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Results 2641-2650 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
1 pair Candlesticks 1 Do Branch $27.50 2 Wine Glass Cooler & bottle Do 23.00 5 flour pots 2.00 Straw Carpeting 1.20 General Washington smal 0.70 $54.40 Recd. pay for J Adams MHi : Greenleaf Family Deposit.
Know all Men by these Presents, that I, John Quincy Adams, of Boston, in the County of Suffolk, Esquire, Co’executor with Josiah Quincy of said Boston, Esquire, of the last Will and Testament of John Adams, late of Quincy, in the County of Norfolk, deceased, have constituted and appointed Josiah Quincy, my Co Executor aforesaid, and do hereby constitute him and appoint him, my Attorney for the...
Know all Men by these Presents that I John Quincy Adams of Boston in the County of Suffolk, Esquire, in Consideration of the sum of one dollar paid me, by the said John Quincy Adams, and Josiah Quincy, Executors, of the last Will and Testament of John Adams, late of Quincy in the County of Norfolk, Doctor of Laws, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge, and for the fulfilment of the...
Your favour of the 7th Instant was duly received at the Same time that the packages addressed to the President came to his hands. Accept our thanks for this mark of attention, which was quite Seasonable and acceptable. Since I wrote you I have had an interview with Mr. Stoddard who made me a Small payment of Cash, much short of the sum I had demanded of him. When we meet in October, as you...
Know all Men by these Presents, that I John Quincy Adams of Boston in the County of Suffolk, Esquire, am held and firmly bound, in my individual capacity, to the said John Quincy Adams, and Josiah Quincy also of said Boston, Esquire, Executors of the Last Will and Testament of John Adams, late of Quincy in the County of Norfolk, Doctor of Laws, deceased, in the sum of forty four two thousand...
Whereas, John Adams late of Quincy in the County of Norfolk, Doctor of Laws, deceased, did by his last Will and Testament, order, that with certain exceptions, fully set forth in the said Will, all the rest and residue of his Estate, Real personal and mixed should be sold by his Executors. And whereas the said John Adams, did by his said last Will and Testament constitute and appoint his Son...
I take the liberty of proposing to you as a candidate for the office of District Judge for the Southern District become vacant by the death of Judge Van Ness. Saml. R. Betts one of the circuit Judges, in this State. Mr. Betts is well known, as a professional man, I am told to Mr Webster & Judge Storys in his politics he has always been of the party opposed to Mr. Clinton; on the Bench he is...
I have been favored with so many communications from you, that I should take to myself much reproach for not acknowledging them, if I had not apprized you of the one-sided correspondence in which your kindness would involve you. Your last letter was of Aug. 10. from Vera Cruz. That accompanied by the Wax likeness of Iturbide was recd. in due time; as were several others, with one of which came...
The following remarks relative to the Military School proposed at the University are respectfully submitted for your consideration. With respect to the System of Tacticks used in conveying instruction to the students, I am of opinion that the system now generally used in the U. States Army had better be adopted in order to ensure uniformity throughout the union. Of its correctness and order no...
Salt-Marsh— Acres— Qurs Rods Adams—Elihu to John Adams. 30. March 1772 3. Crosby—Joseph to John Adams 3. Augt. 1772 6. Crosby—Joseph to John Adams 27. Octr. 1779 5. 2. Bass—Samuel to John Adams 13. Jany 1789. 7. 2 French—Moses to John Adams 17. Novr 1792