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Results 26411-26440 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
We are sorry to inform you, that we have inquired at the board of treasury respecting the indents of interest necessary for the State under the requisition of the last year, & that the Commrs. have informed us that from the uncertainty of the productiveness of the funds appropriated by the legislature as a compliance, they were doubtful whether they could with propriety issue them at all, but...
Versailles, 29 July 1778. LbC ( Adams Papers , French text of both letter and enclosure). For other contemporary copies of the French text of the letter and regulations, the latter as transmitted and later amended as a result of the Commissioners’ letter of 13 Aug. (below), and for English translations of the two documents made at the same time, see PCC , No. 83, 11, f. 467, 46Q–476. For...
The Vacancy that is occationed by the death of Judge Davis of Indiana a number of us are Verry ancious Shou’d be filled by the appointment of mr Richard Cocke one of the Commissioners of the orleans Territory this Appointment Carreys him two far South, It woud be much more pleasing to him to be settled in a more north Climate and in fact Indiana is a County he has always had his eye on, & am...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did myself the Honour to write You a Letter abt. November 1777 to acquaint Yo. with the melancholy Event of the Death of that Worthy Good Woman Mrs. Bache of Preston and at the same time to Enquire after Yr own Health & that of Yr Son in Law M R B & his son Benjamin— I also took the Liberty of requesting the Favour of a Line from You directed under Cover...
Your Letter of the 19 of October from London gave me great Joy and all your other Friends of whom you have many much Pleasure— And I was again highly delighted to hear from M r Jay that he had Letters from your Brother at Amsterdam the 20 th of Nov r. M r Wilcocks who is kind enough to take Charge of this Letter is probably an Acquaintance of your s : You must take him with you in your Daily...
I yesterday, on my return to this city, received from M. Russel a letter, from which I make the following extract. It’s enclosures are sent entire. It would be injustice, as well to M. Russel, as to a suggestion which fell from you when I had lately the honor of seeing you, were I to withold a testimony of his very respectable standing in the place which he now fills, & which removes every...
I enclose to you an arrangement of the Officers of Artillery attached to the Western army into companies as proposed by Col. Burbeck. You will consider this arrangement as confirmed. You will of course make known the confirmation to the commanding officer of the regiment. Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.
26418[Diary entry: 31 December 1770] (Washington Papers)
31. Also clear and Pleasant.
Treasury Department, August 5, 1790. “The Secretary of the Treasury has the honor respectfully to submit to the President of the United states a contract … for shingling two houses, and building a breast-work for the foundation of the light-house at Cape-Henlopen He begs leave to offer an opinion, that the terms of this agreement appear to him advantageous to the United states.” LC , George...
I have received your letter of the 10 th March and shall not fail, without some unforeseen obstacle to attend the meeting, you propose, of the Visitors for the establishment of the College in the neighbourhood of Charlottesville . I accept your polite invitation—and will be at Monticello on Monday the 7 of April. I have been long desirous to obtain some of your Marseilles fig—and send the...
To his Excellency Elias Boudinot, Esq. President of Congress. Passy, 10th Sept. 1783. Sir—On the third instant, definitive treaties of peace were concluded between all the late belligerent powers except the Dutch, who, the day before settled and signed preliminary articles of peace with Great Britain. We most sincerely and cordially congratulate congress and our country in general, on this...
The Secretary of State has the honor to Report to the President in conformity to the resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 30th. of March, that the only information which has been received respecting the letter from which the extract inserted in Gen. Armstrong’s letter to the Secretary of State, of January the 22nd. 1808, was taken, in the extract itself, to which no date is...
The 2 Copies of the "Reports on Prison discipline" referred to in your letter of the 3d. inst: were recd. some days ago. The letter itself was brought by the last mail with the post mark of Charleston S.C. to which it had been missent. The duplicate for a friend I have sent to Mr. Howard as one to both of us. I have not yet been able to give an entire reading to the little volume, but have...
detamt. Crockett } Sandy 22. Botetourt 100 18. Rockbridge 16. Gr. Brier } Fort Randolph 43. Augusta 15. Rockingham 30. Frederick 150 30.
Knowing that you are a Patron of every useful invention, I take the liberty to enclose to you, a statement of M r Morneveck’s very valuable Patent impenetrable Stucco, as a substitute for Slate, Shingles and Tiles. The Certificate of The Justices of the Supreme Court of The United states , who were witnesses to the experiments on a shingle covered with the same Stucco, would be a sufficient...
General Howe’s Quarters, Robinson’s [ New York ] July 30, 1780 . Asks Clinton to attend an interview. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
As the office of attorney for the United States for this district is vacant by the decease of William Channing Esqr. permit us to recommend David Howell Esqr. L.L.D. professor of law in the college here, and one of the most approved practitioners at the bar in this State. This gentlemans literary & professional abilities are generally acknowledged, it also ought to be known that his conduct as...
To Isaac Cooper Dollr Cents to framing & glazing two Pictures 5 00 to thirteen Circular frames   13      $18 — RC ( MHi ); in Cooper’s hand; endorsed by TJ: “June 6. 05. pd by check on bk US.”
By the Ninth Article of the Confederation, the United States in Congress assembled have the sole and exclusive right and Power of entering into Treaties and Alliances, Provided, that no Treaty of Commerce Shall be made, whereby the Legislative Power of the respective States Shall be restrained from imposing such Imposts and Duties on Foreigners, as their own People are Subjected to or from...
It would give me much pleasure in answering your letter of this date, if I could deliver such an opinion as would perfectly accord with the wishes of yourself, and the Gentn who are had in contemplation as Assistant Inspectors—But despairing of this, I shall submit such an one as candor, and a desire of information may require. My opinion has uniformly been that throwing the Inspectorate &...
S. Morse presents his affectionate regards to Mr. Jefferson. A young man , with whom he has become acquainted since his residence in this city, is about to begin a publication in Connecticut, under the title of the “Connecticut Republican Magazine,” he is very desirous to wait on the president and ask his patronage as a subscriber. Mr Jefferson will feel the delicate situation of the writer...
Table Exhibiting a View of the Proposed Plan of Redemption. N: B: All the calculations in this table proceed upon a rate of five per cent interest. Periods of redemption or payment. Sums redeemable. Temporary Loans. Amount of sums borrowed with compound interest to the respective periods of reimbursement. Years when Annuities begin to accrue. Years Annuities.
Mr. Green and Mullin will republish the Citizen and I observe the 1st. Number in Greens last paper. I have to number four and wish you to have the following numbers inserted in Baches’s paper as from them I can have them republished withot. your inclosing them and being subjected to postage. I understand you will be voted for to represent the County of Orange and will be elected unless you...
You will proceed with all diligence in the Ship bound to Cadiz, in Spain, with the dispatches committed to you for Messrs. Carmichael and Short, Commissioners Plenipotentiary of the United States of America, at Madrid. When arrived at your port of destination, or any other to which you may by accident be forced, proceed directly to Madrid by such conveyance as will best reconcile safety,...
We have just finished the foreg[o]ing talk to our Brothers it is our wish that you may see it also that you may Know our minds. Fathers. We have one request to make: our Annuity comes by the way of Detroit to Fort Wayne for us, and we find it a great distance for our women to go for them, it is our wish if it could be possible in future to have them sent down the Ohio, and delivered to us by...
I have the pleasure to inform you, that at a meeting of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, holden this day, you were unanimously, elected their President. Although your probable residence, at least for some years, at a distance from Massachusetts, may possibly form an objection, in your own mind, to the appointment, yet, in fact the duties of it are little more than nominal, they can...
26437Tuesday July 2nd. 1771. (Adams Papers)
At Falmouth, at Mr. Jonathan Webbs, who has removed to an House very near the Court House. Last Fryday Morning, I mounted with Brother Bradbury and his Brother Bradbury, at York for Falmouth, went over the Sands but could not ford Cape Nettick, and so was obliged to go round over the Bridge, by the Mill. Dined at Littlefields in Wells, drank Tea and lodged at Aliens at Biddeford. Coll. Ting...
26438[Diary entry: 11 April 1786] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 11th. Thermometer at 40 in the Morning—52 at Noon and 52 at Night. Wind at No. Et. all day, and at times pretty fresh—raw and disagreeable. Towards evening it lowered a good deal, & the Sun set in a bank. Sowing the Siberian Wheat to day, as yesterday, at the ferry. And sowed 26 rows of Barley (except a little at each end wch. was too wet for the ground to be worked) at Muddy hole;...
26439[Diary entry: 25 April 1769] (Washington Papers)
25. Raining most part of the day with the wind Eastwardly & cold.
As a peace Establishment is I hear to take place, and as I feel an inclination to serve my country in a military line whilst that sort of service is thought requisite, I think it my Duty to inform your Excellency of this Disposition—I had the honour Sir of mentioning this to you once before, & I now take the liberty to repeat that should you Deem me Worthy of your Influence & will Exert it in...