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Results 26411-26420 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
By the inclosed Return Your Excellency will be made Acquainted with the strength of the Garrison at this place. Genl Hand ordered me to send the Deserters from the Different Corps at Camp down by Capt. Saml Miller of the 8th Pensl. Regt, which I Accordingly have done, Excepting those of the 13th Virga Regt and some who were sick. I shoud have sent the whole of them But at the time of Capt....
Letter not found: from Richard Peters, 5 Dec. 1777. GW wrote to Peters on 14 Dec. that “Your several favs. of the 28th Novem. and 4th and 5th instants came duly to hand.”
The Petition of the Inhabitants of the County of Orange Hum[b]ly Sheweth That your Petitioners having nothing so much at heart as the Liberty and Independance of their Country are Extreamly Anxious to See every regulation take place that may be Conducive to their Final Establishment. That convinced of the Expediency at all times and the indispensible Necessity at Present of improving our...
Coll. Doane informs me, that he hath engaged you, in the Cause of his Brig antin e, and his property found in her, at the time of her Capture; And as Mr. Paine was not fully engaged at the time you was, he does not attend the Tryal (which is to be on the 16th. of this Month at Portsmouth). I herewith Inclose you a Brief of facts (without many perticular circumstances) which may give you a...
You must expect for the Future, to find in me, Situated as I am by a blissfull Fireside, surrounded by a Wife and a Parcell of chattering Boys and Girls, only a Dealer in Small Politicks. I find the Same Perplexities here, that We felt at York Town— a general Inclination among the People to barter, and as general an Aversion to dealing in Paper Money of any Denomination. Guineas half Jo’s and...
Your kind Favours of 14 and 18 Novr. I received together, this Evening. I thank you, for your obliging Remembrance of me, and for your entertaining Anecdotes. Is there not Ground of Suspicion, that the Standards, Trophys, and other things, are concealed among, the Officers Baggage? But by the Convention Burgoignes Honour is to be relyed on, that nothing improper Shall be So concealed. A broken...
Copy: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Je recois, Messieurs, une Lettre de Messieurs Bérard freres de Lorient qui me confirme que vous leur avez donné des ordres positifs et réitérés de vendre la cargaison de l’amphitrite et de n’en remettre les fonds qu’à vous seuls. Ma situation souffrante ne me permet pas d’entrer dans de grands détails, mais cette cargaison m’appartient et je...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have kept the Duplicates of the Dispatches to this Time in Expectation of a private Hand, that failing I am now obliged to send a Man on purpose, but in the least expensive way. If you have no further commands for him please to discharge him directly; he is not to return Post unless you order him so to do. The minister lately sent orders to stop the Lion,...
ALS or LS : American Philosophical Society Having made an agreement with Mr. John King in behalf of the Common Wealth of Wirginia for a quantity of Salt to be deliver’d in James River, per our Ship the Algonquin, as you’ll be pleased to See by the inclosed Contract, this Ship is quite ready Since a fortnight to put in Sea, only expecting a fair Wind, having for Pilote for the American Cost Mr....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I think there is no person, to whom I might apply to for Redress, Like as a person that is not acting not only for the Good of the publick, but also for the Good of the Common welth. I am Sorrow to trouble you nor neither Should I, had not my present Situation Required it. I am Sorrow to have occation of writing to you, in Respect to the marchant, with whom...