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Results 26451-26500 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
26451 Jay, John Jay, Peter Augustus From John Jay to Peter Augustus Jay, 24 October 1811 1811-10-24 I went with Nancy last Friday to Rye, and returned on Monday. As the carriage came to the Door,...
26452 Pitman, John, Jr. Madison, James To James Madison from John Pitman, Jr., 24 October 1811 1811-10-24 You will pardon this intrusion of a stranger whose motive is the public good and the support of...
26453 Two Chiefs of the Wyandot Nation Madison, James To James Madison from Two Chiefs of the Wyandot Nation … 1811-10-24 In behalf of ourselves & a number of our people We wish to Say a few words. Father we live on The...
26454 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas George Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 24 October 1811 1811-10-24 I have received of M r Griffin W. & R. Mitchell’s dft on Robert Gamble for 600$ due the 5 th of...
26455 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas George Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 24 October 1811 1811-10-24 Will you have the goodness to inform me if it will not be necessary, previous to my departure to...
26456 Nash, Melatiah Jefferson, Thomas Melatiah Nash to Thomas Jefferson, 24 October 1811 1811-10-24 having frequently observed the small degree of knowledge which prevails amongst mankind in...
26457 Jefferson, Thomas Thomas Jefferson’s Notes on Household Consumption, 3 … 1809-06-03 1809. June 3. a beef purchased Apr. 15. weighing the 4. quarters 637 ℔ and another supposed to...
26458 Adams, Abigail Smith Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw From Abigail Smith Adams to Elizabeth Smith Shaw … 1811-10-22 I wrote to you upon fryday, but I do not now recollect what I have written. I know that my heart...
26459 Cranch, William Adams, Abigail Smith From William Cranch to Abigail Smith Adams, 22 October … 1811-10-22 I received yesterday your kind letter of 17th. instant, informing me of the death of my dear and...
26460 Whipple, Oliver Madison, James To James Madison from Oliver Whipple, 22 October 1811 … 1811-10-22 22 October 1811, Georgetown. Has been unable to call on JM in person and, fearing that his...
26461 Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Boylston From John Quincy Adams to Thomas Boylston Adams, 21 … 1811-10-21 The original of the enclosed did not go, as I had expected by the Cordelia; for she sailed on the...
26462 Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw Adams, Abigail Smith From Elizabeth Smith Shaw Peabody to Abigail Smith … 1811-10-21 My dearly beloved, & only Sister, for the “threefold silken Cord is broken ” To what an unusual...
26463 Ellery, Christopher Madison, James To James Madison from Christopher Ellery, 21 October … 1811-10-21 Believing it proper to make a communication to the President of the United States, in its nature...
26464 Tammany Society of Brookhaven, Long Island Madison, James To James Madison from the Tammany Society of … 1811-10-21 21 October 1811. The society’s members have deemed it expedient to address JM “at the present...
26465 Blunt, Edmund M. Jefferson, Thomas Edmund M. Blunt to Thomas Jefferson, 21 October 1811 1811-10-21 Permit me respectfully to beg your acceptance of Nautical Almanac for 1813— If consistent with...
26466 Destutt de Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude Jefferson, Thomas Destutt de Tracy to Thomas Jefferson, 21 October 1811 1811-10-21 je ne vous dissimulerai pas que j’attendois une reponse de vous a ma lettre du 12 juin 1809. ,...
26467 Macon, Nathaniel Jefferson, Thomas Nathaniel Macon to Thomas Jefferson, 21 October 1811 1811-10-21 By M r M c lure I yesterday received the letter, which you wrote to me on the 24, of last month ,...
26468 Peabody, Elizabeth Smith Shaw Adams, Abigail Smith From Elizabeth Smith Shaw Peabody to Abigail Smith … 1811-10-19 I received your kind Letters yesterday by mail, & though I ought soon to have expected such an...
26469 Cutts, Richard Madison, James To James Madison from Richard Cutts, 19 October 1811 1811-10-19 On my return from Boston I found your favr. of the 30th Ulto. from Montpelier, Yours of the 6th...
26470 Borden, Isaac H. Madison, James To James Madison from Isaac H. Borden, 19 October 1811 … 1811-10-19 19 October 1811. The petitioner, a U.S. citizen residing in Troy, Massachusetts, explains that on...
26471 Jefferson, Thomas Milligan, Joseph Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Milligan, 19 October 1811 1811-10-19 I have at two or three different dates written to ask the favor of you to let me know how much I...
26472 Jefferson, Thomas Weightman, Roger C. Thomas Jefferson to Roger C. Weightman, 19 October 1811 1811-10-19 I have duly recieved your favor of the 12 th and also the parcel of fiorin grass of which you...
26473 Rush, Benjamin Adams, John To John Adams from Benjamin Rush, 18 October 1811 1811-10-18 All my family rejoice with yours in the happy issue of the operation performed upon Mrs Smiths...
26474 Adams, Abigail Smith Shaw, William Smith From Abigail Smith Adams to William Smith Shaw, 18 … 1811-10-18 Your good uncle Cranch is gone. heaven has Saved him the greatest anguish he could experience in...
26475 Joy, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Joy, 18 October 1811 1811-10-18 The Constitution is now daily expected at Cowes; and by her I hope to embark for the U.S. I am...
26476 Picket, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Picket, 18 October 1811 … 1811-10-18 18 October 1811, Charlestown, Massachusetts. “My Son Capt Wm S Picket has just Arrived into...
26477 Dougherty, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas Joseph Dougherty to Thomas Jefferson, 18 October 1811 1811-10-18 I observe in a late paper that M r G: W: Campbell is elected to the Senate of the U:S: in the...
26478 Walker, James Jefferson, Thomas James Walker to Thomas Jefferson, 18 October 1811 1811-10-18 I suppose you are getting impatient for me to come on to commence your S. Mill. as the time...
26479 Adams, Abigail Smith Cranch, William From Abigail Smith Adams to William Cranch, 17 October … 1811-10-17 Your dear Father has joind the Spirits of the Blessed made perfect, on saturday last he was taken...
26480 Luckey, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Luckey, 17 October 1811 … 1811-10-17 17 October 1811. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s letter [not found] and is glad he is in good...
26481 Gelston, David Jefferson, Thomas David Gelston to Thomas Jefferson, 17 October 1811 1811-10-17 Being sensible of the interest You feel in all useful discoveries and improvements in our...
26482 Gelston, David Enclosure: David Gelston’s List of Steamboats, [ca. 17 … 1811-10-17 List of Steam Boats Length Breadth Depth Tonnage Between New York & Albany { Paragon 167.6 26.10...
26483 Bentley, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Bentley, 16 October 1811 1811-10-16 I have taken the liberty to express my gratitude to the first of men, by sending another portion...
26484 Jay, John Peters, Richard From John Jay to Richard Peters, 16 October 1811 1811-10-16 It was not until this Day, that I rec d . your Letter of the 5 Inst — owing to some Derangement...
26485 Edwards, Ninian Madison, James To James Madison from Ninian Edwards, 16 October 1811 1811-10-16 I have the honor to enclose you the proceedings of a meeting of the citizens of St Clair county...
26486 Hamilton, Paul Madison, James To James Madison from Paul Hamilton, 16 October 1811 1811-10-16 I have the honor to submit to Your consideration the paper herewith marked A. which is a...
26487 Adams, John Black, Aaron From John Adams to Aaron Black, 15 October 1811 1811-10-15 On the receipt of your Letter of June 4th. I lost no time I communicating it to your Sister and...
26488 Adams, John Stoddert, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Stoddert, 15 October 1811 1811-10-15 Your obliging Letter of August 16th was presented to me by your son in law Dr Thomas Ewell and...
26489 Brown, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Brown, 15 October 1811 1811-10-15 The petition of James Brown of Manchester in the District of Massachusetts humbly shews, That at...
26490 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 15 October 1811 1811-10-15 Your letter of Aug. 10. from Portland Portsmouth came duly to hand. according to promise I have...
26491 Plumer, William Adams, John To John Adams from William Plumer, 14 October 1811 1811-10-14 By the last mail I received your favour of the 7th instant, informing me that your son has...
26492 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 14 October 1811 1811-10-14 I have no letter from you of a later date then 28. of April last—which I received nearly three...
26493 Dearborn, Henry A. S. Madison, James To James Madison from Henry A. S. Dearborn, 14 October … 1811-10-14 At the request of my friend N. Bowditch Esqr. I have enclosed you one of his papers containing...
26494 Gaines, James S. Jefferson, Thomas James S. Gaines to Thomas Jefferson, 3 September 1811 … 1811-10-14 The State of Virginia which was foremost in her contest for Liberty appear to be the last to...
26495 Dearborn, Henry A.S. Jefferson, Thomas Henry A. S. Dearborn to Thomas Jefferson, 14 October … 1811-10-14 A fiew days ago I spent the afternoon at Salem with my friend Nath. Bowditch to consult him on...
26496 Adams, John Rush, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Rush, 13 October 1811 1811-10-13 Sobrius esto! Recollect your own Non Nobis! Your Letter of the 20th. of September I communicated...
26497 Hawkins, Benjamin Madison, James To James Madison from Benjamin Hawkins, 13 October 1811 1811-10-13 I have had the pleasure my Dear friend to receive your favour of the 18th July. To a man of my...
26498 Jefferson, Thomas Coles, Edward Thomas Jefferson to Edward Coles, 13 October 1811 1811-10-13 I let lent to mr Barlow a great collection of newspapers pamphlets E t c in several large boxes,...
26499 Stuart, Archibald Jefferson, Thomas Archibald Stuart to Thomas Jefferson, 13 October 1811 1811-10-13 On my return home I found that three bushels and eight qut s of Timothy seed of the price of 10$...
26500 Jefferson, Thomas Tazewell, Littleton W. Thomas Jefferson to Littleton W. Tazewell, 13 October … 1811-10-13 Your favor of Sep. 11. was recieved after a considerable delay on the road. on the subject of my...