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Results 26501-26550 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
On Thursday night I received from the Post Office your favour of October the second. Although it...
I have received your letter of the 9th inst: inclosing a statement of a private conversation...
My only Son will have the Honor to deliver this Letter. I have endeavoured to impress his mind...
12 October 1811, Washington. JM remits the sentence of death imposed 12 Aug. 1811 by a...
The time that has Elaps d since since you last wrote me, and my silence on the Subject of the...
M Chambers of N York put into my charge a parcel of Fiorin grass recently received from Ireland ,...
M r Burwell of Franklin , your relation, has requested me to send you a letter of introduction to...
The inclosed letter is from mr W m A. Burwell , one of the members of Congress from our state ....
Mrs. Lewis, the widow of Colo. Nich Lewis, has requested me to mention to yourself the name of a...
M rs Lewis , the widow of Col o Nich Lewis , has requested me to mention to yourself the name of...
At the Request of our friend D: B. Warden ; I herewith send you a small Box, containing 2 Roots...
According to promise I send you our observations of the solar eclipse of Sep. 17. we had, you...
Your much respected Letter of the 27 th March has been just forwarded to me by M r Warden from...
your kind letter of september 2nd though received in season has not yet been answered or...
When I agreed to waive all exception to the Jurisdiction of a Military Tribunal, and submit to a...
I duly recieved your favor of Aug. 13. stating the ineffectual effort you had made to remit to...
On the reciept of the letters of mr Eppes , mr Giles & others in your behalf, I wrote to mr...
We forward ‘The Picture of Philadelphia , ’ for which thou art a Subscriber,—The price is One...
As my Commission as Governor of Orleans, will expire on the 17th. of January next, I take the...
The enclosed Exemplification of a Statute passed the eighth of last april will shew that we are...
8 October 1811, Plymouth. Encloses a memorial for JM’s consideration. Mentions that the orders in...
Since my Letter to you of the fifteenth in answer to yours of the fi f th of September, We have...
What Sufficient thanks Shall I return to the distinguished favours, with which your kind...
It has been suggested that the provisions of the non-intercourse Act which forbid the importation...
Last night I received your favour of the first of this month., from the hand of Dr Solomon...
We were considering the Bible in its historical character, and as the history of a Family—From...
A letter just recd. by Mr[s.] M. from Mrs. C. informs us that you had set out on a trip for...
Your letters of Aug. 13. and Sep. 10. were each of them 23. days getting to this place. the...
I Received yours of the twenty six of last month and am extremly sorry to hear of my sisters...
Your letter of Sep. 25. was brought me by our last post I was certainly not aware that any...
5 October 1811, Cambridge, South Carolina. The subscribers, citizens of Cambridge and vicinity,...
About two years ago, I requested you to procure for me, by means of Gen. Armstrong, or Mr Warden,...
2 canteens of French brandy RC ( NN : Liebmann Collection); dateline beneath signature; written...
Since writing my last letter to you , I have visited a small farm in my neigbourhood, belonging...
The pleasure which I feel, in addressing one of the first sages and patriots of my country, is...
Your favour of 21. June, without a number, was forwarded to me from Copenhagen by Mr. Erving, who...
I am honored by the receipt of your letter of the 28 th ult. I have not seen M r Harris , who...
I expect this Letter will be delivered to you, by my worthy and respectable Friend and next Door...
Your favor of Sep. 11 has been duly recieved, but I am sorry it is in my power to give no...
Your favor of Aug. 14. was recieved after an unusual delay of the post. I formerly believed it...
[ Ed. Note : In SJL on 6 Oct. 1811 TJ recorded receipt of a letter written five days earlier in...
in replie to your inquiries I answer mrs Adams had a very bad night. at 2 oclock Nancy came to my...
I have received your favor of with the pleasure I could not but feel in learning that the...
Your favor of Sep. 16. has been duly recieved, and I pray you to accept my thanks for the trouble...
I thank you for the communication of the papers respecting the Union canal company of Pensylvania...
I have duly recieved your letter of Aug. 29. with the copy of mr Markley ’s oration which it...
The second general point of view, in which I propose to you to consider the Bible, to the great...
The inclosed letter came under cover to me without any indication from what quarter it came. Our...
Your recommendation would at all times be a sufficient inducement to me to patronize any one who...
28 September 1811, Palma, Majorca. Requests the collector at the port of discharge to receive...