Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to George Fisher, [9 January 1781]

To George Fisher1

[Fishkill, New York, January 9, 1781]2


I am extremely anxious to get across to Head Quarters this night and it seems hardly possible to cross the river here or not without great risk. I wish to hire a couple of horses one for myself and one for my servant to cross the river at West Point with a guide to conduct us across the Mountain. I will pay him handsomely for his trouble. You will oblige me singularly if you can assist me upon this occasion.

I am Sir   Yr. most Obed ser

A Hamilton
Aide De Camp to
the Commander in Chief

ALS, MS Division, New York Public Library.

1Fisher, an agent in the state commissary department, was a resident of Fishkill.

2On verso, in unknown writing, is written, “Jany, 1781.” January 9 has been chosen as the date, for it is the only Tuesday in the month on which H was not at Headquarters in New Windsor, New York.

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