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Results 26411-26420 of 184,431 sorted by author
The enclosed letter is from the Pt of the Farmers Bank Lynchbrg Va, a man of considerable experience in trade, & of an excellent character; coming from an interior part of the country, but nevertheless extensively engaged in commerce. I hope it will not be consider’d improper to submit its contents to your consideration; I will however observe that altho the extent of the evil may be admitted,...
Your letter in answer to my enquiries relative to the medal Voted Gen l Lee by Congress has been some time since received & will be used, by the President in the manner he thinks proper; The impression made on my mind in that part of it which authorises me to use it as I find proper, connected with what has previously passed upon the Subject, was, that I had embarked in an enquiry which had...
Some days Since I received a letter from the Son of Genl Lee requesting me to apply to the P’t of the US. upon the Subject of a Medal voted his Father for his Services by the old Congress , which has never been presented; he said the you were entrusted with procuring it while minister in France , but had left the Country before the Medal was completed; I stated these circumstances to Mr...
I have made every exertion to Reach Washington; by the time specified in Your letter—Some delay was unavoidable, the difficulty of procuring suitable persons to manage my affairs in my absence, the necessity of closing some transactions which were understood only by myself—I shall rest this day & proceed immediately to W—The selection you have made of me in my retirement; will if possible...
It has been suggested to me, that some censure will attatch to my relinquishment of the seat in the Legislature of virginia to which I was elected in April last by the people of Franklin ; I am not vain to hold a place in that body. No beleif is entertain’d that there , or in any other place my name would acquire approbation; farther than a sincere desire to discharge promptly and with...
the only difficulty I can imagine with the aid of these directions is the want of correspondent marks or letters on the different parts of your machine, you may however without them soon discover them when the machine is put in motion; I have added directions for the Drawing & Roving head, because it adds so much to the value of the Carding Engine, that you should lose no time in procuring...
When I arrived at this place, on my way to Washington, I was informed you were still at Monticello—I now consider myself at your Service & shall be prepar’d to Receive & execute your orders on all occasions—permit me to wish you health & happiness— RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ as received 10 May and so recorded in SJL .
I hope you will find the enclosed useful in the management of your Domestic concerns. It is easily understood, and furnishes 52 patterns of Cloth; Nothing more has transpired from Harrisons Army re l ative to Genl Winchester , it is however believed the greater part of the men behaved with singular courage, & maintained their ground as long as it was practicable against a superior force, the...
I am now with Mr Randolph & have just read your letter, he would come over to day, but the state of the weather, & the return of his fever seem to decide in favor of Tomorrow; I will give Joseph verbally such directions about bringing the carriage as may be necessary—I think it particularly necessary that Mr. R. should remove to your house, his disease has originated in the state of his mind,...
I had determin’d to return & continue in your Service until the arrival of Captn Lewis, or during the term of your Administration; that resolution is for the present frustrated by an attack of the Dysentery, by which my health has been so much impair’d that I despair of being able to Join you in time to reach Wtn—It is not my wish to expose you to inconvenience by making an improper request, I...