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Results 26431-26460 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
[ Totowa, New Jersey ] October 30, 1780 . Does not think that a campaign at this time is feasible. States that American force is not large enough to attack New York. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Preakness, New Jersey, October 31, 1780. “Personally appeared before me John Glover, Brigadier General in the Army of the United States, Alex. Hamilton, Lt. Colonel and Aide De Camp to The Commander in Chief, who being duly sworn, deposeth and saith, that from all the circumstances of the behaviour of Richard Varick, Esqr., on the late occasion of the desertion of Major General Arnold, so...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 31, 1780 . Has instructed Abraham Skinner concerning the proposed exchange of prisoners. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Preakness [ New Jersey ] October 31, 1780 . Sends instructions for exchange of officers. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Preakness, New Jersey, October, 1780. ] States appreciation of the friendship of the French. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Denis Jean Florimond Langlois de Mautheville, Chevalier du Bouchet, was deputy adjutant general of the French army in America.
Preakness [ New Jersey ] November 1, 1780 . Transmits memorials from Captain Joseph Traversie and from “the Canadian families which have taken refuge” in Albany. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Preakness [ New Jersey ] November 1, 1780 . Sends details of British embarkation. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Totowa [ New Jersey ] November 1, 1780 . Announces regulation of Army by the Congressional resolves of October 3 and 21. Directs officers to meet and make arrangements conformable to these regulations. Df , in writings of Tench Tilghman and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Preakness, New Jersey, November 2, 1780. The description of this letter in the dealer’s catalogue states that the letter “mentions General Schuyler and refers to his leaving Albany to meet the Convention.” Letter not found. ] ALS , sold at Merwin Sales, January 18, 1911, Lot 122. Wadsworth had resigned as commissary general of purchases on January 1, 1780. This was a convention of eastern...
Preakness [ New Jersey ] November 4, 1780 . Sends news of British troop and naval movements. Reports that Army received announcement of new establishment with satisfaction. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Preakness, New Jersey ] November 4, 1780 . Is happy to hear that Rochambeau’s son has departed for France. Sends reports of British troop movements. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Totowa, New Jersey ] November 4, 1780 . Approves Smith’s decision to take the place of a retiring lieutenant colonel. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Smith was a lieutenant colonel in Spencer’s Regiment. In January, 1781, he became adjutant and inspector on the Marquis de Lafayette’s staff.
Preakness, New Jersey, November 6, 1780. Describes efforts to obtain boats for projected attack on the posts on the northern end of Manhattan Island. ALS , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress; LC , Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston; and LC , RG 93, Letters of Col. T. Pickering, National Archives. Washington hoped for one successful stroke against the British before going into...
Both your favors of the 17th & 22nd. ult I had the pleasure to receive about the latter end of the month, since which this place has been a Scene of Confusion and distress. The Inhabitants flying for Shelter to the Interior part of the state, and the Militia moving up with a tardiness which has given me more real Concern than the Enemys depradations have done as It evinces either disaffection...
[ Passaic Falls, New Jersey, November 15, 1780. ] Thanks Smith for the notice of Washington’s election to American Philosophical Society. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Smith was secretary of the American Philosophical Society.
You will see that Mr. Farge is a man in distress. The General has given him an order to draw rations. From his situation he cannot draw them dayly. Can you advance him for two or three months at a time? This is wholly private. Yrs. with great regard ALS , Harvard College Library. Stewart was commissary general of issues. Accompanying this letter is an enclosure written and signed by H which...
There are five boats ordered from Kings ferry to Dobbes ferry, which The General directs you will immediately send a proper number of carriages for, and bring them to where the other boats are. Let no delay attend it, if you please. Have you had the four which were already there brought on? Your most obedient serv ALS , RG 93, Miscellaneous Records, National Archives; also ADfS , George...
Be so good as to urge the bringing forward the boats; there is no time to be lost. They ought to be with the others by Wednesday evening, if possible. Yr. very hum serv I think I mentioned to you in my first note, that the boats would be by this time at Dobbes ferry. ’Tis there the teams must go. ALS , RG 93, Miscellaneous Records, National Archives. These boats were being assembled for the...
I instantly sent off an Express on the Receipt of your first Note to Major Cogswell with Orders requiring him immediately to dispatch five Teams with Carriages for five additional Boats at Dobbs Ferry which had arrived there since the others were sent for! I will send again to know if the first Order was executing, and directing that the Boats be at the two Bridges by Wednesday-night. I am Sir...
The moment teams could be provided the boats at Dobbs ferry were sent for. I expect them up to-morrow, five at least, and six if so many were there. I will immediately dispatch an express to Major Cogswell to send teams for the five additional boats ordered from Kings-ferry. I am your most obdt. servt. ALS , George Washington Papers, Library of Congress; LC , RG 93, Letters of Col. T....
[ Passaic Falls, New Jersey ] November 20, 1780 . Proposes a meeting of commissioners for the exchange of prisoners. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Passaic Falls [ New Jersey ] November 20, 1780 . Discusses problems involved in exchanging prisoners with Great Britain. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Passaic Falls, New Jersey, November 20, 1780. ] Discusses need for large foreign loan. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Lee had returned to the United States in September after having served as, one of the commissioners to France from the United States.
[ Totowa, New Jersey ] November 21, 1780 . Orders Craig to move his men to Elizabethtown. Df , in writings of Tench Tilghman and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Craig was a colonel of the Third Pennsylvania Regiment.
[ Preakness, New Jersey ] November 21, 1780 . Is planning a move toward Elizabethtown. Instructs Goetschius to secure all “watercraft” on the Hackensack. Df , in writings of Tench Tilghman and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Goetschius was a major in the New Jersey Militia.
Preakness [ New Jersey ] November 21, 1780 . Orders Gouvion to reconnoiter British lines. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Totowa, New Jersey ] November 21, 1780 . Sends instructions for patrolling certain areas in New Jersey. Df , in writings of Tench Tilghman and H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
[ Preakness, New Jersey ] November 21, 1780 . Instructs Parr to attempt to capture those inhabitants who are reported to be ready to carry provisions to the enemy. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Presumably Parr was a major of the Seventh Pennsylvania Regiment.
[ Totowa, New Jersey ] November 21, 1780 . Orders Wayne to march his troops to Acquackanonck, New Jersey, for foraging purposes. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
Inclosed, my dear hamilton, I send you a letter for M de Marbois wherein are contain’d two exemplaires of my dispatches to doctor franklin. In the hurry of our Arrangement I forgot to mention them to the General. Be pleased to give him a Summary of theyr contents to which I have added the Southern News of Yesterday; tell him that knowing from experience how Negligent we were in sending...