Thomas Jefferson Papers

Roger C. Weightman to Thomas Jefferson, 12 October 1811

From Roger C. Weightman

Washington, Oct 12. 1811


M Chambers of N York put into my charge a parcel of Fiorin grass recently received from Ireland, with directions to take the earliest and safest mode of conveyance to Monticello. Since my return home I have had it boxed and directed to the care of the post master at Fredericksburg. Mr Wm B. Randolph did me the favor to take charge of the box and will deliver it safely into the hands of the Post master.

I am Sir Very respectfully Yours

R. C. Weightman

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 16 Oct. 1811 and so recorded in SJL; notation on verso by TJ relating to his 19 Oct. 1811 reply: “Scott’s works 5.v. miniature edn.”

Roger Chew Weightman (1787–1876) was born in Alexandria and moved in 1801 to Washington, D.C. There he learned the printing business under Andrew Way and William Duane, acquiring the latter’s bookstore and printing office in 1807. Weightman printed the journals of the United States Senate, 1807–14, and TJ purchased books and stationery from him on several occasions. After serving in the cavalry during the War of 1812, he accepted a commission in the militia. Weightman was a brigadier general at the time of Lafayette’s visit in 1824, and in 1861 he rose to major general in charge of the District of Columbia’s militia. Although his health had begun to fail, he served in that capacity throughout the Civil War. Weightman was also a justice of the peace, 1816–42, mayor of Washington, 1824–27, cashier of the Bank of Washington, 1827–34, and a clerk and librarian at the United States Patent Office, 1851–70. In his capacity as mayor, he invited TJ to Washington’s celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, eliciting TJ’s last public letter (MB description begins James A. Bear Jr. and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767–1826, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1208, 1239, 1274; Washington National Intelligencer, 27 May 1807; Washington Daily National Intelligencer, 7 May 1814; JEP description begins Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States description ends ; Weightman to TJ, 14 June 1826; TJ to Weightman, 24 June 1826; Washington Evening Star, 1 July 1872, 2 Feb. 1876).

The Fredericksburg post master was John Benson.

Index Entries

  • Benson, John; Fredericksburg postmaster search
  • Chambers, John; and fiorin grass search
  • fiorin grass; sent to TJ search
  • grass; fiorin search
  • Ireland; fiorin grass from search
  • Randolph, William B.; and fiorin grass for TJ search
  • Weightman, Roger Chew; and fiorin grass search
  • Weightman, Roger Chew; identified search
  • Weightman, Roger Chew; letters from search