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Results 26431-26460 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
A confidence in your disposition to promote the public interests, has induced me to trouble you...
The war at present prevailing among the European Powers producing sometimes captures of vessels...
25 May 1805, Department of State . “For the Government of Michegan, which after the 30th. June...
A question has occurred whether upon a Petition being presented in order to the mitigation or...
Your favor of the 24th. is duly recieved. I consider the erection of the Representatives chamber,...
I have recieved and duly considered your letter of yesterday on the subject of the frame house...
Your favor of the 17th. came to hand on the 20th. but as it’s contents required greater...
Th: Jefferson presents his respects to the Commissioners and refers to them the inclosed letter...
In hopes of obtaining Information more satisfactory both to you and to myself, I have delayed an...
I have recd your kind Letter of the 29th. of July, and have presented the two Pamphlets to the...
As I propose to purchase a still here for the use of my plantations, and understand there is a...
In the present state of your health, I am very unwilling that any trouble which can be avoided...
I was mistaken in telling you that Wanscher was dead. the misinformation arose from the death of...
I promised to stock you with the Alpine Strawberry as soon as soon as my beds would permit. I now...
The advance of the season makes me uneasy about your timothy seed. on the 8 th of Aug. I inclosed...
I recieved the inclosed grass seed, & letter from a mr Willis of whom, or whose place of...
I send the bearer for a bushel and a half of timothy seed, which I will replace in your hands as...
I write to you because you are a Director of the Rivanna company , yet not as a Director , but as...
Reflecting on the subject on which you consulted me, I really believe it will be necessary to...
you perhaps noted in the newspapers some 3. or 4. months ago the mention of cucumbers in a...
The ground I have prepared for grass along a branch, is, in several spots, too dry for timothy,...
I have just recieved a copy of the Congressional assesment law, and find that it is highly...
I have been intending in some of my college visits to go on and ask a dinner of you, but latterly...
I was informed a few days ago that under the law of Congress our carriages were to be enlisted...
I received your letter of April 29th. It was my father whose name you observed among the...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I was duly favour’d with yours of March 8. 1771....
The Commander in chief positively requires all officers, absent from camp, belonging to the...
Some particular Circumstances having produced an Alteration in my Plan of Operations—there will...
I have rec’d yours of the first instant. The want of money need be no Obstacle to your proceeding...
A considerable fleet of french men of War, chiefly Ships of the line, has just arrived at Sandy...