Results 26481-26490 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your letter which had the Pleasure of Receiving gave me...
In my letter of the 30th ult. I promised to transmit you Copy of the Account given me In 1758 by...
Enclosed Your Excellency will receive a Copy of a Letter from B. Arnold , which has this day come...
Letter not found : from Alexander Murray, 8 July 1794. The entry for 12 July in GW’s journal of...
I had the pleasure of writing to you on the 2 d. of Aug. and of adding a P.S. of Aug. 6. you will...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I took the Liberty to wait on you to consult you upon some...
I had the Honour of yours of the 20th Feby Just now, on my Return from Esopus where I have been...
By some accounts, just received from Philadelphia, I find the Purchasers have lately had good...
public Sir London 24 September 1790 Just about to leave this City I have been detained for some...
I had the honor some months since to address a letter of thanks to you for the intended honor of...