Results 26491-26500 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
By the last mail I received your favour of the 7th instant, informing me that your son has declined the appointment of Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, & that he will remain at Russia, at the least another winter. In the course of the present week I shall address myself to him, by letter, in that distant country. I think your invaluable correspondence, published in the Boston...
I have no letter from you of a later date then 28. of April last—which I received nearly three months since—I continue to write you, at least once a month; but the season for Navigation is already closed, and henceforth I shall have only indirect occasions of Conveyance—This letter I expect will go from Gothenburg—The Navigation of the Baltic is indeed so much obstructed, even while the Summer...
At the request of my friend N. Bowditch Esqr. I have enclosed you one of his papers containing the result of his calculations on the Elements of the Orbit of the Comet which for some weeks has appeared in the northern regions of the heavens. I have known him for some years & have no doubt but he is the ablest astronomical mathematitian in this country & equal to any in Europe. He is a self...
The State of Virginia which was foremost in her contest for Liberty appear to be the last to enjoy it. for at the close of the war it seems as if she was quite exhausted, and Just nestled herself down under some of the most Corrupt principles of the old regal Government. principles Sir, if persisted in will finally eventuate in the downfall of all that have been atchieved the last hope of the...
A fiew days ago I spent the afternoon at Salem with my friend Nath. Bowditch to consult him on the observations which he hade made on the Comet which now blazes in the nothern regions of the sky. He had attentively observed it since its first appearance & had nearly finished his calculations of its Elements. Yesterday I received a letter from him, requesting me to forward to you, the enclosed...
Sobrius esto! Recollect your own Non Nobis! Your Letter of the 20th. of September I communicated to Mrs Adams as you advised. Mrs Adams to her Daughter, After a reasonable Time for Deliberation and Reflections the Heroine determined. The Mother and the Daughter went to Boston and consulted Dr Warren Junior, Dr Welsh, Dr Warren Junior having previously consulted Dr Tufts and Dr Holbrook. The...
I have had the pleasure my Dear friend to receive your favour of the 18th July. To a man of my standing with you there was no need of the frank declaration you have made to ensure a continuance of my confidence in your political conduct and to convince me that you are invulnerable in that part where you have been so violently assailed. I had known but little of the character of Mr. Smith and...
I let lent to mr Barlow a great collection of newspapers pamphlets E t c in several large boxes, which on his departure he informed me he had deposited in the President’s house . I have therefore to request the favor of you to assist me in getting them back again. vessels are so constantly passing from Washington to Richmond that I presume there can be no difficulty in finding one which will...
On my return home I found that three bushels and eight qut s of Timothy seed of the price of 10$ had been forwarded to M r Leitch in M r Harnests waggon— By the same conveyance was sent a smal Ferkin of butter made at my dairy which I beg you will accept as a present—I directed it to be made & packed in this month in expectation that the weather would have proved more favorable than it has...
Your favor of Sep. 11. was recieved after a considerable delay on the road. on the subject of my debt to mr Welsh , if you will have the goodness to recur to my letter of June 5. 10. you will find a candid statement of the circumstances which have, of necessity, suspended my attention to it for a while. in winding up my affairs at Washington , an accumulation of outstanding accounts, which had...