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Results 26461-26490 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The original of the enclosed did not go, as I had expected by the Cordelia; for she sailed on the very day that it was written, and before I could send it down to Cronstadt. But it was dispatched by the Hector, Captain Hetherington, which sailed, only three days later, for Providence—All the vessels which had arrived here during the regular season, are now gone—The last, or last but one that...
My dearly beloved, & only Sister, for the “threefold silken Cord is broken ” To what an unusual Striking, affecting Providence have you been called to witness,—such as my Eyes never beheld—Very pleasant, & lovely through a long series of years, & in Death we may say, they were not divided—Together freed, their Gentle Spirits flew, to Scenes of immortal Bliss, we humbly trust—Thought can pursue...
Believing it proper to make a communication to the President of the United States, in its nature partaking of importance, I have adopted the mode best calculated, as it seemed to me, for the purpose, by inclosing the copy of a letter which I have written to several members of the United States’ Senate, of the republican party. The views inducing me to this act will be readily conceived from...
21 October 1811. The society’s members have deemed it expedient to address JM “at the present very critical time & posture” of public affairs and to express their confidence in his talents and patriotism. “We are not unmindful of [the] enviableness of our condition.… Nor have we been idle Spectators of those events w⟨hich⟩ threaten our peace & hazzard our rights as an independent nation.” They...
Permit me respectfully to beg your acceptance of Nautical Almanac for 1813— If consistent with rule of propriety may I beg your influence with Secretary of the Navy for his order for my Edition, to be used by the Officers— M r Garnetts Edition for 1813, contains no less than 45 errors, all of may I have pointed out. RC ( DLC ); between dateline and salutation: “Hon Tho s Jefferson”; endorsed...
je ne vous dissimulerai pas que j’attendois une reponse de vous a ma lettre du 12 juin 1809. , avec une impatience extreme et une inquietude proportionnée au prix infini que j’attache a l’honneur de votre Suffrage. vos bontés ont passé toutes mes esperances. M r Warden , a Son arrivée ici, a remis de votre part a M r le G al la fayette un exemplaire de la traduction du commentaire Sur...
By M r M c lure I yesterday received the letter, which you wrote to me on the 24, of last month , and have written at his request, two to two of his principal creditors, in each letter I gave an extract from yours; one of the creditors lives in Franklin , the other in Granville , each about 40. miles from me; I was not acquainted with M
I received your kind Letters yesterday by mail, & though I ought soon to have expected such an Event, yet I find it has shocked my nerves more than I should have thought—For he had so lately written to me, & his strength of mind appeared so brilliant, & so composed respecting my Sister, that I could not but please myself with the hope that his, life & usefulness might been continued, but it...
On my return from Boston I found your favr. of the 30th Ulto. from Montpelier, Yours of the 6th Inst. came to hand several days past, on receipt of it, I wrote immediately to Judge Lincoln requesting an explination of the conversation that took place between us last May. I have waited several days for his answer—as soon as it arrives I will forward it to you—if he does not incline to accept...
19 October 1811. The petitioner, a U.S. citizen residing in Troy, Massachusetts, explains that on 4 Jan. 1811 he chartered his schooner, the George , to Jeremiah Murden, a U.S. citizen residing in Charleston, South Carolina, on the understanding that the schooner would proceed from Charleston to Beaufort, South Carolina, and then to Port Antonio, Jamaica. “The said Schooner did proceed, for...
I have at two or three different dates written to ask the favor of you to let me know how much I am in your debt, but have received no answer. if you will be so good as to inform me, it shall be promptly remitted, as it should have been long ago, had the amount been known to me. should you in the mean time have been able to get the 7 th & 8 th vols of the Scientific dialogues I shall be glad...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 12 th and also the parcel of fiorin grass of which you were so kind as to take charge, and for your care of which I pray you to accept my thanks. it has been immediately planted, and every care will be taken to add it to the useful grasses of our country. I observe in the National Intelligencer you mention having for sale among other books, a miniature...
All my family rejoice with yours in the happy issue of the operation performed upon Mrs Smiths breast. The enclosed letter is intended as an answer to her’s to me, and to serve the further purpose of exciting in her a belief that her Cure will be radical & durable. I consider her as rescued from a premature grave. Since my last letter to you it has pleased God to make all my family very happy...
Your good uncle Cranch is gone. heaven has Saved him the greatest anguish he could experience in this Life. the following her to the Tomb, She is still living, which is all we can say. The family requested me to notify you that the funeral will be on Saturday at 2 oclock—the Corpse to be carried to the meeting House. I will thank you to lend me if you can without inconvenience to yourself 30...
The Constitution is now daily expected at Cowes; and by her I hope to embark for the U.S. I am just now advised of a Bag at the N. York Coffee House for Letters to be sent by a fast sailing ship from Liverpool, and send this in the presumption that it may arrive before the Constitution. I am advised of the Condemnation of the Julian, Hercules, Catharine & Atlantic, (carried into Dantzic in May...
18 October 1811, Charlestown, Massachusetts. “My Son Capt Wm S Picket has just Arrived into Boston from Naples in the Brig Alexander and had the Inclosed Packet committed to his Charge but on his Voyage home was boarded and had his Papers examined and his Letters broke open by the Cruisers of one of [the] Belligerents.” Hopes JM will accept this apology for the packet being opened. Mentions in...
I observe in a late paper that M r G: W: Campbell is elected to the Senate of the U:S: in the place of M r Whiteside resigned, as he is an active man, and a warm friend to the repub republican cause, I expect he will be here at the commencement of the session, I believe him to be your friend: however that is best known to your Self To say any thing of the trouble you have already taken would...
I suppose you are getting impatient for me to come on to commence your S. Mill. as the time appointed for me to come is elapsed, some parts of mr. Cockes mill has given out. so that he cant go on to manufactor to advantage. he is pressing me to fix him before I remove down to work for you. we have a large cogwheel to make and some other small jobs to do before I can come which will take 2 or 3...
Your dear Father has joind the Spirits of the Blessed made perfect, on saturday last he was taken sick, appeared as he frequently has upon former days was wandering in his mind,—but a general prostration of strength took place. He was sensible only for a few moments at a time; exhausted Nature sunk to rest, without pain or struggle, and heaven has been pleased to save him the anguish of...
17 October 1811. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s letter [not found] and is glad he is in good health. Concedes that the people suffer hardships because of the injustice and cruelty of men filled with envy, but they have it better than many others and enjoy liberty when many men are not pleased with liberty. Deplores those who wish to be masters of the world and denounces them as madmen. When he...
Being sensible of the interest You feel in all useful discoveries and improvements in our country,— I take the liberty of enclosing the amount of the tonnage of the Steam boats now in actual employment— RC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “M r Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 24 Oct. 1811 and so recorded in SJL .
List of Steam Boats Length Breadth Depth Tonnage Between New York & Albany { Paragon 167.6 26.10 7.9 331.39 Car of Neptune 169.0
I have taken the liberty to express my gratitude to the first of men, by sending another portion of the Endicott pears from the Oldest tree planted by Europeans in our portion of America, & to add two bottles of wine made last year in Salem by Ladies in my Society from the berries of New England. I am with the highest respect / of your public & private character / your devoted Servant MHi :...
It was not until this Day, that I rec d . your Letter of the 5 Inst — owing to some Derangement in the post office, the two last mails did not come before Yesterday. It gives me pleasure to learn that your Health continues good—may it long continue so— mine is at present somewhat better— The Day before yesterday, my Son William returned from Rye. He found there the two Sheep you mention, safe...
I have the honor to enclose you the proceedings of a meeting of the citizens of St Clair county and their address to you. All of which I am convinced is the result of apprehensions of danger, entertained not merely by timid minds but by men well acquainted with the geographical situation habits and disposition of the Indians alluded to—Experienced in Indian warfare and as much distinguished by...
I have the honor to submit to Your consideration the paper herewith marked A. which is a statement of navy appropriations up to the 15. instant inclusively. By this paper, You will perceive, Sir, that the aggregate unexpended balance on that day, was $785.491.13.: but that of the appropriation for “repairs of vessels” there was only, on hand $1532..8.—& only $508.36. of the Appropriation for...
On the receipt of your Letter of June 4th. I lost no time I communicating it to your Sister and your Neice. They have written you letters in answers which you will receive with this. Your Brother was my next Neighbour for more than twenty years. We lived in harmony and Friendship. He lived and died esteemed and beloved by all who knew him. His Estate which I understand is encumbered with heavy...
Your obliging Letter of August 16th was presented to me by your son in law Dr Thomas Ewell and his amiable Lady your Daughter. Although I was confined with a wounded leg which is not yet healed; and afflicted With a series of misfortunes afflictions and Deaths among my tenderest connections such as rarely happen to any man even in this troublesome world: I am not the less obliged to you for...
The petition of James Brown of Manchester in the District of Massachusetts humbly shews, That at a District Court of the United States, holden at Boston, within and for the District of Massachusetts on the first tuesday of December in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and nine the United States recovered a judgment against him for the sum of $1600 and Costs of suit as a penalty...
Your letter of Aug. 10. from Portland Portsmouth came duly to hand. according to promise I have made exact research into the situation of your land . I rode to Price’s and enquired of him with respect to the leases, to whom, on what conditions, and for what terms they were made? I found them to be as follows. Richard Shackleford 100. a s rent 50.D. } written leases for 3. years from the...