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Results 26471-26520 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
26471 Madison, James Inquiry into General St. Clair’s Defeat, [26 February] … 1793-02-26 The House defeated Hartley’s motion “that the House should go into a committee of the whole on...
26472 Washington, George General Orders, 2 January 1776 1776-01-02 That every Officer may be perfectly well acquainted with the establishment of the present Army,...
26473 Jefferson, Thomas I. Jefferson’s Draft Memorandum on Consular Vacancies … 1791-02-21 A note of the vacant consulships and of the candidates. Mr. Palyert says some think him a native...
26474 Derieux, Justin Pierre Plumard Madison, James To James Madison from Justin Pierre Plumard Derieux, 15 … 1805-12-15 § From Justin Pierre Plumard Derieux. 15 December 1805, Greenbriar Court house. “My cousin...
26475 Grayson, William Washington, George To George Washington from William Grayson, 16 July 1781 1781-07-16 The Board have the honor of enclosing you, two letters from Brigadier Genl Knox; in consequence...
26476 Jefferson, Thomas Randolph, Cornelia Jefferson From Thomas Jefferson to Cornelia Jefferson Randolph … 1808-12-26 I congratulate you, my dear Cornelia, on having acquired the invaluable art of writing. how...
26477 John van Heukelom & Son Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John van Heukelom & Son, 1 … 1786-03-01 When your Excellency reads the following details of an affair between us and Thos. Barclay,...
26478 Franklin, Benjamin Washington, George From Benjamin Franklin to George Washington: Two … 1780-03-19 (I) LS and copy: Library of Congress; (II) copy: Library of Congress I beg leave to introduce to...
26479 Hamilton, Alexander Morris, Robert From Alexander Hamilton to Robert Morris, [10 November … 1796-11-10 [ New York, November 10, 1796. On November 19, 1796, Morris wrote to Hamilton : “I … find your...
26480 Jay, John Grenville, William Wyndham From John Jay to Grenville, 16 August 1794 1794-08-16 Circumstanced as I am, and as my Country is, it cannot be easy, nor would it be right, if...
26481 Greene, Catharine Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Catharine Greene, [18 July? … 1775-07-18 ALS : American Philosophical Society Your letter which had the Pleasure of Receiving gave me...
26482 Schuyler, Philip Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Philip … 1778-12-27 In my letter of the 30th ult. I promised to transmit you Copy of the Account given me In 1758 by...
26483 Tallmadge, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Major Benjamin Tallmadge, 28 … 1781-01-28 Enclosed Your Excellency will receive a Copy of a Letter from B. Arnold , which has this day come...
26484 Alexander Murray Washington, George To George Washington from Alexander Murray, 8 July 1794 … 1794-07-08 Letter not found : from Alexander Murray, 8 July 1794. The entry for 12 July in GW’s journal of...
26485 Jefferson, Thomas Adams, John To John Adams from Thomas Jefferson, 5 December 1788 1788-12-05 I had the pleasure of writing to you on the 2 d. of Aug. and of adding a P.S. of Aug. 6. you will...
26486 Mercer, George Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from George Mercer, 4 April 1765 1765-04-04 ALS : American Philosophical Society I took the Liberty to wait on you to consult you upon some...
26487 Livingston, Henry Beekman Washington, George To George Washington from Colonel Henry Beekman … 1777-03-07 I had the Honour of yours of the 20th Feby Just now, on my Return from Esopus where I have been...
26488 Flint, Royal Washington, George To George Washington from Royal Flint, 30 April 1779 1779-04-30 By some accounts, just received from Philadelphia, I find the Purchasers have lately had good...
26489 Morris, Gouverneur Washington, George To George Washington from Gouverneur Morris, 24 … 1790-09-24 public Sir London 24 September 1790 Just about to leave this City I have been detained for some...
26490 Warren, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Warren, 10 November 1802 1802-11-10 I had the honor some months since to address a letter of thanks to you for the intended honor of...
26491 Jay, John Adams, John To John Adams from John Jay, 4 June 1780 1780-06-04 There is a Destinction between Ceremony and Attention which is not always observed tho often...
26492 Franklin, Benjamin Extracts from the Gazette, 1736 1736-01-06 Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 6 to December 30, 1736. [ Advertisement ] This is...
26493 Washington, George [Diary entry: 18 August 1772] 1772-08-18 18. In Town all day and Night. Din’d & Supd at Arrells.
26494 Washington, George Hancock, John From George Washington to John Hancock, 9 July 1777 1777-07-09 The inclosed Copy of a Letter from the Commissary General of provisions & the information you...
26495 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 11 March 1799 1799-03-11 I cannot Say when I shall be able to sett out. But I shall loose no time here. When the Public...
26496 Madison, James To James Madison from an Unidentified Correspondent, 2 … 1813-04-02 Feeling an interest in your wellfare I think proper to inform you that there are numerous...
26497 Washington, George [Diary entry: 12 March 1770] 1770-03-12 12. Cloudy Morning with but little Wind. Clear afternoon with the wind fresh at No. West & Cold.
26498 Adams, John Van der Kemp, François Adriaan From John Adams to François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 20 … 1816-11-20 I believe I must endorse you over, or rather bequeath you as a Legacy to The Philosopher of...
26499 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Abigail John Quincy Adams to Abigail Adams, 19 January 1780 1780-01-19 I can never keep my pen out of my hand when ever there is an oportunity of writing and as there...
26500 Carroll, Daniel Madison, James To James Madison from Daniel Carroll, 28 October 1787 1787-10-28 Yr. favor of the 17th Instant came to hand Yesterday. Since my return I have been so engag’d,...
26501 Lincoln, Benjamin Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Benjamin Lincoln, 1 December … 1791-12-01 Your favours of the 17th & 18th were received last evening by post. The one referred to in your...
26502 Oldham, James Barksdale, Nelson James Oldham to Nelson Barksdale, 27 March 1819 1819-03-27 The standard adopted in your advertisment for the rule of Prices, for the carpenters and Joiners...
26503 Washington, George General Orders, 14 June 1782 1782-06-14 Great credit is due to the Officers and men of the tenth Massachusetts Regiment for their...
26504 Minor, Peter Jefferson, Thomas Peter Minor to Thomas Jefferson, 17 September 1811 1811-09-17 I have taken the liberty of sending You the enclosed “ Projet of a Law to encourage the raising...
26505 Fox, Robert W. Madison, James To James Madison from Robert W. Fox, 9 June 1803 1803-06-09 I am favored with thy printed letter of the 9 April & also this morning a duplicate thereof via...
26506 Jay, John John Jay’s Notes Concerning William Carmichael, [27 … 1784-03-27 M r . Carm. was 9 days going from Madrid to Bayonne, from whence he wrote to me on 12 March &...
26507 Hamilton, Alexander Hunewell, Richard From Alexander Hamilton to Richard Hunewell, 6 … 1799-09-06 I Your letter in recommendation of Mess Powers and Blake as Cadets in the fifteenth regiment, has...
26508 Jefferson, Thomas Topics for Consultation with Heads of Departments, 10 … 1803-02-10 Sy. War . Wafford’s settlemt . qu. if Indns. wd accept rent? instruct Meigs to bring settlemt. of...
26509 Washington, George Savage, William From George Washington to William Savage, 28 June 1768 1768-06-28 In compliance with the Bond given to Mr Fairfax and myself, as Trustees for the use of Mrs...
26510 Jefferson, Thomas Vaughan, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Vaughan, 31 August 1797 1797-08-31 Not knowing how far the inclosed address may serve to give a certain conveyance to the letter, I...
26511 Madison, James Armstrong, John From James Madison to John Armstrong, 30 October 1813 1813-10-30 Before my return hither I recd. yours of the 8th. inst: and have since recd. those of the 11th....
26512 Granger, Gideon Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Gideon Granger, 19 January … 1808-01-19 I designed to have called and taken leave of you before my departure from Washington but a press...
26513 Girault de Kéroudou, Georges, abbé Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Abbé Girault de Kéroudou … 1783-06-25 ALS : American Philosophical Society Votre excellence verra que L’ouvrage Cy joint â été imprimé...
26514 Chisholm, Hugh Madison, James To James Madison from Hugh Chisholm, 26 May 1811 1811-05-26 Some time ago I give Mr James Leitch a draft on you, for $200 without mentioning the thing to...
26515 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 30 December … 1817-12-30 I returned from Bedford a week ago, after an absence of 6. weeks, and found here the Palladio,...
26516 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 1 … 1813-06-01 I can not express you—how warmlÿ I am obliged to you for your your last kind favour of May 20th....
26517 Glen, Henry Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Henry Glen, 21 March 1801 1801-03-21 Albany, March 21, 1801. Repeats earlier requests to Hamilton. States: “I wrote you twice from the...
26518 Munroe, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Munroe, 31 August 1803 1803-08-31 I have the honor of enclosing for your Signature a warrant for $10,000; the balance in my hands,...
26519 Jones, John Paul Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Paul Jones, 30 July 1779 1779-07-30 ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): National Archives; copy: United States Naval...
26520 Jefferson, Thomas Manners, John Thomas Jefferson to John Manners, 12 June 1817 1817-06-12 Your favor of May 20. has been recieved some time since: but the increasing inertness of age...