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Results 26451-26460 of 184,431 sorted by author
In the latter part of the year, one thousand seven hundred and eighty five, I received a letter from Colonel David Humphreys, and soon after, another from Doctor Ezra Stiles, President of Yale College, in Connecticut, informing me, that your Excellency desired an account of my submarine vessel, and the experiments which I had made. At the time I received those letters, I was seized with a...
No. 7 Boulton Street Piccadilly May it Please your Excellency London 4th Octr 1789 I took the liberty to address you some time since, sincerely congratulating your Excellency on your late dignified appointment, which be assured proceeded from the effusions of a Heart fervently thankfull to the great Author of all good for the blessings he has been pleas’d to shower down on my Country—The many...
As the Officice of Post Master Genl has become vacant by the removal of Col. Pickering, permit me to call your Excellencys attention to my situation, and shou’d you think I merit the appointment which I respectfully solicit; the Obligation shall be gratefully remembered by your Excellency’s most Obedient Hbl. Servt ALS , DLC:GW . Bush applied for positions in the federal government on several...
Permit, one who has fought and Bled in the service of his Country, with heart felt pleasure to Congratulate Your Excellency in your late dignified appointment, offering up his sincere prayers to Almighty God for your, health and happyness, and the prosperity of his Country. I take the Liberty of informing your Excellency of an event that has taken place within these few days, which has as an...
The Naval Office for the Port of Philadelphia being vacant by the Death of Doctr Phile, Permit me to solicit the same, assuring your Excellency that shou’d I be honourd with the Appointment no endeavours shall be wanting in Me, to give satisfaction, and fill the duties of the Office. I humbly beg leave to call your Excellencys attention to my present situation, confiding in your well known...
Ecrire au Réstaurateur de La Liberté américaine! Ecrire a ce Républicain! on dévine aisément que c’est a Washington, qu’on parle: Lui Rappéllerons nous qu’il a degagé son pays des préjugés qui Le dégradoint, qu’il a terrassé Le déspotisme en Rappellant Le peuple américan a Sa grandeur! et qu’il a donné ce ton mâle d’Enérgie á l’homme pour Lui faire connoître ce qu’il est ⟨a⟩ nous Sa modéstie...
Permit us to represent that the appointment of one or more additional Magistrates in George Town would promote the speedy administration of Justice be a convenience to the People and a relief to those in office who have at present for want of assistance more than their share of the Burthen. We beg leave to name Daniel Reintzel as a proper person for the appointment, he at present devotes much...
Permit me to add the enclosed recommendations and testimonials in my favour to those brought in before with Great respect I remain your Obdt. Humbl. Servt DNA : RG 59—LAR—Letters of Application and Recommendation.
Permit me to request your attention to the recommendations in my favour which you will herewith recieve— With the advise and approbation of my friends—   I have presumed to offer myself as a Candidate for the Office of Marshal for the district of Columbia which I am informed by Daniel C Brent Esqr he is about to resign— In Addition to the testimonials presented many others from the most...
That Your petitioner has been Inlisted since the 3d Day of September 1799, in the 11th Regt. Infantry, from which period to the 10th. Day of December, he has done his Duty, as well in the Ranks; as building the Hutts, by which work he has unfortunately by the stroke of an Axe, lost his Thumb, which he presumes renders him unfit and disabled from serving his Country— Your Petitioner begs leave...