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Results 26451-26500 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I am favd with yours of 8 OClock this Morning. I fancy your intelligencer is mistaken as to the...
An Act of the general Assembly passed last Year empowering me to appoint some proper person to...
The Enemy having returned ingloriously and the season far advanced makes it necessary that the...
The Senate wish to have their institution clearly understood, and the bounds of their authority...
Permit me to congratulate you on your return to your family and frends, of which I am advertised...
The fine, impartial, laconic & highly descriptive account you favour’d me with of the last Years...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society We consider M. Wuibert as one of our Countrymen....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Habitant d’un Paÿs voüé depuis Longtems au commerçe et...
26459General Orders, 10 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
The army to march at four o’clock in the morning from the right —A Subaltern from each regiment...
To his Excellency Gen. Washington Commander in Chief of the American Army. Persuant to your...
Pursuant to your Excellencys order of the 21st Ulto I proceeded to Jerseys to procure flour or...
In Consequence of the conferences we have had with your Excellency, and knowing yours and your...
I was honored with yours of the 22d ulto on Wednesday last, but the Situation which the Army has...
I have the honor to inform you, that in the course of last week from a variety of intelligence I...
I had the pleasure of receiving yours of the 21st ulto on Wednesday last, but such has been the...
AD (draft): Library of Congress; copies: Library of Congress, Harvard University Library The...
AL (draft): Library of Congress; copies: Library of Congress, Harvard University Library...
AL : University of Virginia Library Mr. Franklin’s Compliments to Mr. A. Lee; sends him two...
ALS : David Holland, London (1955) I ought long since to have acknowledg’d the Receipt of the...
26470General Orders, 11 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW . GW arrived at Swede’s Ford, Pa., sometime after noon on 11 Dec. and...
I have detached Let Coll Temple with a small Party from Matsons to the Lancaster Road with orders...
I had the honor of receiving yours of the 1st inst. some days since, but the Situation which the...
Letter not found: to Lund Washington, 11 Dec. 1777. Lund Washington writes in his letter to GW of...
Your very friendly Letter of the 6 th : Ult. was this Moment delivered. In what careless Hands it...
Printed in The London Evening Post , January 24–27, 1778 From motives of duty, and an earnest...
AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief, The Hague Les grandes joies sont muettes, ainsi que les...
D : Yale University Library <Pennsylvania Coffee House, London, December 12, 1777: I have...
26478General Orders, 12 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
A careful subaltern from each brigade is to repair this day to the last encampment of the army,...
I had the honour of writing to you the 8th Inst. by Messenger Barry. Your Excellency will find...
Letter not found: from Fielding Lewis, 12 Dec. 1777. A two-page ALS with a three-line docket by...
In consequence of your Excellencys direction which I received to day from Dr Cochran I have given...
In answer to your Favor of to day, I cannot think Princeton under the present situation of...
Yesterday was as fine for Travell as ever occurred at this season of the Year.—I reached Ipswich,...
AD : Dartmouth College Library This may certify whom it may concern, that M. Rolandeau, a...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. A. Lee’s Compliments to Dr. Franklin and Mr. Deane. He...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Though our correspondence be interrupted by the most unhappy...
Extracted from AL (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Le Compte que j’ai a...
26488General Orders, 13 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
The officers are without delay to examine the arms and accoutrements of their men, and see that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I feel myself much disappointed in not having found you in...
On Thursday Evening I had the Honor to receive your Favor of the 8th Instant. From the Several...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This may Enform you that I Sailed from Bilboa Novmr. 20 with...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; AL (draft): Yale University Library You will be...
26493General Orders, 14 December 1777 (Washington Papers)
The regiments of horse are to draw provisions of any issuing Commissary, lying most convenient to...
Letter not found: from the Board of War, 14 Dec. 1777. On 22 Dec. GW wrote the Board of War :...
The difficulty of supplying the Troops of General Burgoyn’s Army with Wood and provisions from...
Your several favs. of the 28th Novemr and 4th and 5th instants came duly to hand, but the...
As there has been a complaint entered to your Excellency, respecting the behaviour of Colo. C....
Your obliging Letter of the 2 d . Inst did not reach me till two Days ago. I am very sensible...
Your Letters arrived in the absence of Mr. Adams who is gone as far as Portsmouth, little...
Your obliging favour came to hand yesterday in the absence of my dearest Friend, and as he will...