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Results 26461-26490 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
There are five more boats will be at Dobbes ferry, say the Slote, thursday night. Endeavour if possible to have teams there for them by that time. You will receive further instructions in the mean time. Let us hear from you on this article. ALS , RG 93, Miscellaneous Records, National Archives. These boats were being assembled for the projected attack described in Pickering to H, November 6,...
The additional boats must take the same route with the others; when they arrive they must be muffled. The impress if possible ought to be deferred ’till after the point of execution. But if you pass by to day and will call in, we can best speak of this. ALS , RG 93, Miscellaneous Records, National Archives. These boats were being assembled for the projected attack described in Pickering to H,...
The Boats are not under present circumstances to go to the Notch till tomorrow as you will see by the letter herewith. ALS , RG 93, Miscellaneous Records, National Archives. These boats were being assembled for the projected attack described in Pickering to H, November 6, 1780, note 1 .
A working party of fifty men is ordered to parade tomorrow morning eight oClock at your quarters to take your orders. The object is to repair the road & briges for the march of the army to New Windsor by Pompton, Ringwood &c. A party of Artificers must accompany—A special charge to do the business well. Yr hum serv ALS , RG 93, Miscellaneous Records, National Archives. These preparations were...
The five boats I had collected at Dobbs’ ferry arrived at Colo. Baldwin’s last evening. They want some repairs which are making. The five which came from King’s ferry to the slote, were at paramus last Evening. I am &c LC , RG 93, Letters of Col. T. Pickering, National Archives. These boats were being assembled for the projected attack described in Pickering to H, November 6, 1780, note 1 ....
I believe it possible tho’ difficult to have Teams at the slote by Thursday night to take up five more Boats. I will endeavor to effect it. I presume they will come provided with oars. Must not they too be muffled? what Route are they to take? I shall be glad of further Instructions. It will doubtless be necessary to impress Horses on this Occasion. LC , RG 93, Letters of Col. T. Pickering,...
Sometime last fall when I spoke to your Excellency about going to the Southward, I explained to you candidly my feelings with respect to military reputation, and how much it was my object to act a conspicuous part in some enterprise that might perhaps raise my character as a soldier above mediocrity. You were so good as to say you would be glad to furnish me with an occasion. When the...
[ Preakness, New Jersey ] November 22, 1780 . Sends instructions for the “march” of the boats to Acquackanonck. Df , in writings of Tench Tilghman and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Darby was a major of the Seventh Massachusetts Regiment.
[ Preakness, New Jersey ] November 22, 1780 . Orders Knox to prepare artillery to cover passage of troops across river. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Preakness, New Jersey ] November 22, 1780 . Sends instructions for preparation of boats for the attack. Df , in writings of Tench Tilghman and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
The General approves what you have done; what you propose to do. He only remarks that the horses for the artillery which are to be employed upon the occasion and for the boats are to be kept to their stations. All those not necessary to the expedition may go a foraging; it will be time enough for them to be in camp on saturday morning by light. The Pensylvania line will move early tomorrow...
[ Passaic Falls, New Jersey ] November 23, 1780 . Refers case of Major Daniel Hale to Blaine. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Blaine was commissary general of purchases.
[ Totowa, New Jersey ] November 24, 1780 . Asks Alden to send enclosed letter to Lieutenant Colonel David Humphreys. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Alden was a captain in the Second Massachusetts Regiment.
[ Totowa, New Jersey ] November 24, 1780 . Announces relinquishment of projected attack. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Humphreys was an aide-de-camp to Washington.
Passaic Falls [ New Jersey ] November 25, 1780 . Introduces the Chevalier de Chastellux. Asks Sullivan to support the promotion of Brigadier General Henry Knox and Washington’s ideas on the “Inspectorate department.” Df , in writings of George Washington and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Sullivan was at this time a member of Congress from New Hampshire. François Jean,...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] November 25 [ –26 ] 1780 . Will furnish the return of the officers of engineering department after Brigadier General Louis Le Bèque Du Portail arrives. Advocates increase in compensation for officers in the inspectorship. Recommends Simeon DeWitt as the successor to Robert Erskine as geographer of the Army. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of...
The General desires you will have the boats removed from Doddes to Pompton as speedily as you can & from thence as soon as possible to Kings ferry. The Officer of the Jersey light infantry will take your orders. He will remain in the neighbourhood of Pompton till the Jersey Brigade arrives. ALS , RG 93, Miscellaneous Records, National Archives. The expedition for which these boats had been...
Passaic Falls [ New Jersey ] November 27, 1780 . Regrets that Armand plans to resign. Commends Armand for his services. Df , in writings of Tench Tilghman and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Preakness, New Jersey ] November 27, 1780 . Asks Greene, if ordered to West Point by Comte de Rochambeau, to take only men who will remain in service under new arrangement of Army. LS , in writing of H, George Washington Photostats, Library of Congress.
[ Preakness, New Jersey ] November 27, 1780 . Asks Heath to forward a letter to Colonel Elisha Sheldon ordering Sheldon into winter quarters. LS , in writings of George Washington and H, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.
[ Preakness, New Jersey ] November 27, 1780 . Sends instructions for the march to Kings Ferry. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Preakness, New Jersey, November 27, 1780. ] Introduces the Chevalier de Chastellux. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Preakness, New Jersey, November 27, 1780. ] Introduces the Vicomte de Noailles. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Louis Marie, Vicomte de Noailles, was a brother-in-law of the Marquis de Lafayette. He was “mestre de camp en second du regiment colonel-general hussards; mestre de camp en second of the Regiment Soissonnais” ( GW John C. Fitzpatrick, ed., The...
[ Preakness, New Jersey, November 27, 1780. ] Introduces Comte de Damas. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Charles François Louis Joseph César, Comte de Damas, was a captain in the Regiment du Roi and colonel and aide to Rochambeau.
[ Preakness, New Jersey, November 27, 1780. ] Introduces Mauduit du Plessis. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Thomas Antoine, Chevalier de Mauduit du Plessis, had been an American officer but was now again in the French army.
[ Preakness, New Jersey ] November 27, 1780 . Sends instructions for guarding area in vicinity of the “Clove.” Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Preakness, New Jersey ] November 27, 1780 . Orders boats at “Doddes” transferred to Pompton. Orders establishment of a guard at Dobbs Ferry. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Preakness, New Jersey ] November 27, 1780 . Discusses situation in South. Explains that Army is moving into winter quarters at New Windsor. Asks Rochambeau to send Colonel Christopher Greene’s regiment to West Point. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Preakness [ New Jersey ] November 27, 1780 . Orders Sheldon to march to Virginia and enter into winter quarters. Sends directions concerning the horses. Requests Sheldon to confer with the governor of Connecticut concerning the completion of his regiment. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Here I arrived last night and am going to set out for Philadelphia. Gouvion goes strait to New Windsor and by him I write to the General, I speak of Hand & Smith whom I recommend and add— “If however you was to cast your-eye on a Man who I think would suit better than any other in the World Hamilton is, I confess the officer whom I would like best to see in my .” Then I go on with the idea...