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Results 26451-26480 of 184,431 sorted by author
In the latter part of the year, one thousand seven hundred and eighty five, I received a letter from Colonel David Humphreys, and soon after, another from Doctor Ezra Stiles, President of Yale College, in Connecticut, informing me, that your Excellency desired an account of my submarine vessel, and the experiments which I had made. At the time I received those letters, I was seized with a...
No. 7 Boulton Street Piccadilly May it Please your Excellency London 4th Octr 1789 I took the liberty to address you some time since, sincerely congratulating your Excellency on your late dignified appointment, which be assured proceeded from the effusions of a Heart fervently thankfull to the great Author of all good for the blessings he has been pleas’d to shower down on my Country—The many...
As the Officice of Post Master Genl has become vacant by the removal of Col. Pickering, permit me to call your Excellencys attention to my situation, and shou’d you think I merit the appointment which I respectfully solicit; the Obligation shall be gratefully remembered by your Excellency’s most Obedient Hbl. Servt ALS , DLC:GW . Bush applied for positions in the federal government on several...
Permit, one who has fought and Bled in the service of his Country, with heart felt pleasure to Congratulate Your Excellency in your late dignified appointment, offering up his sincere prayers to Almighty God for your, health and happyness, and the prosperity of his Country. I take the Liberty of informing your Excellency of an event that has taken place within these few days, which has as an...
The Naval Office for the Port of Philadelphia being vacant by the Death of Doctr Phile, Permit me to solicit the same, assuring your Excellency that shou’d I be honourd with the Appointment no endeavours shall be wanting in Me, to give satisfaction, and fill the duties of the Office. I humbly beg leave to call your Excellencys attention to my present situation, confiding in your well known...
Ecrire au Réstaurateur de La Liberté américaine! Ecrire a ce Républicain! on dévine aisément que c’est a Washington, qu’on parle: Lui Rappéllerons nous qu’il a degagé son pays des préjugés qui Le dégradoint, qu’il a terrassé Le déspotisme en Rappellant Le peuple américan a Sa grandeur! et qu’il a donné ce ton mâle d’Enérgie á l’homme pour Lui faire connoître ce qu’il est ⟨a⟩ nous Sa modéstie...
Permit us to represent that the appointment of one or more additional Magistrates in George Town would promote the speedy administration of Justice be a convenience to the People and a relief to those in office who have at present for want of assistance more than their share of the Burthen. We beg leave to name Daniel Reintzel as a proper person for the appointment, he at present devotes much...
Permit me to add the enclosed recommendations and testimonials in my favour to those brought in before with Great respect I remain your Obdt. Humbl. Servt DNA : RG 59—LAR—Letters of Application and Recommendation.
Permit me to request your attention to the recommendations in my favour which you will herewith recieve— With the advise and approbation of my friends—   I have presumed to offer myself as a Candidate for the Office of Marshal for the district of Columbia which I am informed by Daniel C Brent Esqr he is about to resign— In Addition to the testimonials presented many others from the most...
That Your petitioner has been Inlisted since the 3d Day of September 1799, in the 11th Regt. Infantry, from which period to the 10th. Day of December, he has done his Duty, as well in the Ranks; as building the Hutts, by which work he has unfortunately by the stroke of an Axe, lost his Thumb, which he presumes renders him unfit and disabled from serving his Country— Your Petitioner begs leave...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mes Ennemis vouloient m’éloigner de la france, J’aurois desiré combâttre ceux d’un peuple qui vous doit en partie ses vertûs, son Energie, et son Bonheur. Des maladies et des procés me retiennent encore, Monsieur. J’arriveray peutêtre un jour a Boston, trop tard pour ma gloire, a temps pour admirer celle de Vos Concitoyens et de mes compatriotes. Garcilasse...
27 December 1801, Philadelphia. As attorney for the Holland Land Company, he addresses JM about a treaty concluded on 15 Sept. 1797 between the Seneca nation and U.S. commissioner Jeremiah Wadsworth. The treaty conveyed Seneca rights on land situated in Ontario County, New York, to Robert Morris—”a large proportion of which is now vested in … the Holland Land Company.” A survey of lands...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous envoyer un Billet d’associé et trois autres billets dont vous pouvez disposer pour entrer à L’assemblée publique que la société libre d’Emulation tiendra le Vingt de ce mois dans une salle de l’hôtel de soubise. Je suis avec une profonde vénération, Monsieur, Votre très humble et très Obéïssant serviteur Notation: Du Mony Paris ce...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai publié, il y a environ vingt trois ans, une histoire des établissemens Anglois en Amérique. L’attention que ces colonies attirent aujourd’hui, et l’interest qu’inspirent leurs habitans par la résolution et la conduite avec lesquelles ils défendent leur liberté m’ont fait naître le dessein de refondre cette histoire et de la continuer jusqu’au temps...
Believing from various Information, that a Change in the office of the Collector of this Port is a Measure decided on by you; upon that Conviction alone, I beg leave to lay before you my application for that office and to solicit your favorable Decision thereon. I must confess that it is with Hesitation & great Deference I approach you on this Business—knowing & feeling as I do, the painful...
As I am informed that the Power of regulating the Appointments of the Quarter Master Genls Department is vested solely in you, I think it incumbent upon me and therefore take the Liberty to Lay before you my Proceedings in that Department as an Agent for Camp Equipage &c. When General Mifflin the late Quarter Mastr General resigned, the Congress requested by a Resolve that he would superintend...
The humble Address of E. Butler In all humility Sheweth that he and Family is Distress’d to the lowest By having his house and all Burned by the Indians to whom shou⟨ld⟩ the Distress’d apply to leave the same to Commiseration of the Protector of your Contry who by whome the same is redress’d, Your Compliance ⟨mutilated⟩ Most Renown’d ⟨mutilated⟩ In Duty Bound will eve⟨r⟩ ⟨mutilated⟩ N:B. I am...
I am yo friend— Wishing you to Convey this letter to france to the Emper Napolion Bunaparte as my Brother to Inform him that I am anguis to see him Respecting the Pressent Situation of things in that Country as well as that of this there is a grat or however sences to be a disbondent among the [Peable] in this Country of America About I know No know not what or see not what Never the Less I...
(Tho’ I have not the honour of your acquaintance) I shall take the liberty of addressing you, to inform you of the real pleasure & satisfaction it gives me to read your Explanation in favour of the Ilustrious President. And to inform you of Some of his Charitable donations—I mean What came Within my knowledge, which I am Sure are but trifling if compar’d With the imense Charities he bestows,...
Letter not found: from James Butler, c.6 June 1795. In a postscript GW wrote to William Pearce on 14 June, he noted: “By the last Post, I received the enclosed letter from James Butler.”
In a few days after I had the honour of Waiting on you at Mt Vernon which is now upwards of two years—I agreed with Mr Alexander to teach his Children I remain’d in that station for twenty months, I then was Render’d incapable of Staying with him any longer on acct of a Severe linguiring complaint, which Still Continues. When I left Mr Alexanders I came to a boarding house where I remain’d...
I hope you will parden These few lines and not Considir Them as intrusive but as an humbel petion for my Discharge. I Shoud not wish the favor if my Situation was not as I Shal State to you which I hope you will take into Consideration (and grant my request) having Served my apprenticeship in Alexandria to the Cordwaning business which trade I was put to by my eldest Sister who then resided in...
To his Excellency Geneal George Washington Esqr. I received the honour of your Excellency’s letter Wherein you very justly Reproach me for giving 36 pints of rum To Tom: Davis While cutting the oats at Mansion house—that report Was Wrong & Erronious & done out of Misstake —the case Was really & truly thus: On Monday the 8th of July I prepar’d 12 cradlers to cut the Oats When I found it cou’d...
Letter not found: from James Butler, 14 July 1793. GW wrote Butler on 22 July that “Your letter of the 14th came duly to hand.”
The petition of Joe Butler, humbly represents; That your petitioner, was, during the last Session of the Circuit Court for the County of Washington in the District of Columbia, convicted of Theft, Was ordered by the Court to receive 39 Stripes, to pay a fine of 10. dollars, and to remain in Jail until the fine and costs were paid. The Corporal punishment was immediately inflicted—and he is now...
NOTHING can be more gratifying to me, than the pleasure of dedicating a portion of my labors to a character of your eminence, distinguished as you are in the political world by an uniformity of your patriotic rectitude, and a faithful discharge of those important duties to which you have been called by the voice of a free people—the impartial system of the American government, and the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In behalf of myself and other American Sailors who have been prisoners in England, I make bold to petition your Excellency, whose humanity and beneficence is known to all the World. There are three of us here who were taken on board the Congress Ship the Confederacy Captain Hardinge. We have been discharged some time, and after attempting to get a passage...
I have taken the Liberty of inclosing a Sketch of the Affairs of Martinique and Guadeloupe, as they Stood About the 20th. Ulto. Since that time a Parcell of Vagabonds who Call themselves Patriots, headed by Some Merchants, have forced Gouvernor D’Arot, to quit the Island, and he is now here. The other Islands and this, Swarm, with the old Men, Women and Children of the Most opulent Planters...
Having commenced the publication of the enclosed Paper, and being solicitous to grace my list with a name so deservedly dear to the Republican cause, I take the liberty of forwarding you the first number of the Maryland Republican, accompanied by a Proposal, to which, if it should meet your approbation, you will please to signify your patronage by returning it (with your Signature) to your...
Having issued proposals for printing the enclosed work , and intending shortly to commence a tour through many of the States, particularly Virginia, for the purpose of obtaining Subscribers, I have ventured to solicit the early patronage of a Character so well known, and justly respected, both on account of his high office, and the brilliant talents which have placed him in it; conscious, that...