James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Pierce Butler, 19 October 1801

From Pierce Butler

Alexandria October 19th 1801

Dear Sir,

I will thank you to forward the letter that you have been troubled with for me, to the Bowling Green, to the care of Col Hooms.1

I take the freedom of bringing to Your recol⟨lect⟩ion, once more, Freneau,2 who both you and myself know was sacrificed to the uncontrould pride of Others. I have not seen him for years neither has he ever applied to me, but I have long had him in remembrance his merits as a Printer of a Newspaper. Accept the assurances of my sincere esteem and regard—

(Signed)   P. Butler

It will be well to restore the printing of the Laws of Congress in N Carolina3 to the paper from which Pickering took it, that of M’Evers & Williams4—Pickering gave the printing to a bad young man.5

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