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Results 26461-26470 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
On the receipt of this, I wish to procure a number of those Pilot s that you formerly engag’d, and who ar e par ticularly acquainted with the Navigation of the Hook & North River, and with them repair, as soon as possible to Capt. Dennis’s at Baskenridge, where you’ll continue ’till you receive further orders from Genel Foreman of Monmouth County; after you have procur’d the Pilots , & sent...
[ West Point ] October 5, 1779 . Asks Dobbs to report to Headquarters in order to serve as a pilot for D’Estaing. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Dobbs was a pilot of Fishkill, New York.
It is my wish to see You here as soon as possible—and I entreat that You will come without a moment’s delay. I want to consult You on a most important and interesting point—& such as will not admit of the least procrastination. I know your zeal for the public service and am confident you will use every degree of diligence upon the occasion. I wish You to inform Yourself, if you are not...
Its coming from New-York, and from tolerable authority, that the french fleet have been seen, and are hourly expected, you will be pleased to repair to this place, with all practicable dispach, bringing with you, such pilots, as may be acquainted with the navigation into the Harbour of New-York. If these are not at hand or in perfect readiness you will not delay on this account, but direct...
I received last night your letter of May 30. I consequently wrote to day to the gentleman who had purchased my tobacco to let him know you would not come here personally as we had expected, and desiring him to enable me to remit you the fourteen hundred dollars engaged, by post. He was out of the way, and did not get my letter till the afternoon. He has just now been with me and delivered me...
The preceding letter was written when I was in Virginia and was taking the best measures in my power to make paiments to you. Blanks were left in it for the date and the sum to be remitted to you from hence, to be filled up on my arrival here, in October, when I expected to have found all my tobo. of 1790. arrived here. In this I was disappointed, but expecting it daily, I put off writing....
A bond of mine for £500. sterl. part of Mr. Wayles’s debt to Farrell & Jones being payable the 19th. inst. and being come to your hands, it is necessary for me to give you the following information. These bonds were subject to written conditions expressed in articles of the same date with the bonds. One of these provided that Mr. Hanson should receive and collect the bonds for which we should...
Your letters of Feb. 5. and Apr. 24. were duly received. Having on the receipt of the former written to Mr. Eppes, to whom your letter referred me for the payments made on my bill of exchange, I received from him an answer of Feb. 24. wherein he says ‘since furnishing you with Mr. Dobson’s statement of your account, I have paid him out of money recd. on account of Mr. Wayles’s estate £150. He...
The credit which I was obliged to give on the sale of my tobo. of the year 1790. having put it out of my power to make any payment from that resource till now, I have reserved till now also the taking a review of our affairs. The assignment to yourself of my bond to Farrell & Jones for £500. sterl. principal and int. payable July 19. 1791. has added that demand to the former one you had...
If my letter of Dec. 5. produced disappointment to you, be assured that your’s of the 18th. was not less mortifying to me. It was in a tone of complaint to which no action of my life has ever justly exposed me. I think I may say with truth that no man on earth has been readier to do every thing possible to discharge that debt, of a portion of which you are become the representative. The first...