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Results 26501-26510 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your favours of the 17th & 18th were received last evening by post. The one referred to in your letter to Capt williams did not come to hand. I wish my opinion had not been asked relative to the present allowance made the keeper of the Light House at Portland as the sum given was named by me and thought to be as much as the public ought to give for keeping it in the best manner. I did not...
The standard adopted in your advertisment for the rule of Prices, for the carpenters and Joiners worke of the Buildings to be erected at the university of virginia , I tender to you my servises to undertake one or two of the Buildings at 25 ⅌ cent advance on the adopted rule, the worke to be performed agreeable to the Turms specifyed in the advertisment , but the kiln drying of Plank and...
26503General Orders, 14 June 1782 (Washington Papers)
Great credit is due to the Officers and men of the tenth Massachusetts Regiment for their attention to the preservation of their cloathing, and for the Military appearance they made yesterday under Arms—The Light Company attracted the Generals particular Notice. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I have taken the liberty of sending You the enclosed “ Projet of a Law to encourage the raising of Sheep” in the hope that you will lend your attention to the Subject, improve upon, or modify the Scheme, & assist us to in trying to obtain its passage by the next legislature . The principal features I have taken from the Pennsylvania Dog Law, as it is mentioned by Judge Peters in the Memoirs of...
I am favored with thy printed letter of the 9 April & also this morning a duplicate thereof via Liverpool. In consequence of thy directions I have sent to the different Ports in my district to obtain the needful information. For the present, perhaps it may be proper to inform thee that American shipping pay double the Light money that English Ships do. All other Shipping are on the same...
M r . Carm. was 9 days going from Madrid to Bayonne, from whence he wrote to me on 12 March & arrived at Paris 27 March 1784 — Mr Barclay arr d ^ Sunday ^ 11 Ap. 1784— I gave Notice of it same Day to M r Carmich l .— — Monday 12 ap— M r Carm. call d on me in his Way to passy where he dines—is to see Barclay, & call in the Ev
I Your letter in recommendation of Mess Powers and Blake as Cadets in the fifteenth regiment, has been delivered to me. I have made the necessary communication on the subject to the Secretary of War— With great consn I am Sir & & ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
Sy. War . Wafford’s settlemt . qu. if Indns. wd accept rent? instruct Meigs to bring settlemt. of Cherokee road to an end settle Wafford’s affair. Wilkinson & Dinsmore to purchase above Yazoo of Choctaws to examine our rt betw. Tombigbee , Alibama Harrison to buy of Kaskaskias of the Pioria chief
In compliance with the Bond given to Mr Fairfax and myself, as Trustees for the use of Mrs Savage, we think it incumbent on us to request payment of the sum therein stipulated, for the purposes therein expressed. This demand we are induced to make, on full conviction that it is not in our power to release the Bond (of which, possibly, you may hereafter be convinced) without forfeiting the...
Not knowing how far the inclosed address may serve to give a certain conveyance to the letter, I have thought it safest to put it under your cover, not doubting that your communion with the person would enable you to procure it a sure passage to it’s destination. I am with esteem Dear Sir Your friend & servt PrC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “Mr. John Vaughan.” Enclosure: TJ to Benjamin Vaughan,...