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Results 26501-26550 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have recieved the Letter which You did me the Honor of writing to me, the 11th. of April, in...
Letter not found. 21 February 1796. Acknowledged in Dohrman to JM, 26 Feb. 1796 . Concerns...
Letter not found. 20 March 1795. Acknowledged in Dohrman to JM, 24 Mar. 1795 . Concerns Dohrman’s...
Letter not found. Ca. 6 March 1796. Acknowledged in Dohrman to JM, 11 Mar. 1796 . Concerns...
The many Kindnesses which you have shown to our captive countrymen, whom the fortune of war has...
Letter not found. 3 April 1795. On this day JM wrote letters to Dohrman and Joseph Jones but sent...
I am happy in receiving this public mark of the esteem of the Minister, Elders and Deacons of the...
When I left public office I expected to be so much at leisure that I should keep up a very...
This accompanies a duplicate of my letter of Oct. 11. troubling you with some small commissions,...
I was going to acknolege th[e receipt of yours of Jany. 5th. and Feb.] 15. when I was seised with...
My public occupations rarely permit me to take up the pen of private correspondence. I have still...
Your favor of July 2. is now before me. The consulates of the W. Indies had been already filled....
In my letter by last post I forgot to inclose you the bill of exchange for £50. sterl. which you...
Having determined to try my Bedford tobacco this year at the London market, I could have no...
Often sollicited by persons on this side the water to enquire for their friends in America about...
I had the honor of writing to you on the 28th. of July, when appearan[ces] rather threatened a...
I received duly your friendly letter of Nov. 12. By this time you will have seen published by...
I recieved duly with yo[ur favor Lackington’s ca]talogue, and now in consequence thereof[, seize...
I have yet to acknolege your favors of Mar. 10. and Apr. 4. Just before their receipt I had heard...
I received with infinite satisfaction your letter of the 1st. of March. It was the first...
I was obliged, by the approaching departure of a ship for Europe which was to carry letters from...
Letter not found: to Alexander Donald, 2 June 1787. Donald wrote GW on 20 June : “I had the...
Your favor of Sep. 1. came to my hands a few days ago and gave me the first account of your safe...
8. pair of Astragal and hollow, mahogany, window sashes, for windows 6. f. 6. I. high and 3 f. 3...
I received your favor of Dec. 15. two days after I had written my letter of the 7th. inst. and at...
Books to be purchased at Dublin, and shipped thence to Richmond in Virginia, to the care of James...
Your letters to Mr. Wilson were delivered on my arrival yesterday evening. The vessel sails...
£ s d 0– 4–6 859. Keith’s hist. of the Brit. plantns. in Virga. with maps neat. gilt. scarce....
My last to you was of Nov. 11. since which I have received your several favors of Sep. 6. Nov. 7....
Your favors of Apr. 25. and May 3. are still to be acknoleged, for an attack of a periodical...
I recieved at New York your account, but could not do any thing in it till I could come here, and...
I have recieved your favour of Feb. 15. 1791. Of the many others you say you have written, none...
When I left Virginia the last year, I left with Colo. Nicholas Lewis instructions to pay you for...
Your letter of the first inst. did not reach my hands until last night, or I would have replied...
Memorandum of the allowance proposed to be made to James Donaldson, and what is expected from him...
Presuming you are still in the line in which I formerly knew & dealt with you, I take the liberty...
Will you be so good as to send for me to Richmond addressed to the care of messrs. Gibson and...
I have this day recieved your favor of Aug. 27. Having imagined that you always had a stock of...
I recieved last night your favor of the 20th. such is the urgency for the glass for the sky...
Your favor of Sep. 22. came to hand two days ago, by which I observe you have laid by for me 7....
I have recieved your favor of Oct. 19. and become sensible of the error in calculating the 180....
I know not how it happened that your favor of Aug. 8. did not reach me till our last post. A...
I shall have occasion about midsummer of the next year for 250. panes of Bohemian glass of 18....
I shall be obliged to you to import for me Bohemian glass of the kind which you deliver at 16....
Accept my thanks for your obliging letter of this morning, which I this moment received. My...
I am sorry to find that the Indians have begun their Hostilities so early: however I hope General...
I have received your letter of the sixteenth of December, and am much obliged to you for the...
I thank you for your care of the two letters from France which you have been so kind as to...
[ Paris, 11 Feb. 1787 Recorded in SJL under this date. Not found.]
(I) and (II) Copy: Archives of the Congregatio de Propaganda Fide M. Franklin après avoir lu la...