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Results 2641-2650 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
The president of the U.S. requests the Secretary of State to prepare copies of the remaining papers of our late Envoys to France to be laid before congress at an as early day as possible MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
I do myself the Honour to inclose the Kings speech at the Opening of Parliament as it has been transmitted to me from the Marquis of Carmarthen: and the Morning Chronicle of the 28, which contains, not the debates for there were none, but the Panegyricks upon it. I have long Seen Sir, in Silent astonishment and Grief the negligent and imprudent Conduct of a deceased French Minister of foreign...
Cold in my professions, warm in ⟨my⟩ friendships, I wish, my Dear Laurens, it m⟨ight⟩ be in my power, by action rather than words, ⟨to⟩ convince you that I love you. I shall only tell you that ’till you bade us Adieu, I hardly knew the value you had taught my heart to set upon you. Indeed, my friend, it was not well done. You know the opinion I entertain of mankind, and how much it is my...
I was yesterday honored with your Excellency’s favor of the 21st. General Greenes letter so strongly points out the increasing danger to the Southern States, and the detachment of the pennsylvania Line to their succour makes such an alteration in our prospects here, that different dispositions, from those originally intended, are become adviseable. On this principle, I beg leave to suggest to...
After the most deliberate review of the arguments for and against my acceptance of the Chair in the University, which has been lately offered to me, I still retain the opinion, with which I left Monticello, and must decline the invitation. It is not without great reluctance that I determine on a course in anywise thwarting your views, touching an institution, in which you have taken so warm an...
Letter not found: from William Price, 15 Nov. 1799. On 20 Nov. GW wrote Price that his “favour of the 15th instant” had come “duly to hand.”
Among the numerous applicants who trespass upon your time, the writer of this craves leave to draw your attention, for a few moments to an object of some importance. Your Excellency’s profound knowledge of the sciences and your known good will towards the cultivators of them, embolden me to make the advances. The U.S. of America now flourishing under the happy auspices of your Excellency’s...
I received, at Norristown, while attending a County Court, your favor of the 25 th: ult: with an enclosure for Old-school, which is already delivered to him. He is thankful for it, as well as for the translation of Bulow, which you will perceive he has begun to publish. The concluding sentence of the Editor’s introduction will excite your smile, as being the first instance, wherein he has...
Letter of June 18th. from Secy. of W. to Genl. Izard referred in that of   from latter to former, omitted in the correspondence sent to J. M. ______ Secy. of War informs Izard that it is the determination Navy Dept not to increase McDonaugh’s force. That determination is to increase. ______ Genl. Harrison’s letter of Mar. 20. 1814 promises by next mail a Sketch of each of the Tribes on...
I have received your letter of the twenty fourth instant ultimo, and am glad happy to find that the appointment of Col. Ogden as Deputy Quarter Master General is agreeable to you. In mentioning Captain Shaumberg as Brigade Quarter Master I did not advert to the provision of the law which disqualifies Officers of a higher grade than first Lieutenant for each post—The appointment, therefore,...