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Results 26451-26460 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The ground I have prepared for grass along a branch, is, in several spots, too dry for timothy, and especially where we run a little up the foot of the hill. it is moreover a red soil; thinking it will be better to put these spots into Oat-grass if you can spare me a little seed of that, I shall be thankful for it. it will serve as a commencement to raise seed from, as I wish to go a good deal...
I have just recieved a copy of the Congressional assesment law, and find that it is highly concerns our interest and attention. two officers for our district (of Amherst , Nelson , Albemarle & Fluvanna ) are to be appointed by the President , 1. a Collector, and 2. a Principal assessor. the first is of no concern to those of us who mean to pay punctually: but the 2 d is all important. the...
I have been intending in some of my college visits to go on and ask a dinner of you, but latterly my daily rides have been in the opposite direction to explore a slate quarry a mile or two below Milton . why our family has not been to see yours cannot be said but for the lazy reason of never doing to-day what can be put off to tomorrow. I set out for Bedford tomorrow, and shall return just in...
I was informed a few days ago that under the law of Congress our carriages were to be enlisted with a Mr. Rhodes. Being confined myself, I sent the tax-money for my Phaeton two or three different times by Mr. Randolph to Charlottesville on public days, but he could not meet with Mr. Rhodes or any body acting for him. Taking for granted that he is your deputy and that the entry and payment to...
I received your letter of April 29th. It was my father whose name you observed among the Stockholders of the Loyall Company. Having myself paid no attention to the subject during his life, and taken no part in the business of the estate since his death, I know little of the concerns or partners of the company. I recollect that during my abode in Williamsburg between the years 1776 & 1779. a...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I was duly favour’d with yours of March 8. 1771. accompany’d by the Gazettes containing the Advertisements relating to Eliz Holland, and the Mayor’s Affidavit; for which I am much oblig’d to your kind Care. But it seems there is still wanting an Affidavit from you expressing what you express in your Letter, that “notwithstanding all the Enquiry that...
The Commander in chief positively requires all officers, absent from camp, belonging to the Troops of the State of Virginia, except those who are detained on Public service, by his Excellency the Govr of that State, or any Genl officer of the same, or those who may have furloughs not yet expired—immediately to join their respective Corps. By his Excellys Command The several Printers of the...
Some particular Circumstances having produced an Alteration in my Plan of Operations—there will be no Occasion for the Services of the Pilots at present—they may therefore be desired to return to their several Homes as soon as they please. You will make a Return to me of the Expence incurred by your & the Other Pilots Attendance on this Call—& I will endeavour to procure you Payment as soon as...
I have rec’d yours of the first instant. The want of money need be no Obstacle to your proceeding upon the Service required, as you will receive a supply for that purpose upon your Arrival here. I am Sir Your most Obedt DLC : Papers of George Washington.
A considerable fleet of french men of War, chiefly Ships of the line, has just arrived at Sandy Hook, under the command of Admiral Count D’estaing. As the Admiral is a Stranger to our Coast, and is come for the purpose of co-operating with us against the Enemy, it is absolutely necessary that he should be immediately provided with a number of skillful pilots, well acquainted with the Coast &...