To Alexander Hamilton from Pierce Butler, [1–4 March 1791]
From Pierce Butler1
[Philadelphia, March 1–4, 1791]
Dear sir.
However inconsistant it may appear I am under a necessity of recalling what I wrote2 on the subject of General Huger. Judge Burke3 has Calld on me to Say that on reflection He is of opinion that the Sallery woud be no object to General Huger and therefore woud not wish to name Him.
I write in a Debate. You will Excuse the inaccuracy.
I am Dear sir sincerely Yrs.
P Butler
Mr Coxe’s4 affair is settled to our wish.
ALS, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
1. This letter was enclosed in H to George Washington, March 1–4, 1791.
2. Butler’s undated recommendation of Isaac Huger may be found in the George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
3. Ædanus Burke of South Carolina was a judge of the state Circuit Court and a Representative in the First Congress.
4. Presumably Tench Coxe.