems to be no...
Norfolk, ss. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to Daniel Greenleaf Esquire, Josiah Bass, Gentleman,...
It appears on a resurvey of the Quincy Hancock Wood lot belonging to the estate of John Adams...
List of the wearing apparel of the late John Adams at the time of his decease. 1 Flannel 1 Silk...
J. M. presents his respects to Mr. Sprague with many thanks for the “Eulogy on John Adams & Ths....
I received your favour of the 17th August and thank you for your prompt compliance with my wishes...
I send to you our 5th Volume of Memoirs of the “Philadelphia Society for promoting Agriculture”;...
Since I recd. your friendly communications relative to unclaimed dividends on Stock standing in...
At the two last sessions I submitted to the Senate resolutions proposing an amendment to the...
The most important facts in the History of my fathers Life will be found in one or another of the...
Our Beloved Jefferson is No More, My dear friend, and While I Mingle My Sorrows With Yours, I...
I write you without knowing where or when my Letter will find you, and must therefore I must omit...
I have read with a just sympathy the view given of your situation in your letter of the 22...
I have read with pleasure the copy of your Oration on the 4th. of July, obligingly sent me, and...
I have concluded to part with George, at the very moment when he is most needful to me—I have...
In my claim, in support of which I enclosed you Mr. Monroe’s letter and other documents, I...
I send this enclosure and add a few lines to state that I shall leave this place on Wednesday for...
I have recd. the letter of the 14th. August addressed to me by the Executors of the Will of my...
I have received your Letters of the 13th. and 14th from Lebanon, and rejoice with exceeding joy...
I had yesterday the honor of receiving the communication you did me that of addressing to me from...
The will of my honoured & lamented Grandfather is received, & I beg you, most respectfully, to...
I have just received your Letter from Ballston, with the greater pleasure, as it gives a better...