Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Jean-Baptiste Le Roy, 5 December 1777

From Jean-Baptiste Le Roy

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Paris, December Friday the 5th [1777]

My Dear friend

Pray be so good to lett me know whether or no you have received authentical News last Tuesday from america or any news at all talking of a battle between Genel. Washington and Genl. Howe. A Gentleman told me yesterday that a friend of his homme digne de foi told him that being at Passy two Days ago he was by you when you received News from america of a battle and that your good Heart and natural feelings made you weep on hearing of so many persons Slained. But notwithstanding that gentleman’s being homme digne de foi I doubt much of that piece of news but as great many People know here my Connexions with you of which I ame Proud they teaze me with questions about those News from america.3 Pray then be so obliging as to lett me have a word about it. I ame Sure Mr. Franklin your grand-son will be so kind, as to do it for me, as to avoid you the trouble of writing. Accept my Dear friend of my best compliments.

John Le Roy

Addressed: To / The Honourable Dr Franklin / at Passy

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

3The actual good news had clearly not reached him. His informant was undoubtedly referring to the same battle that Chaumont had earlier reported; see our note on BF’s notes above for a dispatch, before Nov. 28. The Courier de l’Europe of Dec. 2 carried an unconfirmed announcement of two engagements, with heavy American losses, that had preceded the fall of Philadelphia.

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