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Results 26421-26470 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
26421 Adams, John Boston Patriot From John Adams to Boston Patriot, 9 February 1812 1812-02-09 To his Excellency Elias Boudinot, Esq. President of Congress. Passy, 10th Sept. 1783. Sir—On the...
26422 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 15 April 1808 1808-04-15 The Secretary of State has the honor to Report to the President in conformity to the resolution...
26423 Madison, James Malcom, Howard James Madison to Howard Malcom, 18 June 1830 1830-06-10 The 2 Copies of the "Reports on Prison discipline" referred to in your letter of the 3d. inst:...
26424 Jefferson, Thomas Memoranda concerning Western Defense, [ca. 8 June 1780] 1780-06-08 detamt. Crockett } Sandy 22. Botetourt 100 18. Rockbridge 16. Gr. Brier } Fort Randolph 43....
26425 Hiort, Henry Jefferson, Thomas Henry Hiort to Thomas Jefferson, 11 May 1809 1809-05-11 Knowing that you are a Patron of every useful invention, I take the liberty to enclose to you, a...
26426 Washington, George Clinton, George George Washington to George Clinton, 30 July 1780 1780-07-30 General Howe’s Quarters, Robinson’s [ New York ] July 30, 1780 . Asks Clinton to attend an...
26427 Brown, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Brown et al., 2 October … 1793-10-02 As the office of attorney for the United States for this district is vacant by the decease of...
26428 Cooper, Isaac Jefferson, Thomas Invoice from Isaac Cooper, 29 May 1805 1805-05-29 To Isaac Cooper Dollr Cents to framing & glazing two Pictures 5 00 to thirteen Circular frames...
26429 Adams, John Jay, John From John Adams to John Jay, 26 June 1785 1785-06-26 By the Ninth Article of the Confederation, the United States in Congress assembled have the sole...
26430 Washington, George Steuben, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard … From George Washington to Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf … 1782-02-04 It would give me much pleasure in answering your letter of this date, if I could deliver such an...
26431 Morse, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Morse, 2 March 1802 1802-03-02 S. Morse presents his affectionate regards to Mr. Jefferson. A young man , with whom he has...
26432 Treasury Department Enclosure B: Table Exhibiting a View of the Proposed … 1792-11-30 Table Exhibiting a View of the Proposed Plan of Redemption. N: B: All the calculations in this...
26433 Jones, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Jones, 3 March 1797 1797-03-03 Mr. Green and Mullin will republish the Citizen and I observe the 1st. Number in Greens last...
26434 Jefferson, Thomas Blake, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Blake, 12 July 1793 1793-07-12 You will proceed with all diligence in the Ship bound to Cadiz, in Spain, with the dispatches...
26435 Chiefs of the Shawnee People Madison, James To James Madison from the Chiefs of the Shawnee People … 1811-11-18 We have just finished the foreg[o]ing talk to our Brothers it is our wish that you may see it...
26436 Quincy, Josiah, III Adams, John Quincy From Josiah, III Quincy to John Quincy Adams, 30 May … 1820-05-30 I have the pleasure to inform you, that at a meeting of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences,...
26437 Adams, John Tuesday July 2nd. 1771. 1771-07-02 At Falmouth, at Mr. Jonathan Webbs, who has removed to an House very near the Court House. Last...
26438 Washington, George [Diary entry: 11 April 1786] 1786-04-11 Tuesday 11th. Thermometer at 40 in the Morning—52 at Noon and 52 at Night. Wind at No. Et. all...
26439 Washington, George [Diary entry: 25 April 1769] 1769-04-25 25. Raining most part of the day with the wind Eastwardly & cold.
26440 Howe, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Howe, 21 August 1783 1783-08-21 As a peace Establishment is I hear to take place, and as I feel an inclination to serve my...
26441 Adams, John Waterhouse, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Waterhouse, 29 June 1806 1806-06-29 I rejoice to find by your Letter of the 26. and by my Sons Conversation, that his commencement of...
26442 Nourse, Joseph Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Joseph Nourse, 24 August … 1792-08-24 Treasury Department, Register’s Office, August 24, 1792. “I have carefully looked over the...
26443 Jay, John McDougall, Alexander From John Jay to Alexander McDougall, 4 December 1775 1775-12-04 The Congress have at Length determined against the Tea holders— a Measure in my opinion neither...
26444 Hamilton, Alexander From Alexander Hamilton to ———, [n.p., n.d.] I will thank you for your name on the inclosed. Yrs. ALS , New-York Historical Society, New York...
26445 Washington, George Knox, Henry George Washington to Brigadier General Henry Knox, 30 … 1779-05-30 Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] May 30, 1779 . Sends instructions concerning brigade artillery. Df ,...
26446 Jefferson, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Jefferson, 20 June … 1791-06-20 I am honoured with yours of the 15th instant, & not a little mortified with the miscarriage of so...
26447 Dawson, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Dawson, 1 February 1800 1800-02-01 This will find you on your farm & I hope with restord health. According to practice we have had a...
26448 Graham, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Graham, 6 September 1815 1815-09-06 I have the honor to transmit a list of the names of all the applicants on the files of this...
26449 Second Congregational Church of Newport, Rhode … Adams, John To John Adams from the Second Congregational Church of … 1783-05-26 Permit us the Comm̃ee of the Second Congregational Church in Newport to call your attention for a...
26450 Madison, James Monroe, James James Madison to James Monroe, 20 March 1828 1828-03-20 Yours of Feby. 23. was not recd. before the last mail tho’ having the Aldie post mark on the day...
26451 Lovell, James Washington, George To George Washington from James Lovell, 14 October 1781 1781-10-14 I gave a Letter for your Excellency this morning to some Gentleman who is connected with the...
26452 Washington, George Pickering, Timothy From George Washington to Timothy Pickering, 24 … 1782-12-24 The bad state of affairs in your Department, is such as makes your presence indispensably...
26453 Washington, George Livingston, William From George Washington to William Livingston, 10 … 1777-11-10 I have the honor of yours of Yesterday. I am sorry that you construed a part of my last letter...
26454 Anderson, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Anderson, 24 July 1816 1816-07-24 I take leave to Obtrude upon your time for a few moments, in behalf of William G D Worthington...
26455 Bowen, Ephraim Jr. Washington, George To George Washington from Captain Ephraim Bowen, Jr. … 1775-10-16 According to the Instructions recieved at Head Quarters, I went to Watertown, to Colo. Warren,...
26456 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 22 May 1809 1809-05-22 It is my duty to write to you on the subject of the Note you were so kind as to endorse for me at...
26457 Hamilton, Alexander Morton, Washington From Alexander Hamilton to Washington Morton, 23 April … 1799-04-23 On revising the proceedings of the General Court Martial received from you, I find that it does...
26458 Washington, George [Diary entry: 4 January 1799] 1799-01-04 4. Very cold. Wind at No. and Mer. 24.—V—x
26459 Reynolds, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James Reynolds, [13–15 … 1792-11-15 [ Philadelphia, November 13–15, 1792. On July 19, 1797, Henry Seckel attested that sometime...
26460 Randolph, Edmund Washington, George To George Washington from Edmund Randolph, 24 October … 1795-10-24 I affirm to you, that the delay, which has occurred in the arrival of my letter of the 8th...
26461 Hazard, Enoch Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Enoch Hazard, 5 June 1806 1806-06-05 In this season, when the highest public interests engage your excellency’s attention, it is a...
26462 Adams, John Quincy Tuesday August 1st. 1786. 1786-08-01 There was a meeting of an association of ministers here this day; but there were only three...
26463 Dumoulin de Seille & Son Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Dumoulin de Seille & Son, 24 … 1786-07-24 We have the honour to present you our most humble Respects, and Beseech you to take in...
26464 Suspension of the Rule Requiring Lawyers to Serve a … 1782-04-26 Whereas by a former rule of this Court, a Clerkship of three years at least was among other...
26465 Beatty, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Beatty, 26 October 1779 1779-10-26 Having returned from visiting and arranging the different Posts where Prisoners are confined to...
26466 Washington, George Madison, James From George Washington to James Madison, 10 October … 1791-10-10 Letter not found: to James Madison, 10 Oct. 1791. Sold by Stan V. Henkels, 1892, catalog 694,...
26467 Jefferson, Thomas Jones, Meriwether From Thomas Jefferson to Meriwether Jones, 19 October … 1804-10-19 I recieved last night your favor of the 15th. I have but a single copy of the pamphlet you ask...
26468 Holt, Charles Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Holt, 27 August 1820 1820-08-27 It will possibly amuse a few of the leisure moments of your latter years, to receive an act of...
26469 Adams, John Fitzhugh, William, Jr. From John Adams to William Fitzhugh, Jr., 11 June 1800 1800-06-11 I receive from the Citizens of Alexandria, this kind salutation on my first Visit to Virginia...
26470 Washington, George Wayne, Anthony From George Washington to Brigadier General Anthony … 1777-12-27 I receiv’d your favor of Yesterday, & immediately sent one of my Aids to represent the Subject of...