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Results 26431-26440 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
will you get mr Norten to inform by Letters mr & mrs James Foster of the death of your dear Mother and our request to them to attend the funeral on Saturday—Louissa did write to them the morng that your Father died, but some exception was taken that they were not notified by the Family. mr George Palmer Should be written to, he had not heard of his uncle death till Louissa informd him. mr...
Owing to an unusual press of matter for the two last papers we have been compelled to postpone the publication of the Correspondence. In the mean time we have unfortunately mislaid part of a page of manuscript. We have enclosed the last paragraph of that published, together with the first Succeeding sheet & desire you to take the pains to supply the deficiency. This frank avowal of our...
In the month of June last Myers Fisher junr: of Philadelphia, who is established here as a partner of a Commercial House, called upon me with a Gentleman who had just arrived with a Vessel and Cargo of which he was the owner, and whom he introduced to me by the name of Mr David of Philadelphia—I thought this Gentleman a total stranger to me, and was a little surprized when he said to me, Sir,...
31 October 1811, New York. The subscribers recommend John Gilmour, who is a respectable and intelligent gentleman and a fit person for a consulship. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under “Gilmour”). 2 pp. Signed by Murray & Sons and twelve others, including Henry Remsen. Docketed by Monroe as a “recommdn of a Consul for Glasgow.” Probably enclosed in Gilmour to Monroe, 2 Dec. 1811...
Your favor of the 12 th has been duly recieved, and I am glad to learn that you have made the Swedish stove. I have no doubt it will repay your expences well after it shall become known. it’s high estimation in Europe authorises the same here, & to presume it will become general. I do expect that the stile of plain panneled work in which you have executed it, is probably neater than more...
I apprehend from your favor of the 27 th that I must have expressed my meaning very badly, respecting my future correspondence with M r M— . I retained no copy of my letter, not having wished to leave any trace behind me upon such a subject.—I was perfectly aware of the absolute necessity of a regular correspondence with him.—I merely meant to say, that I should not like to ask any thing of...
The offer which it is the ambition of this Address to submit to the consideration of the President of the United States is addressed (you will see immediately) not to the person, but to the Office. By an explanation thus early made some reading will be saved to you. The respect, of which the offer itself is its own best testimonial needs not, I presume, any more words for the expression of it....
E. Coles presents his respectful compliments to M r Jefferson, and takes the liberty of informing him, that he received information a few days ago from M r Lee , the Collector at Salem , that he had received from M r Baker , our consul at Palma , “the following articles addressed to Th: Jefferson , One Cask of wine, one Box Marble, one Box of olives, and one Bag of Almonds,” and that he...
Permit me to submit the inclosed to your perusal, as the copy of a communication to several members of Congress, on their arrival in this city; and at the same to assure you, that while this mark of confidence and respect is offered, it is not expected or wished, that you should take any step in my favor incompatible with the strictest propriety. I have the honor to be, with great respect,...
29 October 1811, Portland. Encloses a bill of exchange dated at Madeira, 12 Sept. 1811, and drawn by James Leander Cathcart on JM for £378 sterling. “You will oblige me, by paying this sum into the State treasury, receive from the Secrey. thereof, a draft or Check on the Maine Bank in this place, which your Excellency will please to forward to your Hble Servt.” RC and enclosure ( DLC ). RC 1...