Results 26501-26550 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your favours of the 17th & 18th were received last evening by post. The one referred to in your letter to Capt williams did not come to hand. I wish my opinion had not been asked relative to the present allowance made the keeper of the Light House at Portland as the sum given was named by me and thought to be as much as the public ought to give for keeping it in the best manner. I did not...
The standard adopted in your advertisment for the rule of Prices, for the carpenters and Joiners worke of the Buildings to be erected at the university of virginia , I tender to you my servises to undertake one or two of the Buildings at 25 ⅌ cent advance on the adopted rule, the worke to be performed agreeable to the Turms specifyed in the advertisment , but the kiln drying of Plank and...
26503General Orders, 14 June 1782 (Washington Papers)
Great credit is due to the Officers and men of the tenth Massachusetts Regiment for their attention to the preservation of their cloathing, and for the Military appearance they made yesterday under Arms—The Light Company attracted the Generals particular Notice. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I have taken the liberty of sending You the enclosed “ Projet of a Law to encourage the raising of Sheep” in the hope that you will lend your attention to the Subject, improve upon, or modify the Scheme, & assist us to in trying to obtain its passage by the next legislature . The principal features I have taken from the Pennsylvania Dog Law, as it is mentioned by Judge Peters in the Memoirs of...
I am favored with thy printed letter of the 9 April & also this morning a duplicate thereof via Liverpool. In consequence of thy directions I have sent to the different Ports in my district to obtain the needful information. For the present, perhaps it may be proper to inform thee that American shipping pay double the Light money that English Ships do. All other Shipping are on the same...
M r . Carm. was 9 days going from Madrid to Bayonne, from whence he wrote to me on 12 March & arrived at Paris 27 March 1784 — Mr Barclay arr d ^ Sunday ^ 11 Ap. 1784— I gave Notice of it same Day to M r Carmich l .— — Monday 12 ap— M r Carm. call d on me in his Way to passy where he dines—is to see Barclay, & call in the Ev
I Your letter in recommendation of Mess Powers and Blake as Cadets in the fifteenth regiment, has been delivered to me. I have made the necessary communication on the subject to the Secretary of War— With great consn I am Sir & & ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
Sy. War . Wafford’s settlemt . qu. if Indns. wd accept rent? instruct Meigs to bring settlemt. of Cherokee road to an end settle Wafford’s affair. Wilkinson & Dinsmore to purchase above Yazoo of Choctaws to examine our rt betw. Tombigbee , Alibama Harrison to buy of Kaskaskias of the Pioria chief
In compliance with the Bond given to Mr Fairfax and myself, as Trustees for the use of Mrs Savage, we think it incumbent on us to request payment of the sum therein stipulated, for the purposes therein expressed. This demand we are induced to make, on full conviction that it is not in our power to release the Bond (of which, possibly, you may hereafter be convinced) without forfeiting the...
Not knowing how far the inclosed address may serve to give a certain conveyance to the letter, I have thought it safest to put it under your cover, not doubting that your communion with the person would enable you to procure it a sure passage to it’s destination. I am with esteem Dear Sir Your friend & servt PrC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Mr. John Vaughan.” Enclosure: TJ to Benjamin Vaughan,...
Before my return hither I recd. yours of the 8th. inst: and have since recd. those of the 11th. 13. 17. & 20: The order relating to a discharge of Militia from Norfolk referred to in the first was not inclosed in it, and has not come otherwise to hand. There can be no question, under existing circumstances, but as to the degree in which the force at that place, may be prudently reduced. The...
I designed to have called and taken leave of you before my departure from Washington but a press of Company at my Office prevented till after your usual hours for morning Visits and I was unwilling to disturb the moments of conviviality in the Evening. I tarried two days in Baltimore and also in Philadelphia in both of which places I am fully convinced the Embargo is approved of by the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Votre excellence verra que L’ouvrage Cy joint â été imprimé par ordre du Bureau d’administration du College de Louis Legrand; C’est à Ce titre que Je prends La Liberté de vous L’adresser pour La societé de Philadelphie, persuadé de son utilité pour L’education publique dans Les etats Americains Comme dans La france; dumoins M. Le President Rolland, autheur...
Some time ago I give Mr James Leitch a draft on you, for $200 without mentioning the thing to you, before, which I ought to have done, therefore I will thank you to pay it when you find it convenient. We are at this time ingage on the other wing we got it to the Serface of the ground, and will use Every Exersion to finish it with Speed the other wing I will finish against you come hare, I am...
I returned from Bedford a week ago, after an absence of 6. weeks, and found here the Palladio, with your two favors of Nov. 29. & Dec. 1 & with 3. from Dr. Cooper, written before he had received one from me of Nov. 25. from Poplar Forest. It was agreed, you know, that we should make a report of our proceedings & prospects to the Govr. as our patron to be laid before the legislature. Being...
I can not express you—how warmlÿ I am obliged to you for your your last kind favour of May 20th. It Saÿs—nothing that it pleased and instructed—no—it did much more—It relieved mÿ drooping Spirits it dissipated in part the deep gloom, which has latelÿ taken possession of me—listen—mÿ Dear! I have one friend yet left—he would Soothe mÿ Sorrows—was he in the neighbourhood, altho he participated...
Albany, March 21, 1801. Repeats earlier requests to Hamilton. States: “I wrote you twice from the City of Washington but mist you going to Alby. & yesterday I came down to this City on purpose But you had Saild. about 2-Hours.” ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Glen to H, January 27, 1801 . The other letter from Glen has not been found. H had been in Albany attending the New York...
I have the honor of enclosing for your Signature a warrant for $10,000; the balance in my hands, towit about $1000 of the $20,000 heretofore drawn being insufficient to meet the Expenses of the present month which will be demanded in a few days.— I also enclose Sketches of the Expenditures since the Account last rendered , which was up to the first of July.— The Expenses on the Streets will I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): National Archives; copy: United States Naval Academy Museum Since my last the Irish Brigantine the Three Friends from Bordeaux taken by the Alliance has sunk at her Anchors in this Road. This unfortunate Accident happened about Eleven in the fore noon the Day before yesterday, and the Prize Master and People declare that the Vessel made no...
Your favor of May 20. has been recieved some time since: but the increasing inertness of age renders me slow in obeying the calls of the writing table, and less equal than I have been to it’s labors. My opinion on the right of Expatriation has been so long ago as the year 1776. consigned to record in the Act of the Virginia code, drawn by myself recognising the right expressly, & prescribing...
The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to communicate to the President of the United States the copy of a letter which has this moment been received from the Collector of this port, informing of the arrival of two prizes sent in by the privateers Citizen Genet & Carmagnole. LC , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Sharp Delany’s letter to H has not been found.
Since I had the pleasure of writing you last an unexpected change has taken place in my situation. I am no longer a member of the General’s family. This information will surprise you and you will be more surprised at the manner of my ceasing to be so and the manner of the change will surprise you more. —Two day ago The General was coming up stairs and I was going down and I passed each other...
Your letter inclosing one from Mr. Sloan accompanied by his little pamphlet on Priestcraft, was duly recd. As he wishes you to be the medium of an answer I must ask the favor of you to convey my congratulations on the health and other consolations he enjoys at so advanced a stage of life, and my thanks also for all the kind feelings he expresses towards me. Notwithstanding the lapse of time, I...
Extract: printed in the Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions …, LXIII (1773), part I , 333–9. It must undoubtedly appear extraordinary, that, in the present age, when the study of electricity is become so general, and the advances that have been made in the science are so very considerable, I should attempt to recall your attention to the structure of the electrical machine. But I believe...
Your favor of July 5. has been duly recieved, and, in it, that of my friend mr Short . I congratulate you on your safe arrival in the American hemisphere, after a voyage which must have been lengthy in time, as it is in space. I hope you may experience no unfavorable change in your health on so great a change of climate, and that our fervid sun may be found as innocent as our cloudless skies...
On my way from Philadelphia to this place, I had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 20th of March, covering an Oration delivered by Mr Tutor Meigs on the Surrender of Lord Cornwallis—I entreat, you will make that Gentleman sensible of the high gratification I have received from his ingenious performance; and that you Will be convinced of the ardent passion I have for the promotion of...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] November 21, 1780 . Orders Gouvion to reconnoiter British lines. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Philadelphia, September 17, 1789. States that the port of Philadelphia lacks funds for the maintenance of aids to navigation in the Delaware River. Asks that United States funds be used for that purpose. ALS , RG 26, Lighthouse Letters Received, Vol. “A,” Pennsylvania and Southern States, National Archives. Allibone was master warden of the port of Philadelphia.
As the Militia of the United States if well regulated & under good government will at all times be able to repel, or at least check the progress of any sudden invasion it will be altogether unnecessary to keep up a standing Army in time of peace for that purpose, but there are other purposes for which I think it will be absolutely necessary to retain a few regular troops in constant service. I...
Since I had the Honor of addressing Your Excellency on the 28th Ulto, I have received intelligence, which seems to place it beyond doubt, that the Enemy are about to make a further imbarkation of Troops from New York, and the common opinion is, that they are going to reinforce Sir Henry Clinton. Lord Rawdon’s brigade, said to consist of his own Regiment & of Brown’s, Fanning’s & Another corps:...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation Robert I. McKenny as a Cadet in the Regiment of Artillerists Accept Sir, the assurances of my high respect and Consideration [ Approval by TJ :] June 29. 05. Approved RC ( PHi : Daniel Parker Papers); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Dearborn; at foot of text: “President of the United States”; endorsed by a clerk. FC ( Lb in DNA : RG 107, LSP
The powers of equal date herewith authorise you to proceed to Elizabeth Town in the State of New Jersey in order to meet Commissioners on the part of the enemy on Friday the 15th inst. for the purposes in the powers fully recited. You will consider the settlement of accounts, for the subsistence of Prisoners of all descriptions from the commencement of the War, to —obtaining payment or...
Agreeable to your orders I sent Capt. Norwood to obtain a List of the Stores at the head of Elk, who returned this Evening with the Inclosed Lists from Hollingsworth, Rodolph & Huggins who could give no Acct of the Stores in the Peninsula below and at Charles Town, but Colo. Hollingsworth informs Capt. Norwood there were near as much more at those Stages & that he daily expected Several...
On my arrival here, I found that the District Attorney was at Princeton, & I determined if Burr had not left the city to apply immediately for a warrant & arrest him for treason, so as to secure & have him sent on in custody to Richmond for trial, unless some good natured judge released him upon Hab. Corpus. He has been obli ged in order to elude the Sheriff’s officers who ha ve been in for...
26535General Orders, 5 July 1776 (Washington Papers)
Those Regiments who have not made a Return of their officers, their ranks and dates of their Commissions, agreeable to a former order are now called on to do it without delay and to mention in such Returns the Colony in which such Regiment was raised; the time when and period in which they inlisted, together with the vacancies in their respective regiments. Varick transcript , DLC:GW ....
Letter not found: to Robert Rutherford, 29 July 1758. On 31 July Rutherford wrote to GW : “I Received Your kind favour of the 29th.”
The enclosed letter came under cover to me by a late arrival here from Bordeaux—and accompanied a bill of Lading for 14 Cases of wine Shipt for you by my friends Messrs. Fenwick Mason & Coy. who write me to take your direction where to forward the wine after arrival here. If you have an invoice of its cost—you will please Send it me—or a copy thereof—in order to have the necessary entry made...
20 February 1812, Charleston. Mentions the recent and long anticipated death of district judge Thomas Bee. Uses “the freedom of an Old Acquaintance” to seek the position for himself. Mentions that President Adams nominated him for this office and that he was confirmed by the Senate in February 1801 and received a commission from acting attorney general Levi Lincoln, which “has never been...
The Missouri question in its consequences threatens the tranquility if not the dissolution of the Union. Altho in the Senate we have a large majority against restriction yet in the House of Representatives the majority is decidedly the other way. And upon the exclusion of Slavery from the territories there is a Majority in both Houses. It has been proposed by the most moderate to compromise...
Captain Lyde is to Sail this week. I will not let him go without a few lines to you, tho Captain Callihan has arrived without a Single Letter from my Friends. Mr. Adams received 3 by Monssieur Le Tomb, from his Boston Friend’s. If my son had been lucky enough to have had such a passage as I hoped he would, I should have heard of his arrival by Captain Callihan or the New York packet which...
For your favour of the 23rd October I am greatly indebted; it should have been acknowledged before were it not that subjects are constantly accumulating in which we are led to apply to you and I thought it better to delay for a short time the answer to your letter in order to take an opportunity at the same time reluctantly to trouble you with some request or other. Such an opportunity has...
I take the liberty to present you with a short treatise of mine on the present circumstances of Europe, which by a kind of moral reaction may stand a chance to be of some use in America; as a habit of reflecting on the subjects here treated may induce us to prize such of our own institutions as are good, and to improve those that are defective. I hope to sail for America in a short time;...
Your favor of the 7 th has been recieved, and I now send you the letter of mr Page which you requested, and will subjoin to this letter the comparative view of some of Longman’s prices with what Congress paid me for the same books. Longman’s book itself shall go by the same mail— I thank you for your attention to the Microscope. it was well repaired and safely recieved. to your Weekly...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] February 10, 1794 . “By the last post I recd. your letter of the 31st. of Dece. last acknowledgg. the receipt of two duplicate Rects of the Bank of Providence No. 49. 53 amountg. to Fifteen thousand Dollars. Your letter too of the 23d. of Jany. last, concerning the forwardg. by the district Atto. of New york of the documents relative to the papers of the Enterprize...
Je prends la liberté de vous demander vos bontés pour Le Cte Wengiersky, Gentilhomme Polonois, qui voyage uniquement pour son instruction. Le respect universel de ses Concitoyens pour votre Excellence et plus encore le desir de connoitre l’homme qui a réuni par ses grandes qualités le suffrage de tous les Pays et de toutes les Nations, l’engageront à rester quelques jours à Princeton. j’ose...
26546[Diary entry: 9 January 1771] (Washington Papers)
9. Rid to the Mill in the forenoon and Afternoon.
Salzliebenhalle, 10 May 1788 . Thanks TJ for his letter of 16 Feb. 1788 and for granting the favor asked of him; says he is deeply affected by TJ’s remarks “sur le Bonheur et les Avantages propres à l’Amerique.” “Un tel Eloge de la Part de Votre Excellence est garant de la Prosperité de ces Contrees si interessantes a tant d’egard, et inspire en meme Tems des Voeux ardens pour la Durée de...
Upon looking to a General Return of Qr Masters Stores I find there were 1200 lb. of Oakum and 164 Barrels of Tar at Albany the 7th January last —As the repair of the Boats upon the north River was delayed for want of the above Articles you will be pleased to order them down, and set every hand who understands the Business to work upon the Boats —I am exceedingly anxious to have them put in...
On the first of the month I received your favour of the 22d. ult. with a copy of a speech of a ci-divant Minister to the Six Nations. Having been ill of the prevailing influenza, and expecting, mail after mail, to receive your answer to my letters of the 20th. and 23d. of Feb. I have delayed this acknowledgment. I hope that this evening will relieve my impatience to see the speculations you...
I was very glad to find your name on the list of Directors of The Manufacturing Society. I trust it will be in your power to give a portion of your time and attention to it; from which I am persuaded it will profit. When I was last at New Ark, I thought I perceived something like an intention to bring forward Mr. Samuel Ogden as Superintendant of the Manufactory. To you I do not scruple to say...