Results 26501-26510 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
26501 Washington, George Board of War George Washington to the Board of War, 12 January 1781 1781-01-12 New Windsor [ New York ] January 12, 1781 . Asks board to issue commissions to the officers...
26502 Meade, Richard Kidder Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Lieutenant Colonel Richard … 1781-01-13 What shall I say or think of my dear friend Hamilton, not a single line from him since we parted....
26503 Washington, George Franklin, Benjamin George Washington to Benjamin Franklin, 15 January 1781 1781-01-15 New Windsor [ New York ] January 15, 1781 . Introduces and commends Lieutenant Colonel John...
26504 Washington, George Laurens, John George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel John Laurens … 1781-01-15 [ New Windsor, New York, January 15, 1781. ] Summarizes conference between Laurens and Washington...
26505 Hamilton, Alexander Schuyler, Philip From Alexander Hamilton to Philip Schuyler, 16 January … 1781-01-16 [ New Windsor, New York, January 16, 1781. On January 25, 1781, Schuyler wrote to Hamilton :...
26506 Pickering, Timothy Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Colonel Timothy Pickering … 1781-01-17 The Bearer Mr. John Lewis is master of a sloop which almost from the Commencement of the war has...
26507 Pickering, Timothy Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Colonel Timothy Pickering … 1781-01-18 In my conversation with the General about the ox-teams to be provided for the next campaign, I...
26508 Washington, George Trumbull, Jonathan George Washington to Jonathan Trumbull, 18 January 1781 1781-01-18 New Windsor [ New York ] January 18, 1781 . Sends instructions concerning James Wilson, an...
26509 Washington, George Rochambeau, Comte de George Washington to Comte de Rochambeau, 20 January … 1781-01-20 New Windsor [ New York ] January 20, 1781 . Discusses the mutiny in Pennsylvania. Proposes that...
26510 Hamilton, Alexander Pickering, Timothy From Alexander Hamilton to Colonel Timothy Pickering … 1781-01-21 The General approves of your allowing a ration per individual to the Capt and crews of the...