Results 26501-26510 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
On Thursday night I received from the Post Office your favour of October the second. Although it arrived at a moment when Wounds, Sickness, and Deaths in my Family, and among my tenderest Connections had excited all my sensibility and that of all my Family I thought it my duty to answer as soon as possible to the Interrogatories you enclosed. My answers are contained in the enclosed Sheet N.2....
I have received your letter of the 9th inst: inclosing a statement of a private conversation between Lt. Opie, and Mr. Simmons Acct. of the War Department, made by the former. The considerations out of which the Court Martial in your case grew, would attach particular regret to any circumstance affecting, even in appearance or opinion, the justice and fairness of the proceedings, as they...
My only Son will have the Honor to deliver this Letter. I have endeavoured to impress his mind with Just views of your personal character & political measures, &, I am authorised to assure you of his Support. He is a young man of regular habits, united with much benevolence & a laudable zeal in the Republican cause, which received his first political attachments. Whatever patronage it may fall...
12 October 1811, Washington. JM remits the sentence of death imposed 12 Aug. 1811 by a court-martial at Baton Rouge on Sgt. Peter B. Conger of the Consolidated Infantry Regiment for the offense of desertion. Leaves standing that part of the sentence reducing Conger to the ranks. Tr ( DNA : RG 107, LSMA ). 1 p.
The time that has Elaps d since since you last wrote me, and my silence on the Subject of the Stove, of which you sent me the pattern moddal must have caused you to suppose that I had neglected it all together—However I have made a pattern modal pattren therefrom and have cast two Stoves from the same—I have no doubt but your very high Opinion of their Utility will be fully realized—I have put...
M Chambers of N York put into my charge a parcel of Fiorin grass recently received from Ireland , with directions to take the earliest and safest mode of conveyance to Monticello . Since my return home I have had it boxed and directed to the care of the post master at Fredericksburg .
M r Burwell of Franklin , your relation, has requested me to send you a letter of introduction to Doct r Wistar whose lectures you are attending. I comply with pleasure with this request, and shall be happy if I can serve you in your useful pursuits, or gratify you by obtaining the more particular attentions of so estimable a character as Doct r Wistar . with this view I ask the favor of you...
The inclosed letter is from mr W m A. Burwell , one of the members of Congress from our state . he lived with me at Washington as Secretary, perhaps at the time you paid us a visit there, or perhaps he may be known to you thro’ the medium of his speeches in Congress , where he distinguishes himself by his good sense, his devotion to his country united with the most conciliatory conduct towards...
Mrs. Lewis, the widow of Colo. Nich Lewis, has requested me to mention to yourself the name of a mr. Wood, an applicant for a commission in the army. On recieving the request I rode to her house to ask something about him, observing to her that something more than his name would be necessary. She candidly told me at once that he was a very capable young man, connected with her only as being a...
M rs Lewis , the widow of Col o Nich Lewis , has requested me to mention to yourself the name of a mr Wood , an applicant for a commission in the army . on recieving the request I rode to her house to ask something about him, observing to her that something more than his name would be necessary. she candidly told me at once that he was a very capable young man, connected with her only as being...